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Posts posted by clayboy54

  1. I remember back when Jack Kemp went down for the season during camp. That was a bad year for injuries, alright. By the time it was all over, we had Ed Rutkowski as QB.


    The moral of the story is that either:


    1. JP Losman will be a heluva politician.




    2. This is not a big deal compared to the past.

  2. Why is this team so snakebit? 



    The Buffalo inferiority complex is promulgated by statements just like yours. You see, its a self fulfilling prophecy. "Just our luck" they say, and that's just the luck they get. Its always something, if you think about it. The Mayor, the taxes, the crime, the waterfront, the Bills... et al. "Poor, poor me."


    Take a look around you. Then, get a grip.


    The Dolphins... now they're snakebit!

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