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Mr Info

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Posts posted by Mr Info

  1. the typical american diet is high in sugar and carbohydrates.  For example.  Eating a stake with some salad with no dressing is not fattening especially if it is lean, but eating a burger with mayo and 3 glasses of soft drink and fries is fattening. 


    I'm not in the mood of looking up medical facts but i've been to nutriotionists and personal trainers as well as i've done my own research.  All of them consult to have large amounts of proteins in small portions.  The only risk is not to consume more protein than amount of body weight (this is if you have a regular resistance training program). 


    When i workout regularly, i usually eat tuna two times a day as well as other lean meats and I usually shed off the fat quickly as well as build more muscle.  The only difficulty I have is I work and go to school far from home so I often eat out and I notice the difference right away of the sh-- foods im eating.



    I don't know but it seems this article as well as a bunch of others somewhat contradict your claims and that of your sources.


    Correctly balancing protein & carbs

    I eat a high-carb, low sugar, low protein diet and work out constantly. The important aspect is that I only eat complex carbs (low glycemic index). Low glycemic food is especially helpful in assisting those who want to lose weight. Low glycemic index foods will increase the sugar levels in the body to sustain energy levels for longer periods of time. I am not trying to lose weight as I am about as lean as I can be. But it provides a good deal of energy to me even when I am unable to eat for a while. Though everyone is somewhat different in their metabolism and you are correct about the high sugar aspect of the typical American diet, this type of eating regime helps maintain weight loss. Besides the high-calorie meals that we enjoy, the other killers (no pun) are snacks and desserts. Going out to eat is always a challenge but every place has some kind of salad or fish.

  2. On average, a healthy person needs to eat foods rich in protein 3 times a day.  Eating it only once isn't enough especially for weight loss.



    Please post a link to medical facts regarding this. The WHO, DHSS, NACNE, and others recommend eating 11-20% of total daily calories. Toward the higher end if one is an athlete. To me, that does not qualify as "rich in protein". The typical American diet is higher than this amount (as well as fats) but that's why a majority of the population is overweight.

  3. This might relate to the belief Walt has special powers ie the ability to conjur an Australian bird after looking at a book and the belief he conjured a polar bear after looking at Hugo's comic book.



    I could see where one of the storylines could be headed:

    The Others trying to use Walt to develop his special powers to conjur them off the island. Maybe Walt recognizes these developing powers and instead gets him back with Micheal and the rest of the flight and then conjurs them all off the island and blows off the Others. Many ways this could go.

  4. it's freaking $420



    I live out-of-the-area (500 miles away) so my real cost is actually quite a bit more than that. This is a legitimate question - several years of futility and the biggest season ticket holder base this past season since the early 90s. Are people going to return based on what has transpired in the last couple of weeks?

  5. Whatever is on-sale at the supermarket....but no flavors.



    Beings its winter, I spend much time inside, and drink more coffee.  I have been to the specialty coffee shops to purchase various blends , but have so far found them to be just alright nothing that is really special.

    What coffee do folks who brew it use, and if you had opportunity which would you select.

    So far Hazelnut- Vanilla coffee tastes the nicest , but is more a dinner coffee than a daytime .


  6. i decided in june to quit this life, i had enough with this life, the major problem here in france is that the major job place is paris and there is no where else.



    I have a few friends and family members that work at Michelin headquarters in Clermont-Ferrand in the center of France. Maybe that area does not have the other activities that interest you.

  7. you ask anyone from Syracuse, Rochester & Buffalo what they miss most about thier respective home towns and I bet they will be very similar in answers.  In no particular order:  Neighborhood/Corner Bars, Bakeries, Butcher Shops, Wegmans, Hot Dogs.  I know those are my biggest voids here in Richmond.



    Depends where you live in the Richmond area. I can walk to a bakery, a few bars and restaurants, and a butcher. But, I see your point. I purposely chose to live somewhere in this area that was similar to what I remembered. It is possible to find it, it just takes a lot of searching.

  8. I certainly hope he was misquoted but in McKissic's column in the Buff News, there is this:


    "We've got to slow them down (and) we do," Mularkey said. "We have a penalty. It allows them to keep going. We have a tipped ball, guys are around it, touchdown. Instead of getting out of there with a positive, we end up not finishing the drive. I think those type of plays, they take the sail out of your wind a little bit and that's the most frustrating part."


    Hank's was ''took the sails out of our wind.'' but it's close enough.

  9. After watching this episode a few weeks ago (and laughing out loud when I heard this dialogue), I finally got around to re-viewing my Tivo copy.

    No background is necessary if you have not seen the show as the words are enough:


    Christian: A pre-nup?


    Kimber: It's a fidelity pre-nup. I had my lawyers draw it up. [pause] It states that after the wedding we agree on two things, OK, no more porn for me and no more affairs for you. [pause] I'm still a businesswoman with assets you know - I've got a reputation to protect.


    [Pause as Christian reads the pre-nup]


    Kimber: [breaking in and pointing to a page] Don't worry, there's a clause in there that still allows for threesomes.


    Geez...what a gal. BTW - Kimber (Kelly Carlson) pics

  10. Bingo!!! A winner!! Of course, investing in a REIT is somewhat along the same lines.


    A former professor of mine (Bruce Smith) who is now a financial consultant for a country in the west (which i don't remember the name) once told me that by the time a public company makes an announcement about their company, that investors have already adjusted the market price due to the fact that even though it is highly regulated, there is a lot of insider trading.  Therefore I put this theory to a test and realized that yes, when a firm makes an announcement, most of the time the price has already been adjusted for this "shock".  Imho, stocks are dangerous and picking a good combination of stocks is as risky as gambling.  I have never invested as i havent finished school yet but I think the best place to put your money in is real estate.


  11. I am partial to Ashland (not the area near I-95). Neat historic, small town with its own mayor and council where you can have a say, if you desire, in how your local affairs are governed. We have kids and can walk to the parks, pool, store, library, shops, etc. There is a college Randolph-Macon, in town, and we can walk to their cultural events as well as their sports (football, basketball, etc.). We also like the Fan and similar-type areas in Richmond but they may not be the best spot to raise kids. Overall, we like the prospect of living somewhere were you do not have to get in a car and drive to wherever you want/need to go. That is why the Fan, Ashland, etc. areas appeal to us. Lots of commercial development planned for the west end of Richmond so investigate wherever you look. Plenzmd1 lives in a nice area in the West End and Chesterfield is highly rated, too. Depends what interests you, what you want, and what you can afford but you can probably find all three somewhere in the area. If you are considering anywhere that is somewhat undeveloped, make sure to view the county's 5 or 10 year plan. The plot or house you buy may be next to a mall or a highway within some future time frame.

    You can PM me, I have been here awhile and lived in all three counties and the city of Richmond and can give you a pro/con on all of them.

  12. Oh. And....


    It might behoove everyone to remember that these first 6 weeks of the season comprise about two days on the island. Wouldn't be surprised if the whole season only takes up a couple-few weeks in island time. Don't make the mistake of applying real-time.




    David Lindelof, co-creator of Lost, states in an interview that season 2 covers 45-50 days, the same as season 1.


    Lindelof interview by SBC

  13. IMO - Shannon's gone and she's not coming back. I think the spoiler FergsKU refers may be paraphrased and it refers to her getting offed.


    WTF happened to Desmond? He did not just run away...he went somewhere to do something....this has to return at some point.


    I also re-watched the episode of the initiation video in the hatch. That video is chopped up and does not flow as a produced video should. Looks to me like it has been edited. Perhaps there is a complete copy in the hatch yet to be found.

  14. OK, might be able to do it but I have to get out of some other stuff (read - house work) I told the wifey I would do as I will not be doing it after the game.


    If we stopped by, it would be without my sons as they are gone with relatives this weekend.


    Is your yard big enough for a football game? Seems like there are almost enough for people for a 3-on-3.

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