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Posts posted by B-Large

  1. 8 minutes ago, No_Matter_What said:

    No offense, but did you actually watch the game? The other guy is just as good. They are 1A and 1B in whatever order and after them its not close.

    KC’s window is now and closing, the Bills are just entering theirs…. We’ll get ours… 

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  2. My inclination is the Bills will win a Super Bowl when Josh Allen isn't expected to carry the team in a big way.  This season is a step in the right direction with the emergence of a consistent running game and a very solid defense.  Let hope Allen is plays well, but doesn't have to press all the time, and the rest of the team fills in.  


    Keep in mind, while it would be annoying to lose this weekend and fall short... Josh Allen is going to be here for a few windows on Championship contending teams... chances are he'll get there, just have to be patient if it doesn't happen this year.


    That being said, I think the ups and downs of this season has readied this team to make a push.  Feel good about this weekend...

  3. Broncos have essentially signaled they are looking to the future.  Melvin  Gordon could be had, has shown some great burst and quickness this season… 


    Broncos need to begin piling picks, offer something for Gordon- 4-7’s might not make our roster anyway…


    he could help this team 

  4. Miller wouldn’t be signed by Denver next season so getting 2 picks for him is the best move.


    Denver’s defense scheme had Miller in coverage quite a bit- he’s best when rushing the passer.  Let him go play somewhere where he gets to do what made him a SB MVP.

    he will be what Demarcus Ware was for the Broncos 5 years ago… tail end of his career, but plenty to contribute to an elite defense.


    Denver is thinking QB 2023 draft, Paton is playing the long game.  

    Melvin Gordon might be a guy the Bills should inquire about.  I think he could be had and could be a nice addition. 



  5. 15 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    Their defense was consistently great all game.  

    Our defense was elite for a half, and meh for a half.  

    They forced a fumble for good starting field position.  We received the benefit of a shanked punt. 

    End result, both defenses gave up 16 points.  

    A blocked punt for a TD was the difference.   That can’t happen in the NFL.  Especially not on a team with such an insistence on special teams personnel focus.  

    We all have worries and complaints about the Offense… OL, Allen, playcalling etc.  


    End of the day.  A special teams play won the game, and they were more focused, played with more intensity and Tomlin had them ready to play against a team that’s beat them twice in a row.  

    We looked like we just expected to win.  

    we expected Josh to throw 50 times and be the bulk of the run game.  That’s probably a loss against the best teams, and a banged up QB later in the season. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    In a nutshell, the Steelers defense rattled the Bills. Chalk it up to whatever you wish: Allen getting limited time in preseason, Dawkins getting COVID, Diggs not being 100%. The bottom line is the Steelers smothered the Bills offense. They were never fooled and never out of position. They closed plays like a guided missile. It was a punch in the mouth that should tell us we ain't all that we think we are.

    it was like watching the same team that played the Chiefs to close out the year last season.  Except the Chiefs have a superior offense to the Steelers.  


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  7. A gritty battle that was pretty much decided by a special team blunder.  The officiating was a bit lopsided, and while that isn’t an excuse, unfortunately it often saps momentum and rhythm.  I think it was just enough to slow down a very talented Bills offense.

    seems like a lot of people expected star wars from Allen and his offense.  Against the Queefs, Squeelers and other top tier teams, the Bills offense will have to be patient and systematic to win these tight games.  A yard or two better placed and a few of those long throws are pay dirt and we’re all talking super bowl again.


    Contenders lose their first games sometimes, it happens.  A whole week to prepare to go pound Miami and get back on track.  Wouldn’t read to much into Sunday… clean up your game and move on to the next.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Capco said:

    I think this outcome was a combination of two interdependent factors:


    1) The coaches called the game aggressively because they trusted that Allen could turn it on at any minute. 

    2) Allen played a subpar game. 

    The coaching staff refused to make the necessary adjustments in light of Allen’s play. They kept calling an aggressive game and putting it on Allen’s shoulders when the correct thing to do was start playing more conservatively after the 1st half.


    That, in turn, did not help Allen. Some I formation sets with runs and play action was the correct adjustment. Instead, they kept going 5 wide and running QB draws, playing into the Steelers’ strengths.


    Overall, I think coaching adjustments are easier to implement as opposed to not adjusting to how your QB is playing and expecting him to ball out.

    nor should it all fall on his shoulders. There are games when he has to be Superman, and that’s okay… but if they think week in week out that’s the plan, he gonna get killed.


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