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Posts posted by B-Large

  1. And here the BBMB conservatives thought they were the only ones to hop on the refugee boat....


    Turns out ol' Lar and was creeping Max Cady-style while you were drinking your snifters of brandy laughing at the poor and unfortunate.


    To new people: Hi, I'm Larry. Badger thinks I'm full of ****, Oxie goes back and forth but generally thinks I'm hope less, Koko sometimes gets mad at me but is a good guy, Buffeast (Headwest?) doesn't hate me (I don't think) and B-Large is my moderate friend.


    I'm a liberal....very much so. But its rare that you'll see me float the idea that all conservatives/teapartiers/white people are racists. I give everyone their chance to speak their mind, I'm just not shy when it comes to disagreeing and arguing for my liberal points.


    Pleasure to meet you all....this will be fun. Thanks mods for approval.


    Ruh Roh..... Look who made it to the party....... Does Bob know we got shut down? The MF dropped some cold hard data.....


    Lol, somehow I've escaped infractions. I suppose when someone is correct it's difficult to punish them.


    It's really hard to punish winning... Really hard

  2. 1. Health care COSTS(forget insurance premiums, that is effect), are going up. If you don't understand that health care costs are the cause, and rising premiums are the effect of that, then GTFO out of my thread....unless you can prove that insurance is in fact contributing to health care COST*. That would actually be interesting. In any event, what are the root causes for the heath care costs increasing? (*Sorry about the disclaimer, but we have to account for the idiots)


    2. Tuition COSTS, NOT student loan interest, are going up. What are the root causes of this? It would also be interesting if somebody could make the case for a cause/effect flip on this one.


    It seems to me that its a waste of time to talk in terms of Political Solution A or B that deals with managing the effects, if we haven't put any serious thought into dealing with the cause. Never mind about the symptoms, what about the disease? And, are there any insights into the treatments of the "symptoms" actually contributing to the "disease" of these abnormally rising costs?


    I'm just saying: there's no way in hell my parent's student loans were anywhere near the same debt commitment, $ for $, as what kids are being asked to deal with now. And, there's no way Medicare was outlaying cash for their parents the way it is now. This is out of hand, and a reasonable 18 year old has a reasonable B word about incurring 100k in debt before they even buy a house.


    What's it going to be like 10 years from now? Why aren't we killing the disease? Or, how many limbs are we going to hack off to save the body?


    New therapies that make people live longer, are the primary reason healthcare cost rise.. More people, longer living, expense RD.... You insurance premiums go up as a combo of what was stated above, and 10 percent f the US shifts there care csts on to paying citizens.


    tuition costs going up? Goverments strategy of cheap expanded credit gives school no reason to cut costs... And with more students in schools, capital expansion also contributes.

  3. That's just a nasty rumor.


    I never had more than one full-auto in the bunch...and most of them were lost in that unfortunate boating accident in November of '08...


    Maybe it was Steve White... That cat was hoarding ammo, gold and ammunition.... I think he finally cut bait and retreated to his fort.... One day, boom up and gone

  4. I had assumed that you were referring to other parts of the site when you asked about religious topics. If you were wondering just about this section, then my answer changes to "go for it". This is the wild west section of the site and just about anything goes in here. Except of course for the physical violence stuff; it might get you banned, but it also might encourage Alaska Darin to stop by your house and stomp you into a bloody pile of viscous goo.


    It was like eggshells.... I don't intend to incite just to incite, but nothing better than a good theological throw down..... As far as Darrin, I will give him my best, the best a mild tempered 6 foot 2 white guy can manage.... But if I remember correctly, I would refrain from showing on guys like Badger... I think has his own armory.....


    I would assume driving people to suicide. Oh wait.....that didn't work either.


    And if you're considering it we have only one request.






    Just turned 50 this year. And hating people is not something new.


    I have a soft spot for people who can commit.. Whether it be work, contempt for other people.... You have to be good at something.... And by soft spot, I don't mean unhetero....


    Well, the sure clears up that gray area.... So what exactly gets someone infracted here..... Direct physical violence?


    No, I'm not that kid of old. The kind of old where I really don't give a **** about most people anymore.


    So you're about mid-thirties... I have no patience for people in general, especially new ones... But I will not let you down, I have kind of useless garbage to share here , and plenty of time to waste.

  6. Hey all, the Mods over at Bills.com have closed the Politics forum, so there may be a lot of new posters here from over there. Let me/us know who you are!


    Looking forward to debating Politics with a new group of posters.



    B-Large..... Still B-Large..... Finally, Cody!


    What the !@#$. So now I have to memorize all the new personalities and figure out what "side" they're on? I'm too old for that.


    I have a nice list of nursing homes if you need them... They can help the elders with new tasks... They say it's good to keep the mind fresh in old age..... :w00t:

  7. When in doubt, post it here. If the dic-, err I mean Moderators deem the thread safe and worthy it will be moved from TSW Purgatory to Off The Wall


    Got it... In God we Trust discussion ruffled feathers in other places.... Shocker there was heated discussion over it....


    Religion doesn't seem to lead to the kind of ongoing vicious exchanges that two-party politics usually does so there's never really been a need to step on that branch of debate. But yeah, if it starts to turn into some guys yelling about theocracy or the legislation of morality, it would probably be frowned upon.

    And don't worry about the mods, we're a pretty benign group until a guy becomes a regular repeat offender after being asked to knock it off a couple times. You have to make a pretty concerted effort to get in trouble around here, and if you do then it's not really a problem because you've just gotten exactly what you wanted anyways. :D


    Thanks.. Feel like that blind guy at the orgy, I gotta feel it out a bit here....


    Hey everyone. Happy to be here!




    Starting with the "feel good" olive branch.... Nice :thumbsup:


    Finally was approved! Looking forward to getting into some great pissing matches with you guys and gals! B-)


    Ata boy


    im in as well ...



    im the .... well i was the resident conspiracy theorist ... also i have limited patience for drive by posters. you know those spinless dweebs that think they are smart with the one liners then have nothing else to say once you corner them ... yeah ... i hate them types.


    Maybe those driver by clowns were just posting from mobile device?


    Well...maybe there won't be the influx we thought.


    It seems that a number of the posters there have tried to sign up but gotten no validation response from the mods...


    Don't worry guys...there was no threatening bodily harm or anything...hell, most think I was one of the worst just for commenting that a few of the resident libs were wastes of oxygen...


    Oh, but they were..... Or were they? So was Dennis a Mod?

  8. Simon: Janitor and all-around jackass


    As the resident wet blanket, it's probably my responsibility to tell all the FNG's that one of our rules is that all the politics stay on the politics board. Hammer on each other all you want in here but taking your political commentary to other parts of this site is a sure-fire way to get an all-around jackass up in your grill. :bag:


    Understood.... Are religious topics out of bounds? Often they intertwine.... Don't want a run in with one of those all-around's you speak of....


    Yes, unlike the US, where the Fed would never deign to encroach on state's rights.




    Nope, just dics.......


    Dics who don't hate freedom...I hope

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