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robert cohen

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Posts posted by robert cohen

  1. I don't know if Fitz is hurt or what, but he can't throw like that anymore. Those days are gone. Admit it people, we franchised a "dud" in Fitzpatrick. We might as well have Jamarcus Russell out there breaking huddles. Same effect. No accuracy. Perpetual three-and-outs with no points on the board. We need a way out of this Fitz situation real bad.

    he never could throw.. when he had evans and T/o they were weapons.. and gets who could get seperation and early this yr no one pressed our WR;s at line.. our WR's arent physical enough and outside of stevie and probably nelson have trouble making catches in traffic.. but no one believes we can beat them down field there once we "exposed" defending our O isnt rocket science.beat up and stop freddy, get a lead and play tight coverage.. in tight coverage fitzy will make enough bad passes to get picked once or twice cuz of his accuracy and the lack of a big play threat who jones never has a valid one, we cant scare anyone.

  2. all fitz has proven over his body of work and prior yrs is hes now a savvy vet.. that is smart and is like having an offensive co-ordinator on field. he is a great #2 an average starter who would be perfect if we drafted a super talented kid that slips, who he can tutor and have the kid sit for a yr or whenever he's ready.. look at rodgers.. went from probably first overall to late 1st and GB snagged him.. We have already won too many games to get luck and barkley and probably jones.. not that i think jones will be great in NFL.. i like keenum.. probably will last till 2-3 rd round and plays in a spread and has started a slew of games ( which nix likes) and doesnt have the pressure of a 1st round QB to produce right away.

  3. The key word out of all you said was the defendors were "behind" Fred... Fred IS a natural talent... Don't go writing him off cuz he went to IR... I hate when Bills fans forget who helped get them the wins in the 1st place... Go Fred and Go Bills

    to play devils advocate... we all know our FO is cheap.. that wont change... u know that, i know that.. Why invest in a 30 yr old RB when u may have his replacement in place... u need 2 rb's to win in this league... and CJ is not the right compliment to jackson.. Cj needs to be on the field to make plays... he needs to be spelled by a bruising type back that can get the tough yards between the tackles like a marion barber type... plenty of guys like that in free agency is filled with veteran rb's that can pick up blitz and spell guys here and there.. IF and thats a big IF spiller can prove to management hes a real asset which he certainly has the "talent".. save the big money u were gonna spend of freddy and give it to Stevie and another top WR... u kill 2 birds with 1 stone... we need WR;s to set up the run and this is a shotgun passed based offense that gailey runs.. lots of draws, screens, swing passes.. this is right up spiller's alley.. this is the right system for him.. as much as i LOVE freddy, the guy is a beast... we are 2 yrs away away from being a contender, by then freddy will have 2 more yrs of bumps and bruises and will be a 32-33 yr old rb... i know he didnt play in nfl for a few yrs, and had to give 11)0% to even get noticed based on his lack of a prior resume of coe, arena league and nfl europe.. granted he didnt get hit by NFL D's but he still got hit by big dudes... Football is still a bizz, and sometimes u have to think down the road a little bit.

    this can easily moot point after the next few weeks.. but i have a feeling spiller is gonna show us enough to at least make the front office think twice b4 handing out huge $$ to a 30 yr old back.. no matter how well hes played. the numbers dont lie... how many RB's nowadays have had signicant sucess in their 30's? there arent many. Get us WR's and a D and a little depth on oline cuz when our oline is healthy, its really not that bad... but we lack yr in yr out depth.. guys are gonna go down on oline.. EVERY team has a linemen go down here and there.. how can they not? these guys are killers out there and are smashing heads play in, play out against big boys, and getting their legs rolled up on. a good oline is 7-8 deep... and having ur backups be guys that are versatile.. i remember reading a prior post about losing hangman... he really was a big loss... not levitre fault last week.. the guy has played like all pro this given the situation hes been put in. 3 changes of position. let him go back to where hes a stud at guard! hangman would be a much nicer and cheaper investment that our "splash in free agency.. brad smith... smith can earn a cool million for every catch he has this yr!

  4. Welcome to the board!


    1) You had $500K to lose by the time you were 27 years old? Wow.


    2) In terms of the style critique you got, take it as constructive criticism (e.g., use para breaks). My personal rule of thumb is not to post more than 4-5 sentences in a single post.

    moved to s.fla from montreal canada to open my own high end eyewear business in boca raton... ppl drop big dough here! but everyone is totally nuts.. doubtful ever get married again, i live the life of a king now that im single!


    I'll start by saying welcome again but i do not agree with you on one thing you said - Rob Johnson was the biggest waste of money this team has ever spent hands down !! I did a post on the all moron team & i don't know how i forgot that guy the only thing that kept him from being thrown in jail was that he didn't bring a gun to his contract signing .


    If he would have at least we would have been able to get some kind of satisfaction in knowing that he would have had to go to jail for all the money he stole from the Bills .


    Enough of my rambling !! I hope CJ shows us all what he showed in college that made him in the eyes of the draft guru's the best back in that draft , the only thing with that is , is if he does Fred is doomed as far as getting a new contract because then in the Bills eyes he will become more expendable & i for one think he deserves a pay day !!


    I just wish Gailey would have used CJ more than kind of running Fred into the ground even though Fred is an animal he could have split it up more & just maybe we wouldn't have lost him for the season & CJ would have gotten more experience up to this point which now with what has happened wouldn't have been as big of a shock to all involved !!


    GO BILLS !!!!!!!!!!

    r u kidding? rob johnson had tons of "talent" but ZERO heart and brains.. ive go to 2-3 games a yr, and happen to know quite a few retired players that migrated down south and i ALWAYS talk football with them and they said johnson was the most physcially gifted QB we have had since jimbo.. he was tall, athletic and a cannon for an arm but seemed like the dude was scared to break a nail or get dirty.. u take his body and give him fitz brain u have a pro bowl QB. problem is, it seems more often than not , the lesser talent qb's dont mental skills to win (mcnabb, vick, and even favre for that matter.. all those good teams and only 1 ring..) u put the red practice jersey on RJ in practice and the guy looked like a pro bowler, but in a game situation.. like a 8 yr old girl..

  5. if CJ does well, let freddy walk.. CJ "fits" bills O better if he's real deal... now we have a chance to see if he is real deal or not.. if not we pay big bucks to keep jackson, if he is , we wont need to pay jackson and have him as trade bait cuz he is still young enough to take a team missing a legit tailback.. we should re sign stevie, even though hes not a true #1 but can be a top flight 2. why not sign another top flight 2 WR.. id rather have that than 1 stud WR that teams have to double team all day and have no else else to throw to. Nelson has proven hes a great slot guy but nothing more... still, a great pick up as un drafted rookie! imagine stevie, another solid 2 WR and nelson , not to mention chandler who really impressed me last game with his hands.. the guy needs to the ball , but 10 yards down field.. hes 2 slow to get extra yards but a huge redzone target and should break season record for us for a TE. and either spiller or jackson, cant afford both if spiller shines and if he doesnt , we spend on freddie. freddy wont be cheap.. if spiller proves to be worth the 1st round pick, even a 2nd for that matter he suits gaileys offense just as well. we spend the money we save on him and spend the 7-8 million freddy will cost us on a stud WR. ive never seen a team lack a big play threat than us. we shouldnt make the same mistake and pay jackson now, as the right business decision for the franchise.. see how spiller does cuz im fine with fitz for next yr or 2, but hes not the answer. hes a solid stop gap and can keep us a 500. team till we draft a true QB. draft a keenum type QB who we wont be pressured to throw in mix for yr or 2 unlike a 1st round QB who once u start losing they wanna see him.. this yrs crop of QB's is soooo deep. outside of cam, top 5 qb's this yr and better than the other 1st rounders..


    and to other guy: sorry, i was trying joking around about how much i wanted to see game and they had to pay off hotel bar to play a bills game rather than "game of day".. it was meant to be a joke, didnt mean to offend u about the dollar figure and ur right i will keep it just to football.


    btw: if anyone in s. fla needs a place to see the game, any bills fan is welcome at my pad in boca raton.

  6. firstly, i'd like to wish all you fellow Bills fans a happy turkey day and looking forward to a great slate of games on thanksgiving.. i dont remember the last times 2/3 games actually being the marquee games of the week! i live in boca raton fla and have been reading this page for years but never posted cuz i know i will be completely addicted!! but i had to post this.. im 31 and havent missed 1 game in 20 years.. for my wedding that my in laws dropped 200k on my ONLY request for the wedding as it being a jewish wedding and we have weddings on sunday, was having it start at 5pm and they make sure the bar in hotel in palm beach PLAYED that game.. i still remember what a debacle it was.. october 22nd 2006 and losman just gets destroyed vs pats.. maybe i should have realized that was a sign to not get married cuz i got divorced a yr later after she stole a half a milion dollars from me ! lol

    ok now to business....

    say what u want about gailey, but look at whats he TRULY got on O... a "journeyman QB" who has only made headlines cuz for the first 6 games gailey was able to MAKE him a pro bowl QB.. those 2-5 yard passes and all those screens to jackson worked cuz teams respectful us on O even though he had the SAME lack of a deep game we have now.. jones' hands are awful and doesnt have the skill to win jump balls or true blazing speed to just outrun a 1-1 coverage down field... we have no weapons... gailey's offensive schemes are really based on getting guys into one of matchups and getting it to guy in space.. teams know fitz is "Smart" as mentioned 10 times on every telecast but he is high, or low far too often and cant sustain drives cuz he misses the one key pass more than he makes it.. gaileys O maintally is a finesse speed based system.. it can only work with a legit downfield threat and losing evans was huge... say what u want about the guy, lost a step with i agree with, but the guy has enough career bomb catches for teams to have to account for him.. decoy or not, the threat was there... it keeps a D honest... it was only a matter of time b4 teams learned how to stop us.. dont give us space cuz fitz comp% was only high at start cuz of mostly short throws... i wish more than anything gailey had the right TOOLS as in playmakers to make it work, but as a coach on a "cheap" team, u can only do so much with what u got.. not to mention gailey being able to hide our problems on oline with all those 1 second throws.. teams know how to stop this and KNOW we cant beat them down the field.. on to nix... KNOWING the coach u hired.. play to his strengths.. hes a creative offensive mind that has been able to make unorthodox QB's successful.. give this guy a REAL qb who is mobile... i wanted Cam so damn bad cuz u give gailey a toy like cam he would make it work... we all know Edwards needs to go and we have his replacement on staff so at least ralph can get away cheap on that one and have a the statche be in control of D and linebackers rather than having 2 seperate coaches! i think if they can get the right system QB from college in rounds 2-3 , and have him sit behind fitz for a yr or 2 cuz fitz is essentially an offensive co-ordinator cuz he has zero talent and makes plays cuz he knows how to read defenses. get him a kid like keenum who doesnt fit a "true" base offense.. we pretty much play a college spread type offense.. why not get a kid that posted madden type numbers in that offense.. we need a deep threat more than anything... get the best damn wideout we can in 1st or 2nd.. there are a lot of Wr's this yr and spend "f"ing money on D.. much easier to make an offense work with young fast players and a veteran D... sign free agents BUDDY BOY on D... we need real D players and we have a few, and a few god young ones in shepp and dareus and williams who are guys that can be assets to us long term... rookie CB;s tend to struggle, even peterson who was considered to possibly be #1 overall is getting picked on regularly and been making most of his noise of sp. teams.. i think nix should take a long nap on draft day and let the stache and gailey pick their own toys cuz they are the ones that have to use them... nix should focus of free agency and get us another olinemen, some depth and either a real WR via free agency or draft... im actually happy to finally see what Spiller can do.. at least he will now be given a real shot at showing if hes a bust or not and has more than a game to do so... its gonna be him the rest of the way and i think deep down, he "suits" gailey's offense better cuz with fitz, we know we are gonna have more 3-outs than most teams, hopefully spiller has learned from freddy how to pick holes cuz talent wise , he blows him away but jackson is all heart and runs with anger... watching spiller get stuffed at the goaline last week was purely a lack of heart... that hole they gave him was larger than Kim Kardashian's hole after getting gang banged by every nfl'er and nba'er out there! he saw the hole and was "walking" in then at last second he spotted a guy and realized he'd have to actually try and get in and couldnt get that push that jackson would have been able to punch in.. now that he;s feature back and knows O will be based around him, cuz they pretty much have no choice cuz next thing u know buddy nix is gonna have to lineup at WR due to all injuries there.. this kid is lightning, i saw almost every clemson game yr better and thought he was the next chris johnson but one thing a RB needs that i hope spiller has cuz johnson surely doesnt is HEART... he has shown very little heart in past yr and half but its gotta be frustrating getting picked top 10, 1st RB and not being able to play... this guys are all premadonnas, we know that and freddy just outworks every body... i wish u could put freddy's heart inwith spiller talent or even fitz brain in jp losman body! we have had 2 VERY talented qb's here but the problem was all they had was talent.. JP and rob Johnson.. u watch those guys warm up b4 games, they way they trow the ball is a thing of beauty.. but when they have a D in front of them trying to kill them, they get lost.. fitzy doesnt get lost.. he just cant make the big plays purely of talent cuz he just doesnt have tools... im excited to see CJ get the ball around 25 times this week and from here on out cuz im sure he can produce. some on those jackson runs when he finds a crease, and gets to 2nd level, Cj will break for td';s cuz of his speed not 20-30 yarders like freddy.. im just hoping hes learned enough by sitting on bench watching freddy and taking notes!

    Anyways, ive rambled enough! hopefully team will do right things (doubt it) in off season cuz we need some legit speed on O and vets on D..

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