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Posts posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. Forgive me if this has been covered on here before but does anyone know what kind of relationship these guys have? I assume its a good one because they both seem like good guys and teammates but I was just thinking about how crucial this is to the future of the franchise. I feel like this could be the best situation any team could hope for: scrappy, hard-working veteran who fought his way from the bottom to the top to be the leader and an insanely fast and talented young back that can learn from the vet. I mean this could be the start to a hall of fame type career for Spiller. But this only works if these guys have a good relationship. Like does CJ think "I was a top 10 pick so I should be the star RB on this team now" and does Freddie think that we shouldn't have drafted him in the first place? Or is it as I hope and they have a really solid mentor/mentee relationship?


    It's an impossibly unplausible impossibly impossibillity to possibly tell whether or not there good friends or not untill they're retired. You just can;t tell if there really "friends" or are lying to the camera to enhance there image. Can you say "Everybody's Fool"?

  2. Here are the next movies I will review for SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights. I won't say which of these films I enjoyed or not (Though you may already know) this is just a list of films I will review. Feel free to comment on which reviews you'll be most interested in seeing, as I will probably PM you the links. Well, here's the links!


    May 18th:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...The Wolfman


    May 19th:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...The Road to El Dorado


    May 25th:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...Dog Soldiers


    May 26th:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...Sucker Punch


    June 1st:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...The Devil Inside (Haven't seen it yet, but I'll see if I can by the time my reviews done. If not, I'll be reviewing The Last Exorcism)


    June 2nd:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...Let Me In


    June 8th:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...Freddy V.S Jason


    June 9th:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...The Princess and the Goblin


    June 15th:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...Rugrats in Paris!


    June 16th:

    SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights...The Wolf Man (1941)



    If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them here as well as feedback...Thanks so much!

  3. You must be confusing "League of Extraordinary Gentleman" with "Inland Empire" - The latter is a movie that many feel is stupid but in reality it's just very different and very creative. The former is dry, poorly acted and poorly produced. It's a shame, because the LEG concept is really cool.


    I disagree. Sean Connery was amazing in this movie, as was the guy who played Tom Sawyer (FYI, LOVED the concept of Tom as a badass American spy) I thought it was a brainless movie without being dumb, a lot of fun, and well acted.

  4. Plan 9 from Outer Space is ABSOLUTELY unwatchable. I've tried cause it has a cult status but it's horrible.


    1. Plan 9

    2. League of Extraordinary Gentleman

    3. The Jackal

    4. The Stuff

    5. Howard the Duck



    Movies that are supposed to be bad but that I enjoyed:


    1. Swept Away

    2. Waterworld

    3. The Postman


    I think I just like post-apocolyptic movies.


    League of Extrordinary Gentlemen is an amazing movie. Different, and stupid at times, but still a creative and pretty good movie. Much better then that abomination Van Helsing!

  5. I actually like "Paranormal Activity". Granted it does get tedious, but it was an effective chiller. I actually think the prequels are better, mostly because of the multiple cameras that are used, and overall it is a decent series.


    You are dead on about "Transformers 2". Why did they have to choose Michael Bay for this franchise?! :wallbash:


    Paranormal Activity was a terrible movie. The characters don't act the way normal scared people would. Why don't they just close the door when all the "scary" stuff is happening? Why don;t call the cops? Why? Why? WHY?!!!

  6. BWP was so boring I wanted to leave the theater. It's only interesting if you believe you're watching real footage that was uncovered. Once you know it's "acting" you're just watching a lost in the woods flick with bad acting, a sorry script, terrible dialogue, & shoddy camera work.


    The acting was amazing, and the camera work and script were perposfully poor so as to enhance the realism. The dialogue? Only what 3 campers lost in the woods with a man eating witch WOULD say, and im sorry if it didn't have any cheesy lines made only for the trailer live bullcrap like "Avatar" had.

  7. -Meet the Spartans

    -Epic Movie

    -Disaster Movie



    -Lawnmower Man


    Meet the Spartans, Epic Movie and Disaster Movie were some of the worst all time, and definitley the worst comedies. Not at all funny, or clever, just unbelievebly stupid. Seltzer and Friedberg are the worst thing to happen to filmmaking since Uwe Boll. However Daredevil was a fantastic comic book movie, and definitley one of the best comic book movies I've seen. MCD was fantastic as the Kingpin, the script was great for a superhero film, and Affleck was okay as Daredevil. I loved it, and I accept full responsibility for the bashing that my opinion will cause.Never seen It or Lawnmower man.

    I already added some, but here are some more.


    The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl


    Paranormal Activity

    Transformers 2

    Red Riding Hood.

  8. 20 pages and no mention of Batman & Robin? Wow. People have really short memories....Or you just like bat-nipples.

    Saw The Roommate today...I'm not gonna say WORST I've ever seen...But DEFINITLEY up there. Terrible acting, no scares whatsoever, (Or even chills) stupid characters. Big Fat Waste of Time. Bad Teacher should also be here. GOD is that movie terrible! It makes Cameron Diaz look bad and it makes Jason Segal look even WORSE! I didn;t even pay for it and I want my hour and a half back. I did not laugh ONCE!

  9. I got several autographs when I was a kid. George Steinbrenner was one. Some NY Giants players on another occassion; Harry Carson is the only one I remember.

    Howard Cosell was at one of my Little League games.

    Angela Lansbury sat next to me at a Broadway show.

    Met Robert Downey Jr in Bryant Park during the '92 DNC. Dozens of famous peoople at that event but he was the only one I met.

    Met Tim Raines and a few Expos in an elevator in San Juan back in the late 80s.

    Saw Forest Whitaker in an elevator a few years ago.


    Friends spot famous people in NYC all the time but I almost never recognize them on the street, other than Hulk Hogan and Miss Universe (she was wearing her sash).


    Im a HUGE Forest Whitaker fan! I would've climbed up the elevator shaft to meet him!

  10. I liked the Postman as well.


    I liked Waterworld up until the oil tanker got involved and I liked Battlefield Earth and the Postman. Bad list if you ask me.


    I loved Battlefield Earth. One of the funniest movies I've seen in my life. Just something mesmerizing about the awful dialogue, and Joh Travolta doing the worst acting of his entire career, which is really saying something. And how can you not burst into laughter over the hilariously unimpressive special effects? It is one of the most entertaining films I've seen in a while. Battlefield Earth is not "so bad it's good". It's so bad...It's a wonderful, wonderful masterpiece.

  11. No worst movie list is complete without "Be Kind, Rewind" starring Jack Black and Danny Glover. Absolute dog crap. The first and only time I've seriously considered getting up and walking out of the theater, but I kept holding out some glimmer of hope. Bad decision.


    Odd...Jack Black is usually pretty funny (YEAR ONE DID NOT HAPPEN!!), and Danny Glover's one of my fave actors. But, I'll trust your word and avoid it. Like I said, Year One is probably the worst JB film ever. Not funny, badly acted, badly written. Decent cast+executed poorly=TERRIBLE movie!

  12. Amen!


    That re-make was a complete and total offense to the original.


    Wicker Man might be a worse remake though...Then again...Thet could be a "so bad, it's good" kind of film. Coincedantally, the original is one of my Top 11 Movies I need to see. Pretty much every slasher remake apart from the Nightmare on Elm Street seems destined for failure. Overrall, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Eye, and the 1976 King Kong are the worst remakes ever made.

  13. The absolute worst movie is the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still. It was an absolute piece of crap. An insult to the original, which is a classic. I was pissed off for a day after I saw it.


    I'm getting mad again just thinking about it. Gort is friggin insects. Give me a break.


    Yeah, it's a freaking masterpiece of crap. DEFINITLEY one of the worstand most unnecesarry remakes ever made


    Never saw Hostel; Saw was mediocre.


    And people who claim to enjoy in any form Howard The Duck should not be tossing accusations of "dumbed down" so freely.


    Look, I never said HTD was a good movie. I just thought it was a funny movie, with an interesting albeit different concept. It's a bad movie, but I enjoyed it. Other bad movies I enjoyed include The Phantom, Legion and Dragonball: Evolution. Surely you have some guilty pleasures as well.

  14. That's one of my wife's favorites too. I just think Lon Chaney was a terrible actor.


    I thought Chaney was REALLY good...But I like Del Toro a little more, he just seems more realistic. All held back, and depressed and a tortured soul like a guy bitten by a werewold SHOULD be. Chaney's Talbot was WAAAAAAAAAAY to happy, while Del Toro's had a more interesting personality and actually had a backstory (And a damn compelling one at that)

  15. I love that movie. the problem with people that say it sucks is that the movie doesn't try to scare you with cats jumping out or loud noises but forces you to imagine yourself in the woods hearing little voices and hands outside your tent in the dark and so on.



  16. "Classic" horor movie: The Wolf Man (the '41 Lon Chaney Jr/Claude Reins version, NOT the bastardized remake w/ Benecio Del Toro)


    "Modern" horror movie: Halloween (original '78 version)


    Hmmm...Bastardized? By "bastardized" do you mean more developed and interesting characters with more back story, better plot/storyline and more emotional depth? If that's what you mean then I wholeheartedly agree. Look, I loved both movies, but I enjoyed the remake more in every sin gle aspect except script and music.


    But anyway, here are my faves:

    The Wolfman (2010) (Terrible things Lawrence. You've done terrible things.)

    The Blair Witch Project (I'm scared to close my eyes...I'm scared to open them.)

    Evil Dead 2 (GROOVY!)

    The Wolf Man (1941) (I killed Bella...I killed Richardson!...If I stay here, you can't tell who'll be next!)

    The Strangers ("Why are you doing this to us"..."Because you were home"

    The Mummy (1959) (He who robs the graves of egypt...DIES!)

    Army of Darkness (This...Is my BOOMSTICK!)

    Nightmare on Elm Street

    Friday the 13th (Kill her mommy! Kill her!)



    "The Human Centipede." It's an instant classic.


    I do hope that was some kind of sick, twisted joke?


    While the Shining is still on the top of my list, i will have to add the original Nightmare on Elm Street.


    1,2 Freddy's comin fro you.

    3,4 Better lock you door.

    5,6 Get your crucifix.

    7,8 Better stay up late.

    9,10 Never sleep again.


    YES! Freddy Krueger is THE BOMB!

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