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Posts posted by SelmonSmith6378

  1. ha, ha, ha. that's freaking hilarious.


    let me add one: admit to us that you, in fact were SCOOBY.

    oh, wait, we'll actually follow that.




    I freaking hate Scooby Doo. I don't care if I get flak for saying so...I hated it even as a child. It was repetetive, unfunny, and always ended in the dissapointment that the ghost was...Just a regular guy. :wallbash: However, I SHOULD be grateful for it, because without Scooby Doo, we'd never have the AWESOME Hannah Barbarah cartoons like Tom and Jerry.

  2. 10. Stop Posting

    9. Post less

    8. Drop your internet to avoid posting anymore

    7. Become a Jaguars fan so you post less here

    6. Realize no one cares what you have to say and stop posting

    5. Unsubscribe from this site

    4. See 10 thru 5

    3. Repeat

    2. Tell JW how you hate the 'Mats

    1. Ignore 10-2 and keep us entertained


    @jboyst82 -- should have known my top ten wasn't gonna be original...nice to see someone else thinks similarly like me


    There's no reason to be cruel. Especially considering I wasn't cruel to you.


    Damn. Beat me to it. Except I'm not a curmudgeon, I'm a misanthrope (note, Selmon: that's different from a lycanthrope.)


    My first advice to you, Salmon...don't refer to me as "awesome". Ever.




    My nephew is two, !@#$.


    You're a misanthrope eh? That makes two of us. (DC Tom shoots self after realizing I have something in common with him) Would've been cooler if you were a werewolf as well. :-)

  3. Star Wars Episode I

    Star Wars Episode II

    Rob Zombie's Halloween II

    Clash of the Titans Remake

    Batman and Robin

    Caddyshack 2

    Superman Returns

    Superman 4



    Miss Congeniality 2

    Battlefield Earth

    Alvin and the Chipmunks

    Leonard Part 6

    Dumb and Dumberer

    Son of the Mask


    Star Wars Episode 2 was actually really good in my opinion. And while Alvin and the Chipmunks was no masterpiece, I still found it a LOT better then I thought it was and somewhat decent. Battlefield Earth was so delicously horrible that it was amazing. Probably one of the funniest movies I've seen in my entire life.

  4. What are your least favorite personalities in sports? My list would probably be something like this


    10: Brett Musberger

    9: Every person who makes a cameo on "Jim Rome Is Burning"

    8: Warren Sapp

    7: Mel Kiper Jr.

    6: Cris Carter

    5: Mike Ditka

    4: Peter King

    3: Jim Rome

    2: Michelle Beadle

    1: Lou Holtz

  5. I'm watching it now. What a laugh. Hitler cooperated with aliens to repair a UFO that crashed in the Black Forest in 1936, that gave them a mercury-based antigravity system.


    Hitler. Aliens. Anti-gravity. !@#$ing brilliant. :lol:


    Sounds like a story from a Scientology bible.

  6. That one is alright. I don't like that dopey expression on it's face.


    The 3rd Mechagodzilla or "Kiryu" looks better.


    I personally like the 2nd Mechagodzilla, but Kiryu's pretty cool too. To each our own right? What's your favorite Japanese monster/hero?


    One thing I'd like to see is if we got a found footage film only with a REALLY FAMOUS Japanese Monster like King Ghidora, or Godzilla or Mechagodzilla. Only rated R, unlike Cloverfield, and perhaps with a monster battle at the end.

  7. Alright, I'll end the Inception talk...It was a terrible movie. Just because it looks nice, DiCaprio's a good actor and there are great special effects does NOT mean it's a good movie.


    #1: The characters are INCREDIBLY unmemorable. For a movie to be great, I have to care about the characters, but in this film I did not care, like or remember hardly any of them

    #2: The plot holes. Why didn't Cobb just kill himself to get out of limbo? :-(

    #3: There isn't much of a story. It's the same-old, same-old "One last job" we've heard a million times before, only with a twist involving dreams.


    All in all, Inception is a stupid, cliche, cheap "Matrix" wannabe special only in the fact that it was incredibly worse then other 2010 movies like "The Wolfman", "The Book of Eli", "Repo Men" and "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", yet manages to get WAY more praise and WAY more credit...Ick.

  8. A race that has developed the intelligence, technology and longevity to master interstellar travel could only be interested in pathetic Earth for its resources. As far as we know, the planet hasn't been milked of anything.


    Battlefield Earth... :unsure:

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