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Momma Pecoraro

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Posts posted by Momma Pecoraro

  1. I knew that the Jets had Charlie Casserly as an consultant but what I didn't know until this article is that he's a big advocate of Marrone, dating back to his Syracuse days and that the Jets also have former GM/football guru/future HOFer Ron Wolf. http://m.espn.go.com...co/g32AHTuZbf"}


    I have seen and read the potential negative speculations of the Bills securing Bill Polian in some kind of capacity. I don't believe that he would use this opportunity to incorporate his son into the organization just for personal reasons and that he's "out of touch" in today's NFL and it's going ons. Instead we are VERY fortunate to have someone who not only truly loves the Buffalo Bills' franchise and has their best intentions in his heart,and there's not too many of them around, but also to be one of the greatest minds as a NFL administrator. Who better than to counter not one but two former GMs that are consultants that are right smack dab in the middle of our own division??! Don't fear Polian, embrace him! The influences and connections that Polian has is priceless. Polian has clout, he has clout with all levels of football people, all the way up to the Commissioner's office. God bless the Pegulas but they are new to all of this, they could sure use the knowledge, experience and insights of a man like Bill Polian. It's almost like Ralph is reaching from the grave one more time. I don't think anyone from anywhere could ever question the love and passion that Mr. Wilson had for this franchise and Bill Polian is a DIRECT bridge from that man. This is a fraternity, a fraternity long before most of us and it will be one long after us. It's about relationships from Ralph to Bill to the Pegulas to whoever from them. Not only am I fully confident that Polian will right the ship for the present but he will also help educate and insulate the Pegulas for the future and the generations that follow. At least that's the way that I see it.


    Tripe. If Polian was/is brought in to identify up and coming executives to entrust to the Bills - I'm fine with it. He didn't get it done the first go around with a stacked team, why would you give the keys to the kingdom to someone on the decline? Finding the future in the hall of the pensioners home smacks of commitment to familiarity, not commitment to any long term success.

  2. What distinguishes a porn 'star' from a porn 'actress'. For instance, if someone is credited as 'girl three' in an orgy double penetration scene, is that the not the equivalent of being 'Chanel counter girl' in the Devil Wears Prada?


    Or is porn like youth soccer where everyone is a star?

  3. I am assuming you weren't that good at sports then!



    FYI...sports is often the foundation that helps people become successful. You develop a strong work ethic, dedication, know what it means to sacrifice for the good of others, learn how to set goals and follow though......What you said above is very incorrect and insults many good people out there. Most coaches coach because somebody had a positive influence on them..... it's called "paying it forward." A person like you that is very opinionated and likes to point the finger at others is NOT a team player...you seem to be a self person that is very good at making excuses. What do you do to give back to the community and to make a difference in kids? I hate people that have complaints and no answers. Those are the kids that do not survive in my program. They are called "quitters."


    Do you come with an applicator? I need to flush my nether-regions.

  4. And thanks for the props for Al Edwards. He had a huge touchdown catch for us. As a matter of fact, I think it was his ONLY touchdown catch! :nana:


    I still wonder what would have happened if Tasker was the 3 receiver in SB XXV instead of Al Edwards. I don;t think the Giants could have handled it, and I have no idea why Marv didn't think of it.

  5. How the #%@# could the kick could have been good from 55 yards at least when it wasn't good from 47?

    The kick had enough leg was probably the point.


    Like Fitzpatrick this weekend, Norwood tried to explain away his failure by citing 'technique' issues, i.e he didn't get his hips around. If you've been playing the game for 20+ years, including at the highest level, technique should be the least of your problems.


    A lot of guys mentioned in this thread as under-appreciated were either mediocre or insignificant, notable only as trivia for Bills fans. Others were plenty appreciated when they played in Buffalo, just not as superstars.


    Gary Balidinger? Sean McNanie? John Kidd and Mike Lodish. Part time or no time players.


    Might as well say Eddie Fuller, Yonel Jourdain, Mickey Washngton, Al Edwards.


    One player that was allowed to leave and had a steady above average career was Marvcus Patton.

  6. My apologies for not presenting you an answer that makes you feel all warm and bubbly inside. You have been asking why Morrison has not been playing, I am simply offering the facts of real life. And yes, as I said, I loved the Morrison pick up for depth.


    I will agree with you that our D has been troublesome this year so far, but you are focusing on the wrong part of the D. Our middle linebackers have been down right good. No team so far this year has been able to run up the middle on us (thanks in large part to Davis), only the leagues leading rusher has had any real success (yes Bradshaw did ok as well). It has been the inability of our D to produce any pass rush that has been the real issue (In general not a responsibility of the MLB's).


    Replacing good MLB's with mediocre ones will NOT make our D better against the pass, but it could make us worse against the run...Obviously the Bills coaching staff agrees...


    And as great as I look in a leapord g, I will have to disappoint you. Those are private...


    You have not presented anything at all, factual or otherwise save for that Morrison is not playing. If you are convinced that decisions made by the Bills defensive staff are sacrosanct, I will be happy to administer your suppository myself.


    The Bills have one 'good' linebacker in Barnett and one that is developing in Sheppard. Davis is dreck; which is way beyond mediocre and only has a job in Buffalo.


    If the middle of the defense is stout it is rightfully because of Dareus and Williams. Still, Bradshaw and Benson both pounded on the Bills and Bills have serious defensive problems which make it clear that physical teams that stick with the run will have success.


    Morrison is an experienced, relatively young veteran who is an unknown quantity on this team who should get reps in the rotation to see what he can do.


    Turbs, I'd love to continue our discussion via pm. I find dyspraxic people with OCD sexy.

  7. Relax, no one is making you take the Morrison poster down from your ceiling, or return his jersey. Read the depth chart, I am not making it up.


    Davis is the starter, Sheppard is the "backup" but appears poised to take over the starting role sometime this season. Barnett is a starter and there is no challenge there.


    There is a reason why Morrison was dropped in favor of POZ, and why no other team picked him up. The Bills got him on the cheap, as a backup when Torbor got hurt. I loved the pickup for depth (he's definitely better than Torbor), but that is all he is.


    Rainman, repeating the same depth chart smack adds nothing to the dialogue. Nor does repeating that a player was unwanted somewhere else add any depth to the discussion. The Bills are littered with players that were not wanted on other teams. Players are recycled all the time. Morrison is not offal like Torbor. Mind you, I'm not a Morrison groupie, just someone who saw him play effectively in Oakland.


    Your 'insight' is based on publicly accessible sources and is redundant. And while I am delighted you 'loved' the pickup - it doesn't get to the root of why a veteran on a team with a horrific defense can't sniff the field, since Sheppard is not full time yet.


    Candidly, I'd much rather have a poster of Turbo in his leopard 'g.

  8. I am still confused by these kinds of posts...Morrison was brought in as a backup to replace Torbor when he got hurt...why do you want to see the BACKUPS play?


    Barnett has been very good, Davis and our touted rookie Sheppard have been manning the other spot...The 3 of them are better than Morrison, which is why is not playing...


    I liked the pickup of Morrison, great depth, but he was awful on Jacksonville last year...If he plays, that means someone got hurt...


    I'm not qualified to diagnose your confusion, but recommend a herbal suppository which has often worked for me.


    Outside of Barnett, the delta between starter and backup on the Bills is minimal. Andra Davis is molasses. Morrison is faster and was a very productive starter. The issue with Morrison was that he came in late and didn't have full grasp of the scheme.


    Unless the Bills are going purely with a youth movement with Sheppard, I can't see how inserting a veteran in the rotation can hurt.

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