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Momma Pecoraro

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Posts posted by Momma Pecoraro

  1. Like the hurt locker, which I saw with great anticipation, it was decent but didn't live up to the hullabaloo - I don't get the fuss or the lenten mass reverence people have expressed they felt upon the movie's credits.


    I left the theatre no more moved than when I entered (though I was expecting some trancendent experience).


    Hoot from Black Hawk Down was the cooler film operator.

  2. when it comes to the 2nd and 3rd rd of this draft, they won't be choosing between a TE and a franchise QB.

    You're talking false choices, I'm talking the singular imperative to get a qb. If the Bills had a real quarterback they would win with Lee Smith as te, given watkins and woods.

  3. Yeah, don't address any other positions until you have a a QB. Just freeze and stop trying to improve the rest of your team. Great idea!!!

    You have the most under utilized receivers in the game already with garbage throwing the rock. Your focus must be solely on a qb that can make all the throws, else you'll have yet another target standing idly with their hands up while shaking their head.


    Draft a 6th rounder sure, but find a qb. Outside of Gronk, Brady has thrown to mostly anonymous guys over his tenure. He's made Julian Edelman a star, which should illustrate that it isn't who is on the receiving end on the rock.


    But, by all means, get another stallion who never sees the ball, Watkins and Woods need company.

  4. The sirens were mythological creatures that led unwary sailors to their untimely demise.


    If you hear a high pitched wail from your shingles, better call us for a new roof.


    When you call, I'm the one in the herringbone, protecting pilgrims from icicles on their way to Jersusalem.



    Shield your home.

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