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Posts posted by BillsfaninMyrtleBeach

  1. We had a douche bag with attitude for awhile, Richie Incognito. That didn't do much to help. Having a nasty attitude is only good when you can back it up with great playing skills. We had a thug on our team, Marshawn and he backed it up with skills, but what good is a player who's in and out of jail or rehab or court?

  2. Face it we are not seeing a winning team on the field, but those of us who have been loyal Bills fans for many years will still sit through the agony of the losses and the joy of the wins. But I can tell you from being at the games at the Ralph and the Toronto games, the Canadians in general do not give a damn about the Bills. I have nothing against Canada or It's citizens (some of my best friends were from Canada) but when I go to the games I have noticed that a lot of the people coming from Canada are more interested in getting drunk and partying than watching the game. When I went to the Toronto game they cheered for the other team more than the Bills. I asked a guy from Toronto if he was a Bills fan and he said that he didn't give a damn about the Bills.

  3. Yeah the record, not great but I feel a change in the wind. There is a definite difference in the attitude. When you have rookies you will have mistakes. They will learn and get better. There is a few positions that need fine tuning, QB being the biggest area. EJ will make a few mistakes but with time he will be a good QB. The offense already seems to run smoother with him in there. I like Thad as a backup. Tuel? He could do in a pinch if they can help him with his throwing mechanics. I know there is a few fans that are disgusted and I admit I get frustrated also at times. But I will never give up being a Bills fan EVER!! GO BILLS!

  4. I live smack dab in Steeler Country and I can tell you first hand the Steeler fans are not crowing about how they are going to stomp the Bills. They are genuinely worried. There is NO trash talk coming from the black and gold wearing fans at all. Usually I take a fair amount of crap in the days leading up to game day, but not this time. Not a peep. I love it!

  5. The season is not over, was it over when the Germans bombed Pea....awwwww never mind. I agree whole heartedly with Why So Serious. New Coach(s) new system, rookie QB, lots of learning to go. I have noticed a definite change for the better in the overall team play. They at least don't give up in the 4th quarter. So chill and watch awhile before we get the torches and battering rams to storm Frankinteams castle. It might not be pretty but bite the bullet (take it out of the gun first) and let's see what the rest of the season brings. Pass the chicken wings please. GO BILLS!!



    I think you were supposed to say, "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"


    Just sayin'

    Yeah I know but I said that in one of my other posts so I didn't use it here. Probably a concusion from breaking beer bottles on my head to make my buddies laugh.
  7. Well we all know that Jerry is the all knowing, all seeing orb of the NFL. Jerry said it so it must be so. Like Mongo said "Bills fans just pawn in game of life" IF the team moves we can't do anything about it anyway so why worry about something we can't change and may not ever happen. Just stay a Bills fan and root for them. Maybe just maybe the team has taken a true step forward. Will they go to the Superbowl? Probably not this year, but who knows.....they said the Titanic was unsinkable. GO BILLS!!

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