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Posts posted by BillsfaninMyrtleBeach

  1. Nassib gets rid of the ball in a hurry, but needs to work on his foot work. He doesn't step up into the pocket very well either. Throws off his back foot a lot, doesn't step into his throws. These are all " coachable" flaws that with a little work from a good QB coach could be corrected, but no, the Bills will not trade anybody for him. They have enough on their plate with coaching EJ and getting Matt up to speed with the playbook. Tyrod is a work in progress as well.

  2. I sure hope we have a shot at the playoffs. I'm getting too damn old to keep feeling the pain of "almost" getting there! Been a Bills fan for 47 years and will be till I kick the bucket. Like the old saying goes " please just once before I go" The only thing that will hold us back is the QB position. Cassel is a stop gap at best. EJ is still an unknown potential, and Tyrod....well again an unknown. I'm hoping that one of them surprises me. The pieces we need are coming together but there are still some missing. If you look at the crop of QB's that are coming up from the collage ranks it doesn't look real promising that we will find our future hall of famer there, but you never know. At any rate it will be interesting to see the Bills play this season. Go BIlls!!

  3. This stadium was to be built about 1 block from where I grew up. We were really excited. The land used to be a golf course, and a nice one at that. Now there is houses built where the 3rd hole used to be. I was excited because I wanted to park cars in our yard but dad said "uh no" (his lawn was his pride and joy) Also we could walk to the games. Was totally bummed when the deal went belly up.



    Before every home game they should drag Billy the Buffalo to midfield and let the dude on the horse dressed as Buffalo Bill shoot him down with blanks. "The Buffalo Bills...We're a bully team now. We're going to kill our mascot before every game."





    No, I'm not serious.

    Install train tracks into the stadium and have people shooting at Billy as he runs along side the train. Then.....skin him!! Moooohahahaha. Also not serious.

  5. I've attended many games at the Ralph and I have noticed it slowly aging, being renovated, aging some more. It's getting old. Face it, it needs to be retired. I know as a native of the Buffalo area that it is a bit of pride for Bills fans to "brave" the elements and see the Miami Dullpins shiver when they visit the Ralph BUT....I think a dome stadium would draw more family type fans to the games. My wife says when the chill factor is like -25 she's not going to sit outside. Also maybe it would make the noise level higher? Make it harder for visiting teams? As for the training facility you can move all the equipment and use the old facility for some other purpose?

  6. Thank God! Of what I saw the Canadians didn't give a damn about the Bills. Not all but a bunch just went to get drunk and couldn't care less who won. I went to one of the games and was embarrassed by the lack of interest in rooting for the Bills. Even home games at the Ralph they were more interested in drinking and being rowdy than watching the action on the field. They were drunk when they got off the buses that brought them there! Why should they care? It's not their hometown in the game. I have some very good friends in Canada and even they were embarrassed with the way those people acted.

  7. All of the Bills fans watching at the bar here in Steeler country all did the same thing "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" That goes to show you that Freddie deserves to be a captain. He is what Buffalo is all about. Always circles the wagons......and flattens anything that gets in his way!!

  8. There is a lot of problems combining to frustrate everybody. The OL, the QB positions are the ones that need to be better. I don't know what went on in the locker room at half time (maybe a "kegger"?) but it seemed that the offence was a different team in the beginning of the 3rd. quarter. They were hitting on all cylinders. What was the magic that happened there? Not too worried about the D, just think they were tuckered out. One thing is for sure, it's going to be a LONNNNNGGGG season if those problems are not fixed!!

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