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Posts posted by D521646

  1. AFC teams with 3 AFC wins:








    Why aren't we contenders? We didn't even have 3 of our best offensive starters.



    Because our eyes, our eyes man! ;)


    Seriously though, beating Cincy would be awesome, but I am not holding my breath!



  2. If anyone thinks that this team is anywhere near good enough to beat Cincy, they're smoking crack! Even if we had Sammy, Shady and Williams back it would be a huge challenge. We're going to need to play 60 minutes of perfect football, and frankly, we ain't there no way no how!





    That's good advice...


    I've dabbled a bit and done pretty well...I've more than made my money back in 4 weeks and I enjoy the little rush...


    Would have cleaned up REAL nice last week had those two TD's not got called back...Had TT and Clay in one tourney that I already finished in the money... Oh well... B-)





    There's other tricks (If you will) that help as well. What I do is look at the games themselves, who's a lock to win. Then I choose that QB for my pick, then I look at RB and try to determine which RB's are in committee, and which one's are both runners and catchers. I weigh the results based on the likelihood of which RB will garner the most action in any particular game, and how well the opposing defense is at stopping the run. Add it altogether and you start to see a picture unfold. WR is a bit more tricky and so too is selecting TE's and D/ST. I've been avoiding FD lately as selecting a kicker is a crap shoot. FK gives you the FLEX option and I like that better.


    Of course there's always intangibles that happen, like last week Dallas pulling Randle after his mistake.. That cost me in several tourney's, and also the uncertainty of Belliceat playing Lewis or Blount.. Hate picking anyone from NE unless not named Gronk/Edelman/Brady.. By the way for the record I can't stand Edelman, but the guy does get at least 10 to 15 touches a game, and in fantasy that is always gold.. :)



    Good luck!



  4. Some random items-



    These companies can advertise so much because they are being pumped full of investor money. ESPN gave Draft Kings $500 mil with the language that $300 mil will be spent on advertising in the contract. The industry is currently valued at $3-5 Billion, with projections pushing it to a $20 billion industry.



    Many believe the end result of this "scandal" is a merger between DK and Fanduel, with much tighter restrictions placed on the sites. Sites like Yahoo and CBS have already begun their own DFS contests and have MUCH more money than the 2 current leaders. A big part of this marketing blitz is to get people onto these sites before the giants really get the ball rolling on their own.


    I play, but I mainly stick to $1 / $2 50/50 leagues that only allow 1 entry per user. Baseball is almost completely random, NFL skews that way (Anyone putting money out there knows Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers = good). I know people who've won the $1 / $2 tournaments and I enter a handful of those, I can win $25,000 on $2 and it's less random than the lottery. College football seems to be where there's a nice profit to turn, there are so many teams involved and sticking to $1 / $2 H2H or small leagues you'll get a lot of people just putting $1 on 4 guys from their favorite teams. I've made money every single week on college football this year, made money in Weeks 1 & 3 of NFL, got crushed in Week 2 (Carlos Hyde and the Eagles killed me) and broke even last week despite having a lot of Rodgers / Julio Jones who had bad games.



    In regards to dummy teams, I really don't know and I've questioned it myself, but I'd have to believe multiple people would notice if a team came out of nowhere at 4 PM Sunday to have all the best players from the 1 pm games. Unless there's a massive conspiracy to allow Travis Benjamin to score 2 80 yard TDs, there's too much randomness in NFL games and too many players paying attention to put in bots to win $1 mil. There's another under the radar story about the sites changing the cut line on double up leagues to rake out 12-13% instead of the assumed 10%. I'd be pretty surprised if this went the way of online poker, these sites are based in America and paying taxes, but I do expect regulations to be put in.



    Good write up..


    Ok, well I'm going to offer some advice if you or anyone else wants it. I'm a pretty successful player on both sites, and generally win more than half the time; here's what I do.


    I figured out really early that the average points to be in the money is around 170.. Doing some math one can gather that on average all you need to do is find players that will get you between 15 and 20 points a game. When approaching Fantasy this way and with a little discipline you can actually pull this off quite easily. Most players I see spend to the cap, and this is the wrong approach, IMO. They're always looking for that one or two or three players that will ball-out. If you look at the big winners you'll notice a trend, and that is, they almost never spend to the cap. Yes, tis true that to win the grand prize you really need some luck, but if you approach fantasy always trying to win it all, you're not taking the correct approach. What you need to do is be in the money every tournament. I play about 10 tourney's a week (Right now I only play fantasy football) and I never spend to the cap. I use my cap dollars on players that are consistently pulling in 15 to 20 points a game. If you pull emotion and hoping out of the equation, and play disciplined you'll start to see more success when playing daily fantasy.


    Good luck!



  5. Knowing the percent "used" prior to kickoff is a HUGE advantage and if this is known by employees of the two companies and then they are allowed to play on competing sites is a big no, no for me. Just like any radio contest, employees and family are barred from playing and winning. It does need regulation if it is this wide open, and on both (I play both sites) it does seem like the same guys are winning a good amount of the time.




    The entire process, however, will take that long. Initial briefing typically takes at least two months (30 per side), then the case has to be calendared for argument or consideration, which will normally be an additional few months in the future, then, once the case is heard or considered, the decision has to be drafted and issued, which, for even a short, unpublished opinion usually requires an additional few months.



    Yeah I agree, but I thought both sides asked for expediency on this appeal? In this case it can be heard and decided on quicker if memory serves?



  7. care to share, because i have seen a ton of commentary to the contrary



    Well I haven't seen the actual appeal, so I can't be 100% sure, but an appeal does not allow you to argue another point of view, or present new evidence. With that said, Brewer did not rule against the NFL based on the merits of their decision, he ruled that their process for doing so was flawed and inequitable and as a matter of equity deemed it manifestly unfair to the Patriots and Tom Brady. In that, there is some precedent to back him up, but when applying precedent it is very important to make sure what you're applying precedent too, is exactly the same set of circumstances. I guess it could go either way, but I feel that the appeals court (most appeals courts) generally don't like creating new precedents, and typically side with corporations when adjudicating labor laws when no claims of discrimination are present, or when the employer is consistent, even if consistently wrong.




  8. There was no garbage time in this game, the Patriots did not alter their game plan one iota, they were just stymied a bit at the end which allowed the Bills to get back in it. Garbage time games are easy to spot, this one gave me no impression that it was.



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