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Posts posted by D521646

  1. Notwithstanding a franchise QB, most teams go through this every season. Most teams can only afford to keep two to three superstars, maybe 4 if you have a cheap QB like we do, at least for now. You all act like this is only endemic of the Bills organization.. LOL



  2. Seriously, why not have a 5min penalty box for first personal foul/unsportmanlike, or unnecessary roughness penalties with the 2nd infraction costing you 10 minutes and third game misconduct? Actually have a box and the infracting player must sit in it and cannot join their team until the time is done? Of course you still lose the 15 yards etc.. Think about it. Talib's facemask only cost Denver what 2 yards in the SB.. But it could have cost the other player his career..


    They say they want to protect players.. Well then try something different.



  3. I guess Philbin is smarter than I gave him credit for.



    Yeah, and Gase will find out as well, just how flustered RT gets when things do not line up perfectly for him on game-day. Watching him I always sense that he doesn't have the right character to be an elite to even above average QB in the NFL, he doesn't pass my smell test. He doesn't inspire and he lets off this vibe that he really would rather be doing something else..


    Strange I know, but that's how I see it.



  4. Interesting take on Rex, but objectively I have to admit that I cannot argue with anything you've stated. Any businessman with any acumen knows full-well that loyalty kills you every single time. I'm willing to give Rex one more year (As if I have any say anyway), and I think the Pegulas should look very hard at this off seasons moves, and the following seasons performance. A lot of us are really disappointed in the team, especially the defense from this year. Can it be fixed? We'll see!




  5. This is a complete 180 from last year. These guys didn't forget how to play football in 1 yr. They were all in and excited just like we were. They were duped just like we were. I'm with the players on this one, it's on Rex.



    Yeah I gotta be honest too. I'm no Rex hater like a lot here, but listening to the interviews, boy it really does sound like the coaching staff lost this D a while ago, and we're only now coming to realize it. I think it's because even the media gave Rex and Co a pass.. Watching that Mario interview, I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt on this one, although I will say that even though he might hate this coaching staff for what he perceives as messing up a good thing, he still needs to go when his number is called.. His comment about making personnel changes when the Skins are breaking the huddle, is intriguing, and something me and a few others pointed out in week 4 and subsequently each week thereafter..


    If you're going to be a bully then be one, play your guys against whomever the other team thinks can beat you..


    I'm siding with Mario here guys, at least until I here something that suggests he's not correct.



  6. The loss last week still stings but the reality of the matter is the Chiefs were at home and have been playing good football as of late. It's not like we're getting blown out of the water in our losses or have had no chances to win any of those games, it's been essentially failures to perform or unfortunate calls that have cost us good chances to win the game.


    I for one think Rex has the team in a position where they know they must perform now or the season is over, in a desperate spot. Teams that play the best under pressure usually find ways to win. The Titans game was a nail-biter & it really showed our determination.


    I expect us to get JJ Watt to over-pursue this week and we're going to throw lots of screens away from him. We will do well this week and the upcoming weeks, imho.


    Go Bills !!



    I tend to agree with this, and I think this is not going to be the year, I think next year we will be a more well rounded team under Rex's system.



  7. I still think Watkins needs a solid #2 compliment that defenses have to actually cover. The guys we have now are all better suited for the slot, Hogan and Woods. Watkins needs his Lofton/Price on the other side. We still don't have the OL that Roman has had to game plan with either. That SF OL was both athletic and powerful. If this coaching staff stays in place expect moves in FA and the draft to address this. The defense has been injured and there are guys who just don't fit this system. Again, look for this to be addressed in FA and the draft. I know people think we have a lot of $ on the DL, but don't be surprised if a couple of contracts are cut loos so we can pursue Wilkerson. I'm thinking a restructure of Mario and Kyle being cut are two moves that will happen. Hughes and Mario will be rush backers in a more traditional 3-4 after we make some moves in the offseason. Bradham is going to be gone and we are going to bring in a better suited ILB to go beside Preston Brown. Also expect a rougher, bigger hitter at Safety to be brought in.



    I agree with all of this, although I think this OL is starting to get it together, we'll see this Sunday I suppose. I like what the Steelers have on offense, and their game is perfect for that personnel.


    I don't want to even think about the draft yet, I don't want to jinx anything. :)



  8. When I look at the team we put on the field in week one, it reminds me a lot of the Steelers with fast WR's running go routes all day long. I think that was the vision for Roman and Rex, but losing Goodwin, and the enigma that is Percy Harvin really sunk that plan.. Where is Goodwin anyway? Harvin? Woods and Hogan are not Wheaton and Bryant, and Tyrod is not Rothlisberger, maybe down field accuracy, and more mobile perhaps, but not Ben. I am looking at this team, and I scratch my head every Sunday at something.. I just don't get our offensives identity> What is it?


    I am going to say that losing Goodwin early and often and Harvin's no show 2015 campaign really hurt our vision for this year, what say you?




  9. I don't know what game you folks were watching but I saw none of the misdirection or disguise I saw last week against, NE.. Where the hell was it? I mean, I'm a couch fan and I knew what defense we were playing on every single play? I saw a couple of times, peeling off but really.. I saw no disguised double coverage, I saw no rolling DB's to the weak side, or strong side, and most of all I counted 4, yes 4 total blitzes the entire game? Is Rex incapable of that level of detail in game planning week to week? Does he need 11 days between games? Seriously, am I wrong, did you all see something I missed? And sorry, I like Taylor and I think he will get it eventually, but he is holding this team back.. Last week a decent to average QB like Hassellback wins us that game.. Same as this week.. Taylor does NOT, and I repeat, he at this time does NOT know how to read defenses.. They give him a quarter maybe half the field and that's it. Oh, and that quarter to half means nothing down the middle.. It's maddening..




  10. I think Kelly's problem is that he's never really had to deal with the stuff he's dealing with at the Pro level. He's never really had bad teams, or players underperforming like this, and his arrogance is especially on full display. Oh, and he's not racist, and McCoy wasn't saying he was, only that he has a difficult time with strong willed black men.. If you're weak-willed, I'm sure you're fine.. ;)



  11. Well catch no catch. Meh.. What I was saying to my wife while I watching was look at the conversation BB is having with Hochuli, isn't that nice, things are not going the Pats way so Bill needs to remind Ed that he is the best ever.. Then not a few minutes later, TB is having a nice pleasant conversation with Ed.. It was then that fortunes began to change for the Pats.. Look, I'm not a conspiracy guy and do not buy into this whole NFL rigged nonsense, but when you see stuff like that, and then all of a sudden the game changes momentum, ticky tacky calls, none calls.. It really does make one wonder..


    Just sayin.



  12. I voted yes and yes, BUT I would like an investigation into them. If the rumors are true and that the big winners are players from each opposing site, then I have a lawsuit waiting to happen. Regulation and oversight is needed to protect the consumer, but that all. It's not gambling in the true sense of the word, and it is up to the state to prove it is. I play seriously and put a lot of effort into my picks each week, matchups, weather, trends and so on.. You can't do that with blackjack and roulette..



  13. Bills have 5 DB's that are all above average and two that are excellent, the jets have one elite DB, and mediocre one, and no name safeties.


    Bills D line, Jets D line push, however, Fitz is better at not taking sacks, so I'll give the edge to Jets.


    Bills O line slightly better than Jets, especially what's left of Wood. Advantage Bills.


    RB's, we have two very good one's, jets have one that is underwhelming of late, advantage Bills.


    QB's experience I give the slight edge to Fitz at this point, but Tyrod has the edge in "IT" factor and QBR.


    WR's, Bills have one elite, two serviceable Jets have one very good WR (Wouldn't call Marshall elite), and one above average in Decker. Advantage, neither.


    TE's Advantage Bills.


    Too me, it comes down to who can stop the run and force the QB to make plays. If the Jets stop our run game (doubtful) I think Tyrod has more weapons with that depleted secondary of the Jets. In fact I think this week we should pass to set up the run.


    Bills - 33

    Jets - 17




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