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DJasper Probincrux III

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Posts posted by DJasper Probincrux III

  1. It'll be interesting to hear the HoF discussion with regards to Tommy Boy and if some of the journalists who have their panties in a twist about Bonds, McGwire, et al are quick to vote Tommy Boy in even though this is now the second cheating scandal he's been caught up in (one directly participated in, and one he was a direct benefactor of).


    35% of responders think Brady destroyed his phone for undisclosed reasons having nothing to do with the investigation. Of course, given that a good number of non-Pats fans are voting in that pool, that 35% probably represents more than half of all Pats fans.


    What a bunch of idiots. :lol:

    I'm willing to wager that's roughly the same percentage who think Aaron Hernandez was framed, SpyGate was a hoax, and that Nick Kaczur's involvement with massive amounts of oxycodone was purely coincidental.

  2. I'm a BBQ snob. I lived for a good long time south of the Mason-Dixon and I've had Dino.


    It's not even close. I'm not sure WHY southerners are so much better at it than northerners, but they are.

    It's like asking why nobody outside of WNY can make wings just right. In theory it's not that difficult a process, it's just that nobody does it exactly correctly outside of WNY. IMO it's the religion/attention to canon aspect of it. Once you take a food out of its natural environment everyone feels the need to add their own touch to it, or change the prep method in some way to make it easier, "better", or more economical. Once you mess with that the end product is different. This goes for basically all regional foods. You can order a cheesesteak lots of places but outside of Philly they are terrible. You can order "BBQ" all over the place but it's almost without exception not as good as the food it is trying to emulate. It's not even worth trying to compare the two things and you're better served (and happier) if you divide the foods into different categories. For example, good wings for Buffalo, and good wings for anywhere else. The best from each column aren't comparable in any way shape or form, but at least if you're me you can't get the Buffalo column all the time just like you can't take the G6 to the Carolinas for Carolina pork BBQ, or to Texas for the brisket whenever you want.

  3. Lol as annoying as that sounds, you've gotta admit the Steeler's organization has given their fans some pretty high expectations with all of the success they've had over the years

    I have a friend who constantly whines that the league hates the Steelers. I feel the need to beat him to death every time he starts in on it.

  4. This poll thus far doesn't suprise me.It's obvious from most of the posters here that character is a non-issue.

    Not really it's just that I got the pleasure of watching a 15 year old girl fracture the skull of a female co-worker who was trying to break up a fight the 15 year old was in. Guess what happened to the kid. Nothing. Put someone in the hospital and out of work for 4 months, not a single thing happened. We live in a world where an 8th grader can do that to a grown woman and walk away scot free. Why is this alleged misdemeanor perpetrated upon trespassers grounds for the Spanish Inquisition again?

  5. Well, McCoy avoids contact like the plague, so I guess he does have that going for him. His body isn't as beaten up as Murray's. But McCoy relies on speed and elusiveness to get his yards. When guys like that start to lose a step, the fall is usually hard and fast.


    Guess it all depends on what kind of offense you want to run. If it's a ground and pound style offense, Murray is my choice every time. But if it's more a west coast offense where the RB will be catching the ball a lot too, I'd go with McCoy easily. He's deadly in open space and makes guys miss.



    They were also able to sign Ryan Mathews because of the McCoy trade. They now have a young stud linebacker and the scariest rb corp in the league because of that trade. Not bad at all.

    None of us have seen Kiko play since his second ACL injury to the same knee. Is he 100%? Will he be able to get back to the same level? Assuming he comes back at 100% is hopeful at a minimum.


    Ryan Matthews hasn't been able to stay healthy for his whole career so assuming that he will be healthy this year is again, hopeful.

  6. Then you havent been paying attention to the whole story. Go back to his true freshman year, and he made TONS of the "OMG I need that guy" type of passes. But he also had a strong offensive line, and elite WRs, many of which (OL and WR) are in the NFL right now.


    But last year, when those WRs graduated and much of the OL was replaced by true freshman due to the sanctions, he was sacked FOURTY FOUR times, and knocked down probably another 100 times. As a result, he struggled BIG TIME. He is still raw, but he has the tools to be a top flight NFL QB. I think you will see him step up this year.


    Here is his freshman year highlight reel: https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=hackenberg+highlight+&ei=UTF-8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001. AS a true freshman he had poise, composure, made smart decisions, was a strong leader, and progressed through his reads in a NFL offense run by Bill O'Brien. Many college QBs look good because the players are open and they get them the ball. Hackenberg as a freshman was able to anticipate the play, and lead the receiver. Last year, under James Franklin, he regressed, but I attribute that as much to Franklin and the offensive scheme as I do to Hackenberg.


    Assuming he declares, I GUARANTEE you that he will go in the first round. There is NO WAY Bill O"Brien and the Texans will be on the clock and not select him. ZERO. Someone is going to get a good QB. I hope its us. Actually I hope EJ plays so well we dont need Hackenberg...but it would be a good consolation prize if this season goes as I am afraid its going to.

    I absolutely hate his footwork and he regressed a ton last year. https://youtu.be/z8vGqCWT2M4?t=284

    He throws a TD there but the stiff legged flat footed throw, particularly out of the shotgun, was very reflective of his play last year and it's not good. He threw 8 regular season TDs last year (12 games) and only 4 in conference play. He was absolutely atrocious the entire month of November. I grant that he played well in the bowl game. Was he hurt and had a month to heal? Did he check out and turn it back on under a spotlight? I don't know.


    I don't doubt that someone will take him in the first round. I hope to God it's not us. I don't think it's too much to ask to have a college QB produce in order to be taken highly. I know Penn State has been down but they won a couple games last year, that should be gimmies in any year, in SPITE of Hackenburg not because of him (Indiana and Temple). Plenty of college QBs turn out decent numbers and performances with subpar supporting casts.

  7. I would also like to point out that McCoy's "decline" year was for 1300 yards. He'd had a record year the year before but I wish all of our RBs "declined" like that.

    I'd also like to point out that the Eagles offensive line was decimated by injuries and suspensions. The narrative in Philly is that McCoy didn't fit Chip's system and danced too much...but nobody had that issue the year before when he had half a line...in Chip's system. The way Eagle fans have thrown him aside and speak about him as though he were a bum is disgraceful. He didn't ask to be traded, in fact he was pissed when he was.

  8. Someone has to explain the world's fascination with Christian Hackenberg to me. I watch Penn State most weeks and he's never once made an "OMG I need that guy." type of throw. Most of the time he looks like a less productive version of Rob Johnson. Anyone who picks Hackenberg in the first ROUND let alone #1 overall is a fool who is still hoping his Prep grading magically pans out.


    IMO Connor Cook is the guy in this coming draft. Cardale Jones is a wild card right now. IF he wins the OSU job and IF he stays productive this year he could leapfrog Cook based on freak of nature potential.

  9. Joe B. reports: "Bills apparently will run offense with just one play this season."

    I'd rather run 10/15 plays that counter each other that we cane execute really really well than have 200 plays we spend time installing, never use, and are seemingly drawn up in a bubble in that they are never even attempted to be countered effectively. Our offenses have honestly sucked at that for at least a decade.


    Historically, Rex pwned Gailey

    Let me speculate on the game plan vs. the Jets. Heavy bump and run all day long, bring early pressure up the A gap, dare Geno to beat us deep after he's been hit in the mouth.

  10. I've made that flight 3 times and not left a game early yet. I park at ECC in the far lot because it's easier to get out (yes you have to walk quickly). I make a left out of ECC then a right down Brompton to McKinley. Make a right into the McKinley Mall parking lot, cut through the parking lot to the second light (I think) cross over McKinley then cut through that parking lot over to the Home Depot and out at the light on Milestrip (the lots all connect). Left onto Milestrip, right onto the 90 get in the left lane and haul arse.


    I'm aware this plan requires a relatively high level of driving douchebaggery but it's doable.

  11. Pete Carrol is a 9/11 truther. Would you let him coach the Bills?

    I already dislike Carroll enough to say no on other grounds and frankly being a 9/11 truther is substantially different to me than directly coming after the parents of murdered 1st graders. I'm not asking you to agree with me I'm just expressing where I'm at. I can dismiss the 9/11 thing as run-of-the-mill lunacy. The Sandy Hook thing has a different flavor for me. Maybe because I have kids about that age. I don't know. It just does.

  12. The Sandy Hook thing makes me want to pound his spleen with a tire iron. I can't root for this POS, sorry.

    I agree with you. This guy would be a dealbreaker. I can forgive a lot but his Sandy Hook comments are more than I can deal with, particularly that he never actually apologized or showed the slightest bit of remorse for his actual comments (only for raising them publicly and embarrassing his team/causing a distraction).


    I don't care if he's a HoF tight end. He can be a HoF tight end for someone else.

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