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DJasper Probincrux III

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Posts posted by DJasper Probincrux III

  1. FA's don't have to worry much about the weather in Buffalo. They would miss most of the winter..

    Given that most of our seasons are ostensibly over in early November you're right. It'd be a much bigger factor if we were, you know, good.


    I'm sure that it's not a factor at all that in March - when the usual FA courting goes on there are tons of places who are well on into spring while Buffalo isn't even remotely. I'm not even talking Florida, more like Maryland. That step off the plane is not a good first image.

  2. You stating that the weather sucks is an opinion, not fact. Many people enjoy the snow and the cold. Just because it's what you think doesn't make it fact.

    Like I said, dander up. Some of the roughly 1 million people who live around there like the weather. Most of the other 299 million in the US wouldn't. I'll play the odds that a person from Tennessee who went to Wake Forest and has most recently lived in Georgia wouldn't be overly enthralled with the quirky character of the weather.

  3. Buffalo has a horrible reputation with NFL players (and people in general). Sabres have reversed their bad rep. That's why I'm thinking the Falcons will have a chance to match and will get a bit of a hometown discount if the numbers work. It would not have gone this long if Clabo did not want to stay in Atlanta.


  4. Are you 19 now?

    33. Every time I go back I'm reminded of why I left. The last time I was there was in late April for the hockey playoffs. 1st day there my 5 year old looks up at me and says "Daddy it's cold here." I chuckled but he was right. It had been relatively warm where we live now for a month and a half. First day there it snowed...on April 20 something.


    I realize that everyone gets their dander up but the truth is the truth. The weather in Buffalo sucks and it's a factor when deciding on where you want to live your life.


    On a more pragmatic level, how much more do the Bills have to pay somebody just to offset the higher taxes they'll pay on that income?

  5. You know it's true. No NFL player that has never played here before has a good image of buffalo deservedly so or not

    I lived in Buffalo until I was 18 and you'd really really have to convince me to go back there and toil for a losing team rather than live in ATL with a team on the cusp of greatness. $$ talks.

  6. I agree if he wanted to make sign with the Bills it would of happened by now. I feel like he is just playing games at this point.

    Kind of hard to disagree. You get the feeling like they talked but he wasn't overly interested. That being said, he's 30 and this might be his only shot to cash in big so if the money difference remains large we may carry the day.

  7. 4th Grade Question #3 actually has 2 correct answers. There's the answer they want the student to give and there's also the other correct answer :wallbash:

    The percentage of imported steel is 22% give or take. It feels like we import more because the domestic steel isn't made where it used to be anymore and that the steel industry as a whole worldwide has shed something like 1,500,000 jobs over the last 30 years.


    Data is at the bottom of page 14.

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