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Posts posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. I wonder if this cockiness comes from the NIL deals college players are allowed to sign now? 


    Like Sanders flashing his watch when they win is just some cocky bull####.


    These players already have money before they come into the league so now they got their tails up strutting around thinking they deserve it. 


    I'm not talking about all the ones making a few bucks, just the cocky *****. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Breakout Squad said:

    He’s not in his prime but not a liability. That’s insulting to what he does on the field as a leader and hard nosed tackler. 

    It mighta been a little harsh. He's been great here and his story is still being written.


    Next season I'd look to upgrade if they can.

    • Like (+1) 1
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  3. Just now, Limeaid said:



    Doesn't seem to be a priority for NFLPA.  If it was a priority NFLPA would be offering to contribute to it but this is the same NFLPA which objected to additional safety equipment for players.


    Part of the problem is it is very difficult to maintain grass fields in the north which not coincidentally is where most of the Superbowl games are not played.

    Teams which hold Superbowls get additional revenue.


    If there is going to be concentrated effort to get all of the teams without grass fields the NFL and NFLPA are both are going to have to contribute.

    Where theres a will, theres a way.


    Both sides should sit down for serious talks and find a solution. 


    Looking at the numbers it's obvious that serious leg injuries are happening more on turf than natural grass.


    So glad the Bills are going natural grass in the new field. 

    • Disagree 1
  4. 1 minute ago, boyst said:

    Rugby doesn't have the stoppage and interference with discretionary calls like football


    Football is becoming as pussified as soccer. 

    Yes, but they do have a rule that you can't tackle a player that way 

    2 minutes ago, boyst said:

    Rugby doesn't have the stoppage and interference with discretionary calls like football


    Football is becoming as pussified as soccer. 

    Soccer is football

    • Haha (+1) 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, julian said:

    This is crazy.. I used to roll my eyes at people who warned of the slippery slope when previous rule changes occurred in the name of safety and I was wrong and they were correct.


     It’s a contact sport with large athletes playing, at some point the risk of injury must be accepted or just grow a set of balls and make the NFL a non contact league and get it over with.


     This slow drip turning the game of football into a different viewing product is painful.

    So is Rugby but it's banned in that sport

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Herc11 said:


    It's a physical sport. Injuries are are a price of doing business in football and an acceptable risk that many are willing to take to play the game. Of course you want to limit them. No one wants a player out because of injury or to have life-long issues as a result. At least these guys are heavily compensated for the risk they are taking. 


    If the NFL is so concerned about injuries, why aren't they changing fields to grass? They just played multiple weeks in London on a surface that players complained of being like cement. They agreed to that surface over the grass surface that was already there. Surely because the soccer fokes said they didn't want them tearing up their field. The NFL is so greedy and wanted their international games so bad, they allowed players to play on cement-like turf.


    I think they should play on all grass fields personally. That's a separate issue but one that should be fixed asap. 


    Doesn't mean they shouldn't look at other things to improve player safety.


    The hip drop is an unnecessary play imo.

  7. 1 minute ago, PatsFanNH said:

    Did you ever play football? Sometimes that’s the only move you got because your diving make the tackle. It’s not weak at all, it’s a normal part of the game. What’s weak are the people wanting to make every hit illegal unless it’s in a very small window from the front.. 



    Dude I sat threw every practice and game my son had for Pop Warner. It is taught and accepted and legal. It’s not the preferred tackle but if you’re playing catch up it’s all you have.  I think we will just disagree here because I don’t want everything taking out of the game.. injuries happen. 

    It's weak and there's no place in the game for it. 


    If I were you I'd coach that out of your son now. 


    How would you feel if someone did that to your son and he ended up with a broken leg?  


    Still ok with you?

  8. 2 minutes ago, PatsFanNH said:

    Lol you’re wrong, it’s taught in Pop Warner as well as HS, I don’t know about college yet but when my son goes there I can tell you. 

    and his Nile wasn’t snapping, dang! Talk about drama where there is none. I mean you keep limiting how they are tackled you will have score like 210-205.. just silly. 

    That is not taught to little kids and if it is those coaches shouldnt be coaching.


    Dropping your weight onto the back of a players legs has no placecin the game.


    That picture is of his actual injury. He snapped his ankle on that play.

  9. Just now, PatsFanNH said:

    Omg you can’t get rid of all injuries in a contact sport! If you couldn’t tackle like that Gronk would never be taken down in his entire career. 

    Also it isn’t cowardly it’s proper form for taking down very large men for the usually much smaller secondary guys. Just dumb to eliminate.. yes eliminate hitting the head but this I disagree with.

    There's nothing proper about putting all your weight on someone and collapsing on the back of their legs

    It's weak

    • Disagree 2
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  10. 3 minutes ago, VaMilBill said:

    Agree. And if you are chasing someone down from behind and can’t hip drop I can imagine more head and neck injuries occurring as a defender from behind is trying to tackler whilst at the same time someone from upfield is trying to tackle and they collide. 

    So they should just break the ball carriers ankle or leg instead? 

  11. Just now, Herc11 said:

    Right. The two moving parts that are significantly more difficult to get a hold of than the body.

    Specifically the lower legs. You hit and wrap your arms around their lower legs. 

    5 minutes ago, Herc11 said:


    How do you lead with your shoulder and drive through a player when trying to tackle from behind?


    These tackles don't occur when the defensive player is facing them head on. It's typically from the side or the back when the defensive player is in pursuit. What's next? Once a player gets by you, you have to let them go?

    BTW you can hit someone from the side and drive through the tackle FYI

  12. Just now, Herc11 said:


    How do you lead with your shoulder and drive through a player when trying to tackle from behind?


    These tackles don't occur when the defensive player is facing them head on. It's typically from the side or the back when the defensive player is in pursuit. What's next? Once a player gets by you, you have to let them go?

    In that case you go for the legs

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, uninja said:

    I do sometimes wonder how you're supposed to officiate or control how this works in a game as fast and as violent as NFL football. We're favoring the passing game, so defenders are getting smaller, faster and more agile/athletic. As a result, they're being forced to tackle players that are bigger than them. That puts the defender at a disadvantage when trying to tackle. What is the defenders supposed to do other than drop their legs out from under them, using the weight of their body as a means to create dead weight and bring the offensive player down?


    So many of these ticky tack rules, it makes for a worse overall game because if the play isn't executed perfectly by everyone on the field the offensive is either gifted a fresh set of downs or is walking back 10-15 yards and the drive is basically on life support.


    Frankly, and I know this sounds insane, but they should just get rid of pads/helmets and force the players to play that way. Instead of trying to legislate safety but forcing players to wear more armor and get faster/stronger, force players to protect their bodies because there isn't anything protect them. 

    They are supposed to tackle the way they were taught as kids.


    Either lead with your shoulder and drive thru the man keeping your head up or hit and wrap your arms around their legs.


    Grabbing on and dropping your dead weight onto a runners legs isn't taught on any fields. 

    3 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    It'd be helpful if they included a clip of what they were talking about, a lot harder to understand just from a still.

    The picture shows a version of the tackle.


    Look at the runners ankle snapping. 

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