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Posts posted by kabnt2005

  1. You were all over the uniform release last year, I'll give you that. Still waiting for the blue pants though. ;)


    Yeah I have no clue what happened to the blue pants. Cut sheet straight from the Bills showed them. This year though, this year!


    Just to be clear - if we give you the benefit of doubt, you are saying that the VY to Buffalo deal will be announced by Friday morning May 11th. Right?


    Should hear very soon.

  2. Are they the same sources that said it will be done in 48hrs iver a week ago? So your saying in 4-5 days we should be getting and announcment that it will be done in 12 hours and then maybe the original time frame of 48 hours will be true.


    I wasn't the one who said it would be done in 48 hours a week ago.


    My sources smell poop.





    Hey, I gotsta get me some of dem "sources". It just sounds cool.



    Bag on me all you want. There are people on this site who know that my connection to the team is legit.

  3. FWIW, a poster over at BB.com who had some pretty valuable inside information during the draft stated the Bills would offer a contract to Young within the next 48 hours. Young apparently has one other visit expected in the next week or two, but apparently interest was mutual based on his workout.



    Looks like it's a done deal according to my connection with the team as well. Should formally hear something in the next 24 hours.

  4. Here's what I don't get.


    On espn just a moment ago Sal Pao was saying tue Jets are looking to move up. They also said the Jets have 7 picks in the first 3 rounds. They also said that Tannebaum has moved up in 3 straight recent drafts. 07' from 25 to 14 for Revis, 08' from 36 to 30 for Keller, and 09' from 17th to 5th for Dirty Sanchez. My question is this, I know there hasn't been moves in a few years but how the H&LL fo they have 7 picks in 3 rounds when they have clearly been shorthanded on picks the last few years? Did they trade someone for 2 2nds and 2 3rds that I don't know about?


    The trade for Revis took an extra 2nd ('07) and 5th ('07) to swap 1st rounders with Carolina.


    The trade for Keller in 2008 took a 2nd ('08) and 4th ('08) to get Green Bay's #30 pick.


    The trade that the Jets made to the Browns to move up for Sanchez involved an extra 2nd ('09), and 3 shlubs off their bench, none of which are still with the Browns. You have to remember that Mangini was pulling the strings and basically did his old team a favor with this one.



    So it's not like they're down any picks for the next year's draft from making these trades each year. That's why they're able to do it.

  5. I am 50 and have followed the sabres since late 60's yep - they always sing them both


    the Sabres singer is Doug Allen. He is a great singer!


    Hmmm interesting that you've followed the Sabres since the 60's considering their inaugural season was in 1970-71...





    Buffalo and all border cities (both countries) do both national anthems because they're so close to each other and know that there's fans coming over from across the border.

  6. Don't worry about it. We already made it past that date. The Mayans didn't have leap years. Once those came about, we've added so many days that they day of ruin would have happened like 10 months ago. We're good. I'm thinking team comes down with a modern day version of the black plague being mire likely.


    I think this post just changed my life. Thank you!


    Except for the Mayan calendar did have leap years and it was actually more accurate because it was actually based on the solar cycle and lunar eclipses.


    Edit: In addition, there's the long calendar that's math-derived. That's how they pegged the 12/21/2012 date (accounting for leap years).

  7. Yes I do actually remember Stevie saying something about blue pants. What I would like to know is would the league restrict us to wearing white helmet, blue jersey, blue pants for one home game and then white helmet, blue jersey white pants in another just to have a variety. Either way I agree. These new uni's are great. Let's hope that Nike doesn't change the style too much.


    The blue pants were part of the jersey designs from last year. Road uniforms were intended to have the blue pants with the white jerseys. I believe it was an issue with Reebok getting them made, not 100% sure though.



  8. Jim was at the Lagerhaus (next to First Niagara Center) after the sabres game last night having some beers.

    That was at like 11pm... so unless Mario and his girl hung out with Jill all night, I can almost guarantee that MW did not stay at Jim's house.


    It was a long day for both of them and would have to sleep on a huge decision. I'm sure they made it an early night. All I know is that my connection to Jimbo said Mario stayed there last night.

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