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Posts posted by kabnt2005

  1. Because it isn't.


    FWIW, I think the football program at PSU got royally screwed so a whole bunch of stupid people could feel good about themselves. Much the same way the PSU guy in this thread is an idiot who is tossing a bunch of crap against the wall to try to feel better about himself.


    I know it's not. It was a (albeit poorly-conveyed) sarcastic response to his previous statement that the University was funded by a church supporting pedophiles.


    So you deny that the Catholic Church is an organization that systematically covered up the rape of THOUSANDS of children, and that the funding of Notre Dame is not sourced from the Catholic Church?


    OK, well, good to see you have a firm grasp on reality. :lol:


    Didn't realize that Notre Dame was funded by the Roman Catholic Church. Not sure why tuition is 40k a year if they receive so much then...

  3. Hard to blame their owner for this. Wang wanted to privately fund a brand new arena near the Coliseum, but the locals blocked it. Yet they'll be the first ones outside his office protesting the move.


    In reality, it's a great move for the team. They're only 30 miles from their current location and are still on Long Island. Not to mention the fact that they're on top of a major hub of a large transit system that everyone uses. Oh and they'll be in a pretty killer brand new arena.

  4. I third the idea about Te'o being my favorite FOOTBALL player, period...


    a side note....why do so many Samoans go to BYU?


    A good chunk of Samoans are of Mormon faith. Te'o is one of them. His family was looking forward to this game all year.

  5. Very excited and scared for the game Saturday. Passing game really needs to step up this week to compliment the run game. Been very pleasantly surprised by the defense this year considering the injuries they sustained early in the secondary (before the season even got going).


    And I agree that Manti Te'o is one of my favorite players around. If the Bills can somehow get him in the first round, I would be a happy duck. I even have my Michigan fan best friend admit that Te'o would be the best pick for the Bills. Not often do you see a linebacker in the Heisman conversation.


    It's good to be honest Chef. :thumbsup:


    First person I thought of when I read jerky was DC Tom. :lol:


    I make venison and goose jerky. I have a brinkman electric smoker.




    I talked with others I know that use charcoal ones, you have to soak your wood before using it and you have to monitor the temp constantly. The electric one doesn't require the wood to be wet and the temp is very constant.


    Mmm goose. I've got 70 lbs of goose sausage coming my way. Where do ya hunt?


    His other jump was more than half. One of things he trying too accomplish is the worlds record which I can't look up now but believe it to be around 92,000 ft. it has been held a long time.


    Record is 102,800 feet by Joseph Kittinger, whom is helping Baumgartner with his jump.





    Quite amazing for sure. I forgot where I read this but if even a pin sized hole was to open in his pressurized suit his blood would boil during the high altitude descent? I've done some crazy stuff but no way have the nads for this stuff.


    Kittinger lost pressurization in his right glove. He didn't tell anyone because he didn't want them to abort the mission. His hand swelled to twice it's size.


    I agree about the regular season being more meaningful, but I think the fix is to eliminate wild cards, not add more. 2 divisions per league, 1 winner from each division.


    You would seriously want only 4 playoff teams out of the 30 in the entire league? That's absurd.

  9. How long does their warranty work and what's it cover ? My experience spelled out earlier with something not covered was miserable. I'd skip them and go to a reputable independant repair shop if its not a warranty


    Manufacturers warranty is limited one year. Apple care covers everything for two. If there's no active coverage, either find a third party repair shop or tough it out til you can upgrade.

  10. I have an iphone 4 or 4s that is about 13 months old. I bought it from the verizon store. It's on it's last legs. I can barely get it to charge up.............If I take it the apple store to try to have it fixed, will they give me an iphone 5? What is my best way to play this?


    Why would they give you an iPhone 5? Do you have apple care? If so, it's a $50 deductible and they'll fix/replace it with an identical model. If not, it's probably a $200 fix.

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