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Mantis Toboggan M.D

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Posts posted by Mantis Toboggan M.D

  1. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/rumors/post/Fa...?urn=nfl,104711




    Farve is a bigger drama queen than girls who live for drama.

    "I think Aaron Rodgers will do a real good job, barring injury," Favre said, "but if you're a betting man and said, 'Who gives us the best chance to win right now?' . . . This isn't bragging, but I think I would. Aaron may play great, and they'll look like geniuses, but to not welcome me back . . . I just assumed it was the fear of upsetting Aaron, not only now but in the future. To me, that's ridiculous, totally ridiculous."
  2. I'll go ahead and mention that this could be a spoiler in case people never saw that movie, but I was under the impression that he killed him at the end. Yeah, I guess it would hurt the story going forward, but I think killing him makes for a better ending.


    doesn't bond drop him in some chimney?

  3. i wondered the same thing. how the hell did this 15 year old make the buffalo news with this crappy ass article.

    i realize the kid is 15, but my god the article was terrible, and it wasnt because it was talking about the disappointment in lynch.

  4. Basketball and Hockey must be the two sports with the most wishy washy refs. At any time a hockey ref or baseball ref can call a foul/penalty. But basketball fouls are the most crucial because it can 1) put a good player in foul trouble and 2)put a player at the free throw line.

    stuff like that can result in a player/coach getting frustrated, getting T'ed up and possibly getting ejected.

  5. I think this hardy incident is getting blown out of proportion. He happened to be in the car when it hit the fatty. Theres nothing he can do about his teammate doing a hit and run. Now...if he was the driver...that would change the story quite a bit.

  6. No , but you are being very nieve if you don't think there is a court of public opinion. If public opinion turns sour on you, your career in Buffalo can be very short. Ask Willis about that ? I though Willis got a bad deal on that Toronto comment.


    Willis might have taken some heat for the Toronto comment but the biggest reason why he was traded was because he was not the right player for the Bills. Not always in the best shape, and always dances in the backfield. I dont think a bad comment was the reason why the GM traded him.

  7. Why is there the assumption that Lynch even drove the car? Just because a witness said something?


    '“I think it’s fair to say that, if Mr. Lynch was not driving the vehicle, he probably has a pretty good idea who was,” Buffalo police spokesman Michael J. DeGeorge said Tuesday, following a news conference at Police Headquarters.'


    I realize we dont really know who drove the car but if the cops say that he didnt drive the car, and they did have cameras working that night, its kind of a different situation.

  8. Just got back from watching it. It was alright, it was actually a fun movie. I was a huge fan of the first three. I honestly think Harrison Ford could have carried this film by himself like the Raiders. I know in the 2nd one he had an entourage with Shorty and in the third one he had Sean Connery, but i thought Shia LeBeouf was an annoying character and i hope to god they do not make a spinoff off of him. He couldn't carry indy's jock strap.

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