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Mantis Toboggan M.D

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Posts posted by Mantis Toboggan M.D

  1. I'm a Cuse fan. I hate Duke, but i respect Coach K. Duke is good year in and year out because Coach K is one of the best coaches in the history of basketball (NBA included). He often takes inferior talent and coaches them into a position to win.

    I can only wish Jim Boeheim could take his super talented basketball team, get away from letting his players play street ball and not blow 10 point leads with 5 minutes to go in the game.


    You also have the most ridiculous list of teams to root for. Giants? How can you root for the Giants and be a Bills fan?

  2. I just saw it. A lot of kids in the theater. I wonder how the parents reacted to taking their children to the softcore porn scenes. And several in my opinion hilarious Mr. Manhattan scenes.

    Good movie overall. I read the book and saw the movie and i felt that it did a good job. I actually like the ending of the movie more than the book.

  3. Roy Williams is a joke at safety. He plays like a linebacker (hits hard) but cannot cover to save his life. I'm not sure how many Dallas games you watched before last year, but Roy Williams seriously is a bad...bad player. Really bad.

  4. I think Denver is trying to trade him because he doesn't fit the offensive style that McDaniels brings to Denver. Short dink and dunk passes that would have worked if Cassell was there. Trading Trent, and whatever draft picks that it may take would be a no brainer if we could do it. If tampa could have had him for a 1st and 3rd. I would do that trade.

  5. What are your favorite theatrical movie lines that get edited for content when shown on TV?


    I was watching Die Hard With A Vengence, and at the end Bruce Willis' classic line was edited to: Yippie Kay Yay My Friend :thumbdown:


    Wow. So you were watching Die Hard on Saturday night on TNT too. Thats literally what i was going to post when i saw the title of this thread.

  6. Try not to watch all 4 in a row however, you may end up biting the head off your pet and putting your head through a fence



    That might happen just from watching Crank. You might want to snort crack off a bathroom floor or inject yourself with some epinephrine. It might just be the thing to do now in the 21st century. Crank most certainly suggests so.

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