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Posts posted by cosmo

  1. sounds like someone didnt do well on tests?


    truly, a 50 question test will never be able to tell the whole story or anything close to it.... but when putting together a thorough composite on the guys make up - especially extremely high or low scores - tell you something. at the low end, you drill down on these guys and figure out if its an attitude issue, or a learning disability.


    Haha actually I wasn't too bad at these kinds of tests, and I don't buy that excuse of "I'm smart but I'm not a good test taker". I just don't think that a player's wonderlic score has anything to do with how good of a football player he is. They should have a test that measures a player's knowledge relating to football like identifying coverages, memorizing playbooks and stuff.

  2. always exceptions to the rule, Dan Marino is another example of someone who scored low and turned out pretty good.


    intelligence is not meaningless, its just another piece of the puzzle (for me, an important piece).


    I agree, I just don't believe that you can measure someone's intelligence with a number out of 50.

  3. I went to a Bills/Cowboys game in Dallas about 10 years ago and was berated and had stuff thrown at me and I was 12 years old. Cowboys fans are the WORST! On the other hand, seemingly every time I wore Bills gear around Dallas I would have pleasant conversations with Bills fans who were complete strangers. When you're stuck in some lame city like Dallas and surrounded by obnoxious fans of other teams, its so great to see someone recognize what you're wearing, shout out "Go Bills!" and get a big high five.

  4. From walterfootball.com:


    I believe Manuel will be the second quarterback off the board. I also think there's a very strong chance he goes in the first half of the opening round. Think about it - outside of Geno Smith, Manuel was the only signal-caller to accept a draft invite. This could very well mean that his agent knows something.


    I totally agree with this, why would Manuel and his agent accept the invite to the draft if they thought he'd be sitting there all night waiting for his name to be called? I really think it's going to come down to him or Nassib at #8.

  5. The Bills would love to, but need trading partner. The keys to the Bills trading down are: Lane Johnson, Tavon Austin and Dee Milliner. Other than those 3, who would anyone trade up for?


    After hearing Buddy this week, I'm leaning on him taking a QB at 8.


    Fisher if he falls (unlikely) or maybe Star Lotulelei? I really hope Minnesota falls in love with Tavon Austin as a replacement for Harvin, their two picks near the end of the 1st would be perfect - we could grab our QB and another stud like Eifert or Ogletree.

  6. I hate the idea of waiting til next year to draft a QB in the 1st. Maybe next year's class looks better now but what if Johnny Football stays in school another year and what if Bridgewater or whoever else gets hurt or has an off year. We've only picked a QB in the 1st round once in the 30 years since Jim Kelly, and we wonder why we haven't had a franchise QB since him.

  7. At first glance, I can see how many fans feel "dismayed" but as previous posters have stated it didn't make sense financially to keep Levitre and although it may seem like we have a lot of cap room, we don't really considering the two huge re-signings coming up (Spiller & Byrd). As far as Jones and Nelson, those guys are totally replaceable especially given the WR depth of this years draft.

  8. QB at #8. The current FO will never survive if a QB taken by another team after #8 lights it up and our sloppy seconds taken in the 2nd doesn't.


    Yup, you gotta think that with all these visits and workouts Nix, Marrone and co are doing as much research as possible so that they can get their first or second favorite with that 8th pick. Imagine the anger and frustration if we take Nassib in the 2nd and he's a complete bust while Geno, Barkley or Manuel are leading whoever takes them in the 1st to the playoffs. Or if we pass on Jarvis Jones or Mingo, they make the pro bowl and we wasted our 1st round pick on a freaking guard.

  9. No Warmack! I can't believe how many people are advocating to take a GUARD 8th overall! I would think that the advantage to having a former o-lineman head coach would be that he'd be able to find guys late in the draft or in FA and coach them up. The only options for the 8th pick should be whichever QB they like or a potential pro bowler on defense.

  10. Can't say I'm certain that it's the only reason, as I'd have to imagine your point was a factor. Overall though, I feel comfortable that they would have paid him a reasonable sum to stay here (i.e. in the $6.5M/year range), which would have put him in the same neighborhood as Sitton and Yanda.


    I guess you're right, Levitre just ended up being one of those guys that gets ridiculously overpaid in the chaos of the first few days of FA.

  11. I've seen this said a few times, and it's a false analogy. They didn't sign Levitre because they didn't believe he was worth becoming the 4th highest paid guard in the NFL...and I believe they were right.


    If they think highly enough to draft Warmack 8th overall, and they are proven right about his skill set (he's been called by more than a few outlets the #1 player in the draft), they'll sign him to an elite level contract, because he deserves it.


    The problem is that Levitre got paid like a perennial pro bowler, getting more money than better players like Josh Sitton and Marshall Yanda (who have both made pro bowls in the past). He wasn't worth $8M/year...if this team spends a top 10 pick on Warmack, they clearly think more highly of him than Levitre.


    So like I said, it's not really a valid comparison.


    Are you sure that's why they didn't sign him? I was under the impression they just didn't want to spend that kind of money at the guard position. I mean even if he's like the greatest of all time, is a guard really ever worth $8M/year or more?

  12. Alright I get that it will be tough to find someone who wants to trade up and that even if there is someone they won't give up very much. But there could very well be a couple of playoff level teams that feel like they're one player away and willing to take a gamble (like the Falcons with Julio Jones). It just seems like too big of a risk for the Bills to just take someone at #8 who's not all that much better than someone who would be available late 1st early 2nd. The point of posting this was to see if anyone thought there was a player that we have a real chance at that would be worthy of that pick and/or entice someone to want to trade up.

  13. From what I have read about this year's prospects I can gather that this draft is definitely low (like zero) on superstar talent and crazy deep in second tier talent. Kinda like three rounds worth of 2nd round level guys so, given our current roster I sincerely hope that the FO trades down from #8 if they can get a decent offer. I don't know that I would even want the #1 overall pick, I guess you could grab one of the stud tackles but I would much rather be in SF's position of having three picks between #31 and #74.


    But I ask you TBD posters, are there any players that could legitimately still be there at #8 who would be worthy of being taken that high? If we do stand pat and pick someone there, one thing's for sure - there will be tons of people freaking out on these boards about it haha.

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