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Posts posted by cosmo

  1. Manuel is the guy you should be rooting for because he can make all of the throws and he can be a serious running threat as well. He also appears to have the leadership and charismatic skills to not only lead the offense, but the entire team. In order to speed up his progress though he needs to take as many reps as possible.


    Yes! There is so much more to leading a team than just making some nice throws in a preseason game. If Tuel really deserves to be the #1 he will earn it in the locker room, in meetings and on the practice field. Like EJ has so far.

  2. Horrible analysts, like the worst of what's left over from the players that are even competent to speak on a somewhat understandable level. I've heard better English from a Chinese stuttering contest winner, at least they try to make sense.


    If you want good analysis go somewhere online like PFF or FootballOutsiders. I watch TV to be entertained and those guys definitely do that. For me at least :lol:

  3. This situation sucks but I get it from the Bills FO's point of view, while Byrd is certainly a great player he isn't absolutely essential to the team. Since he's probably leaving anyway this is probably better as it gives some young guys a chance to step up and Aaron Williams to start living up to his potential.


    I love Byrd but I think what he and his agent are doing is stupid, he's no Revis so he won't get max dollars if he sits out a whole training camp and especially not if he misses games. If he really wants a huge contract, the only real option is to bust his butt in camp and try to have the best season of his career in 2013 so someone overpays him next offseason.

  4. Haha too funny! I don't understand how anyone could call his post incoherent, just read out the words, its written exactly how a lot of people speak. And it was a freaking message board post, he wouldn't write like that if it was something official (like maybe a letter to Goodell, hehe). If you are going to talk about schools not educating their athletes, pick on schools like Alabama or Kentucky not a school that has actually has an outstanding academic reputation.

  5. its amazing how personal some people take the idea that his behavior has red flags, whether or not they end up manifesting into anything else.


    and i kind of question how much the kid is really enjoying himself. im sure hes having fun with the perks, but it seems the headaches that come with it might really get to him. really that part i dont know, as i dont know him personally, so its all speculation but... he strikes me as having some inner conflict there even before the "cant wait to leave A&M" tweet... the idea of being johnny football just seems like it might be wearing on him a bit.


    like ive said a few times though, hes young and guys get over it all the time. itll be interesting to see how/if he matures.


    I don't take it personal, I just think its ridiculous how all these people sit on their high horses judging this kid when he hasn't really done anything wrong except for maybe not being a goodie two shoes dork like Andrew Luck.

  6. This is so stupid. Oh God forbid he misses a stupid camp with the holy Mannings, he must have a problem. Give me a break, until he starts missing actual A&M practices or underperforming in games people should stop getting their panties in a bunch. He's 20 and he's one of the most famous people in all of Texas let alone the US, let the kid enjoy himself!!!

  7. A couple different possibilities:


    -Some growing pains and unfamiliarity with the new system leads the team to a slow start and picking somewhere between 5-10. We then draft Clowney after he has a slightly disappointing season (how could he not, given the hype right now) and the first few teams pick QBs. Then with Jadaveon, Mario, Kyle and Marcell we'll have one of the best pass rushes in 2014.


    -EJ comes on somewhat unexpectedly like Russell Wilson did last year and leads the Bills to the playoffs for the first time in over a decade. We pick somewhere in the twenties and who cares who we draft, we made the freaking playoffs!!!


    -Probably the most likely scenario would be something in between those two, EJ comes in around midseason and struggles a bit but shows a lot of promise. We take the best available O lineman in the middle of the 1st to protect our boy.

  8. 1. Spiller - One of the most electrifying players in the league, potential MVP candidate if Bills make playoffs this year.


    2. M. Williams - Like Spiller, Mario is on another level physically and talent wise than most at his position.


    3. Byrd - Widely considered to be one of the best safeties in the league, it should tell you a lot that the FO was happy to franchise tag him which means paying him top 5 money.


    4. S. Johnson - Three straight 1,000 yd seasons with Fitz as his QB, one of the best route runners in the NFL.


    5. Gilmore - More than held his own covering #1's as a rookie. I'm really excited about this guy's future.

  9. Been watching the highlights and seeing a lot of nice plays by Nickell Robey a very underrated UDFA signing. I really think he's going to be a productive player for this defense, he was a team captain at USC and certainly would have been drafted and perhaps pretty high if he wasn't so short. But that doesn't seem to be a problem for him!



  10. The Feds do not lose? Really. Go ask Roger Clemens and Barry bonds. The Feds are a joke


    Exactly, I can't believe they would rather waste money on something stupid like this than going after terrorists and those who do actual harm.


    Clemens and Bonds are forever tarnished. So the Feds still got their way in a way.


    They were going to be tarnished anyway, those perjury trials were a complete waste of money.

  11. At first I thought this number was too low as the team has clearly improved from last year but looking at this year's schedule 6.5 seems to be about right. Let's say they go 3-3 in the division (which I think is pretty realistic) they need to beat 4 of the following 10 teams to get to 7 wins: Carolina, Baltimore, Cleveland, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Tampa Bay and Jacksonville. Totally doable so I'm still taking the over but it will be tough seeing as the Jags game is the only easy win out of those.

  12. At that first OTA or minicamp or whatever it was reported that first team reps had Dareus at nose tackle with Branch at DE. It confused me some because I thought part of the reason for signing Branch was to put him on the nose and allow Dareus to play his natural DE position he played in college. Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't see Marcel as a space-clogging NT, but more an athletic penetrating lineman. I wonder if playing out of position might hurt his chances for a breakout year.


    Obviously Pettine knows what he's doing a whole lot better than I do, I'm just wondering what thoughts are out there.


    After Kyle got hurt two years ago Marcell took over at NT and really played well. Definitely better than he looked all of last season.

  13. Yes, I'm taking him 1st overall if I can. AP might be a safer pick but CJ could very well put up '00 Marshall Faulk or '06 LT numbers this season. Also this year is deeper than ever at QB so it makes a ton of sense to go RB in the 1st. There used to be a huge gap between Rodgers/Brady/Brees and everyone else but now we have RG3, Kaepernick, Luck, Newton, Matt Ryan and the Mannings all right there.

  14. Everything you just said means absolutely nothing when evaluating QBs in college. Who did Matt Ryan have when he was at Boston College? What about Joe Flacco? Tom Brady had some nice weapons but wasn't the most talented and didn't have the best numbers. Who was Andrew Luck throwing the ball to at Stanford?


    When you're evaluating QBs you look at the QB himself and gametape. What he does under pressure. His mechanics, athletic abilities, etc. Regardless of who his targets are.


    Obviously there's all kinds of exceptions but I think the OP was just pointing out that due to the lack of playmakers at FSU, we don't really know what EJ's ceiling is yet. We saw Geno put up those #'s with super stud Austin and a 3rd rounder in Bailey and Barkley with his two stud WRs and we haven't really seen what EJ can do with guys like that around him.

  15. I am all over the place on this draft and have no idea where the Bills will go. I just had a thought that maybe the Bills leaking of all if these names are just smokescreens so that someone doesn't trade up for Geno?


    That's funny I was just thinking the same thing. The past couple weeks there's been more publicity around Barkley, Nassib and Manuel and all of a sudden it actually seems pretty likely that Geno will be there at #8. It could be that the Bills are playing everybody but I think it's just the agents of the other 3 pushing hard to get them as much exposure as possible. They can be signed for an extra year if they're drafted in the 1st round so you know that's what the agents want.

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