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Posts posted by chicot

  1. Okay, so you are being serious. Mormons aren't Muslims. Not at all in any way, shape or form. The only factions in Islam are Sunnis and Shiites.


    No, he's not being serious. He alternates between being a serious poster and his simpleton persona (hence the name), sometimes within the same post.

  2. You are so right.


    He defended your ridiculous assertion that body count is the primary measuring stick with incredible skill. Except not. It seems he actually defended the random killings in the same way a 5 year old boy would defend hitting his three year old brother:


    "He did it first Mom".


    I replied to your simplistic, sarcastic analogy with a simplistic, sarcastic analogy of my own. You don't like it? Well, don't take the debate there in the first place. BTW I preferred your earlier, funnier posts.

  3. Quick qustion now that we are on the Israel thing. How did the UN determine the post war borders that would become Isreal? I would like to hear both sides of the argument... Why they got the "peach" lands... ?


    Not quite sure if this has what you are looking for but it's a (long) account of the background to the conflict. It's on the "If Americans Knew" website but was written by Jews For Justice For Palestinians.


    Origin of the Israel-Palestine conflict


    Some will of course argue that it is pro-Palestinian but I'll leave it to someone else to provide the pro-Israeli version.


    The devil is in the details. Even if "Bibi" is sincere that he "could consider supporting a Palestinian state", it will be a swiss-cheese state, criss-crossed with settlements. In any event, I'm not sure that his statement is exactly recognizing the Palestinians right to a state, more like a grudging acceptance if they jump through numerous hoops first. Look. Israel exists. That is a fact. Expecting the millions who lost everything in it's creation or their descendants to like it as well is perhaps expecting a bit much. In a long term, Israel's survival and prosperity will not come about through empty gestures, it will come about when the Palestinians have real prospects of a better existence so they actually have something to lose.

  5. If 12 armed bandits entered your home and killed two of your children and your wife, but you managed to take them all down and help another child survive; the body count would be 3 of your family members and 12 armed bandits.


    I'm sure this would anger armed bandits the world over.


    How about armed bandits stealing your home, exiling you to a corner of the back garden and then taking a little bit more of what was left year by year?

  6. Welcome to politics. I'd love to know how bibi would look to his voter base (remember he gets elected) when he signs a peace agreement with a political group who doesn't believe they should exist...


    Yes, I'm sure saying that they believe Israel should exist is going to preserve it in stone and give Israel some magical guarantee that will keep them safe forever. Do they have to take a lie detector test when they are saying it? The whole thing is childish nonsense. And why is this constant call for recognition on one side only? How about the Israeli's recognize the Palestinian's right to a viable state of their own.

  7. That's a disputed fact. Irregardless, no one ever got anywhere listening to other peoples opinions. They did what they needed to do, and on three fronts, mind you, dominated their opponent. I'm sure Arabs wouldn't have been crying had Israeli's gotten creamed in the Yom Kippur war.




    I know what your point is, simply put I'm also addressing the issue of how there will never be a peace agreement as long as extremists still have a voice.


    The first thing Hamas did when they united with Fatah was announce that they would not recognize Israel. The only reason they did was that they did not lose support from the extremists that support them.


    As I've said before, recognition is a red herring. In practice, it means nothing.

  8. any remake of a previous movie, tv show, or video game, and any sequel other then Godfather II, the Bourne, and Bond (guilty pleasures) movies. Hollywood has been putting out unoriginal, contrived, banal, crap for sometime. There has not been a compelling movie for me to want to see in a long time. Give me a book any time over that **** anytime


    Did you not like Aliens?

  9. Well, isn't it nice to apply your standard on what qualifies a Jewish state? Isn't the definition of giving preference to Jews in a Jewish state the whole point of it being a Jewish state? You may disagree with the entire concept of a nation state being founded on the basis of being tied to a particular religion, but it is not against international law to have religion codified into a sovereign constitution. The apartheid argument is a tired one, as that can be applied to any agreived party that lost its land/property to a military conflict. The Jewish state was created under the auspices of international law, and ever since its founding people want a do over. Yet, the standard that the polite society the world wants Israel to live by somehow do not apply to anyone else (especially to the same members of that polite society).


    And Israel is a multicultural state right now, where people have to live by its laws. But at the end of the day it is a Jewish state. If you don't like it, please start a petition at the Vatican & Riyad asking that all religious nation states should be abolished. When you're successful with the big fish, maybe then you can adress Israel.


    I have no problem with the creation of a Jewish state provided that is what a majority of it's inhabitants want. I have every problem with the artificial creation of a Jewish state by the dispossession of the indigenous people in a region where the majority is non-Jewish. You may think that the current situation is both satisfactory and tenable. I do not. Sooner or later the Palestinian leadership (hopeless though it is) will realise that any prospect for a 2-state solution is long gone and will begin pressing for equal rights within Israel for all Palestinians within the occupied territories. At this point, Israel will face the prospect either of attempting to expel the Palestinians or becoming even more of an apartheid state than it is already, neither of which will be acceptable, either to the international community or even to many Israelis. That is not just my view. Several prominent Israelis have warned of exactly that prospect.


    As far as I'm aware the creation of the Vatican did not involve the creation of millions of refugees but if you know different let me know. As for Riyadh, I have no liking for the Saudi regime and will be happy when it is gone.

  10. I don't equate Palistinian with terrorist or Hamas. Remember Jews can be Palistinian too. I do equate Hamas with terrorism. Hamas is the ruling party in Gaza and was actually voted in. Regardless I'd be very skeptical of making an agreement with any party that doesn't believe that I have the right to exist. It would be too easy for them to go back on their word.


    This whole "right to exist" argument is stupid and nonsensical. So what if they recognize Israel's right to exist? Do you really think that sets things in stone for now and evermore? What is to stop future generations from going back on that? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Hamas have offered an indefinite truce and, in practice, that is virtually the same thing. Israel exists. Don't expect the Palestinians who lost everything in it's creation to like it as well.


    As far as I'm concerned Israel has no right to exist in it's current form, anymore than apartheid South Africa had any right to exist. Israeli law states that a Jew from anywhere in the world has the absolute right to emigrate and settle there, whereas Palestinians who can trace their ancestry back to that land for generations are denied the same right. That is racism pure and simple and I defy anyone to explain to me how it is not.


    The only fair solution to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is a binational state with equal rights for all it's citizens. The 2-state solution is dead - the Israelis have ensured that by continually taking more and more land. The truly ironic thing is that it is Israeli policy that will inevitable lead to the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

  11. On the other hand, are you denying that there's a common interest among Iran, Syria & Hezzbolah? Even if the friend of a friend was wrong, Hezzbolah relies heavily on Iran & Syria, and the three certainly don't have many friends in Mid East outside each other.


    No, I wouldn't deny that at all. They are certainly allies. However, I just can't see Syria relying on Iranian assistance for internal security and it's obviously in Israel's interest to play up Iranian involvement wherever they can. Would you not agree that that was a powder-puff piece of "journalism"?


    Typical Israeli propaganda - raising the spectre of Iranian involvement with little or no proof. A friend of a friend told them that someone was speaking farsi. The Hizbollah link is even more tenuous (if that's possible) - someone was speaking farsi = Iranian, Iran = Hizbollah. Why would Syria be busing in security from Iran - they have plenty of homegrown security forces? Has it never occurred to you that Israel may have a vested interest in playing up Iranian involvement?

  13. Iran(not Arab but shia) and it's puppets, Lebanon and possibly Syria if Hezbollah is successful in suppressing the protests there. Israel can not let the Iranians have nukes.


    What on earth has Hizbollah got to do with suppressing the protests in Syria?! It will be the Syrian security services doing that.

  14. Just the reverse. Israel can field 19 divisions of ground troops and fly nearly 3,000 combat missions, per day. Granted much of this might was built on American dollars, but as things stand right now the US is the only country holding Israeli back from going ape **** on hezbollah backed Arab countries.


    "Hezbollah backed Arab countries"?? Which countries are these then and do you really think that Israel is going to start a war with multiple Arab nations if the US didn't "hold it back"?

  15. And "Exhibit A" of a sub human emerges...



    "Conservative" was invading Iraq, insists the sub. It was "conservative" because the "conservatives" supported it, and FIXED is loaded with "conservatives" like Judy Miller and Dennis Miller and Dick Morris.


    "Radical Islam" is like everyone who wears a turban, insists the sub. Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are one and the same because dual citizen "conservative" Charles Krauthammer says our enemy is "radical Islam" and that means Hezbollah even more than Al Qaeda.


    "The Iraqi People are Free" shouts the sub. Um, sub, what's all the fighting about, then? Um um, "insurgents..." says the sub, not having one sub atomic particle worth of knowledge about sunnis and shias...


    "W was conservative" says the sub. Why?








    can any of you "conservative" W supporters explain why W was "conservative???"


    I really hope you don't get banned for your crusading - you're far too amusing. Let me see - apparently I'm a subhuman neo-con with not one subatomic particle worth of knowledge about sunnis and shias :lol:

  16. In the course of using 911 to sell out our troops for cash and favorable media coverage, the Treason Party needed cover. Iran was arming and funding The Northern Alliance, at war with Taliban and Al Qaeda on 910, 911, and 912. How could you manipulate the US public to support making those behind 911 "not a priority" while waging war on those trying to off them??


    A: BLUR



    Start calling Al Qaeda "the terrorists, islamofacists, radical jihadis" and hope your audience is really REALLY STUPID.


    And hence the FIXED treason plan was launched. The key buzzwords are "radical islam." "Our" enemy is "radical Islam"


    Hoards of sub humans nod in agreement.


    And the solution to "radical Islam" is to invade Iraq, which is run by a dictator who is not Islamic...


    Hoards of sub humans nod in agreement.


    And to make those behind 911 "not a priority," send way too few after them, and flip off those at war with them...


    Hoards of sub humans nod in agreement.


    Because the main thing about 911 that matters to "conservatives" is


    A) socializing senior drugs by lying about the cost

    B) outspending Jimmy Carter with a Dem Congress

    C) making sure those behind 911 don't get offed because W wants to tell us in 2004 "I'm a War President"

    D) the Republican Party exists to get US troops killed for no US national interest in exchange for cash and favorable media coverage from a pro gay pro abortion pro lawyer pro socialism FOREIGN LOBBY

    E) all of the above



    If you answered "E," you get the prize, understanding what Rupert Murdoch means by the term "conservative..."


    Indeed, Hezbollah, as an Iranian armed group itself, wanted AQ dead. That makes Hezbollah more pro-American than any W supporter...


    What the hell are you babbling on about?

  17. Right...there's nothing wrong with rethinking your opinion and changing your mind. It's healthier than sticking to your guns no matter what.


    As a side not, it looks like the UN resolution may be effective without the need for military action. Gadhafi kind of comes off like a big kitty here! :thumbsup:


    You may have spoke too soon. It looks like the "cease-fire" may just have been a ruse to try and buy him enough time to finish the job.


    Gaddafi forces attack Benghazi

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