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Posts posted by chicot

  1. Funny because, from what I noticed when I was over in Italy, most of them work all !@#$ing day and barely scrape by and then proudly boast how they aren't like Americans/Canadians who are a slave to their employer.


    So in reality, they are deluded.


    Obviously, conditions vary from country to country in Europe. The Nordic nations, for example, have very long holidays and usually come out near the top in any "quality of life" surveys, and yet their economies are actually doing pretty well. All I am saying is that the idea that having a healthy work/life balance has to be bad for productivity is very far from the whole truth.

  2. http://www.buffalonews.com/wire-feeds/24-hour-world-news/article687279.ece


    Uh oh, some random nobody in their government is rattling the saber again!


    I wonder who is going to kick Iran's ass harder if they try it, NATO or the Saudis...


    The Saudis?! The Saudis don't generally kick anyone's ass (except maybe unarmed Bahraini protesters). They generally get someone else to do the ass-kicking for them.

  3. What did you make of last night's fight? Personally, I thought the decision was a total disgrace. I made it 8 rounds to 4 in Marquez's favour and couldn't see any way Pacquiao won it. Marquez landed the cleaner, more effective shots all night long and most of Pacquaio's shots caught nothing but air. Even Amir Khan, Pacquiao's stablemate, thought Manny had lost and was making excuses for him before the verdict came in.

  4. How can puppets rule supreme? How can I possibly agree with non-sensical drivel like that?


    Your "point" has nothing to do with the original topic. When I posed a question to you and NoJustice regarding the political climate in Europe and asked for your views on proposed legislation designed to curb what they're calling the "Islamification" of Europe, you two totally dodged the issue and responded with a litany of "you started it. Christians did evil things too. American is hyper violent."


    The changes happening in Europe, which could cross the pond at some point, will require a response from the true Muslim community. It will require the real Muslim community to have an honest discussion about the radical element in their ranks, take measures to counter the fundamental trend, and demonstrate through their actions that they truly stand for peace and have no sympathy for the fundamentalist movement. When the West turns to the moderate Muslims and asks "who are these people who say they represent you and why are they killing us?" and the response is "of course terrorism is bad, BUT YOU F'ING STARTED IT! WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? CHRISTIANS AND AMERICANS ARE SUPER VIOLENT TOO AND THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT," its probably not going to turn out very well. And that would truly be a shame.


    And how do you know the "real Muslim community" is not already doing what you suggest? For instance, did you see any mention of this on your side of the Atlantic?


    Muslim peace conference

  5. Sarkozy and Merkel are trying, and will fail, to hold together the mess that the far-left created, because, now, they are up to their asses in it. Now, the best thing for France and Germany is to try to make this work . They didn't invent this mess. They inherited it. :D Hey, the Obama excuse is good for the goose, right? I am merely saying that this situation should never have happened.


    Single currency, or more accurately, single world currency, as well as one-world government, has been the goal of the far-left everywhere for a very long time. They want it...because it's "fair". The fact that it's ridiculous, example Greece, is beyond them.


    Are you telling me these simple facts are beyond you as well? Isn't this your country we are talking about?


    Which is my country? Greece? France? Which country do you think I'm from today?


    Care to be a bit more specific about these far-left rascals that got us into this fine mess? Maybe a name or a political party or anything at all? Or are you somehow implying that these fiendishly clever far-left individuals somehow put the idea into the heads of all the mainstream politicians that have been running Europe for the past few decades?

  6. How can you use the word "sovereignty" in the same sentence, or book for that matter, as Greece? Sovereignty implies the ability to make decisions for yourself. It also implies that you are actually a real country. It also implies that other countries respect you enough to recognize your right to sovereign determination.


    Greece can't make decisions for itself. They have been trying to make socialism work, and now, they apparently are run by mobs of blatant idiots. How's that sovereignty?


    Greece isn't a real country. How many Greeks would be willing to fight for Greece? How many would protest the war, and protest being asked to fight, instead? How many are willing to accept less handouts to help their country? How many actually care about solving their country's problems, both short and long term, more than they care about their handouts? What about these people makes them a "country" and not merely a collection of lazy azzholes that just happen to live near each other? Greece is what happens when the far left is allowed to be in charge = your country ceases to exist in any way that matters.


    Greece's sovereignty is a joke to everyone. If it wasn't, then why the deal they got? If your sovereignty isn't recognized or respected by anyone, it doesn't exist.


    Sovereignty? Shirly, you can't be serious.


    And finally, the EU, and all its FAIL, is also what happens when you allow the far-left to be in charge.


    The only reason Greece hasn't been tossed out years ago? The far-left politicians in France and Germany don't want to admit their massive mistakes. They want to blame everybody else for their FAIL, as per the far-left methodology.


    Who are these far-left politicians in France and Germany that you're babbling on about? If you think Sarkozy and Merkel are "far-left" then I want some of what you're smoking.

  7. Looks like Ortiz was paying more attention to the ref than Mayweather


    Oritz post fight comments.


    Looks like a 'cheap shot(s)' to me, but Ortiz should not have taken his eyes off Mayweather.


    It was legal but unsportsmanlike. Having said that, Ortiz lost the right to complain with his ridiculously blatant headbutt (a "Saturday night special" as one analyst put it :D ) and got exactly what he deserved. I doubt there will be a rematch or even should be, as Mayweather was dominating the fight and there's no reason to believe a rematch would be any different.

  8. Learn how to read a map. Serve as an officer in a real Army...then get back to me. Saddam ceased being useful to us the minute his war with Iran ended. You don't understand the plan? Ok, I will explain it to you:


    Afghanistan is on one border of Iran, and, we were going in there no matter what. Oh, an opportunity presents itself! Iraq and Kuwait on the other border, which provide a secured supply line to the sea. Every other border Iran has is either hostile/unwilling to help, or inaccessible to armor/vehicles = supply is easy to cut off. Meanwhile, the "axis of evil" speech clearly defined the enemy. The "big oil" guys, Bush and Cheney, certainly know where their oil comes from, don't they? Not Iraq, so why else should we attack them? WMDs? Please. That was just a smoke screen that got unintentionally politicized. They miscalculated, big. They thought the Democrats wouldn't dare oppose Bush in a time of war, and in truth, most of them didn't, but, they didn't stay that way.


    You invade Iraq, and now we have massed armor and infantry with nothing between them and Tehran but open terrain. The Iranian Army is much bigger than Iraq's, so, you don't want to fight them on one front...that's where Afghanistan comes in. You use the Airborne Corps and Rangers from Afghan bases to constantly raid their rear areas, and force them to divide that army. Plus we have air superiority. You use the harassment from the Afghan border to draw them out, and hammer them with air. Keep taking ground slowly, goading them into a major battle on the ground you want. And, when they take the bait, it's over.


    The goal was Iran, and that's also why they didn't see the possibility of getting bogged down in Iraq. They didn't want to see it. This is classic groupthink. They had no plan for post-assault Iraq, because phase 2 was always assault Iran. Look, our military planners are excellent. But, they don't decide what they plan for or why. You can't tell me they were told to plan for occupation and counter-insurgency. They did nothing of the things they would have had to do if that was the plan, until much later.


    I am not saying I like what they did, I have no opinion about it, because that's for politicians to decide = people who have all the intelligence, unlike you. You can say you don't like it. I don't really care, because your opinion is uninformed. But none of this means I can unknow what I know.


    Our guys just asked for permission to attack Iran(link above).....so who's right? Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. knew that once we deployed, there was no going back. We will use this strategy to stop Iran from getting a nuke, unless Iran implodes/has a revolution, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it, certainly not Obama.


    Here's the fun part:


    Hell chicot...aren't you French? Sarkozy said he wants to to attack Iran. Love how the Russians call him the New Napoleon. :D I wonder: if Sarkozy wants to attack Iran, whose bases will he use? Whose lines of communication? Whose air power will he ask for? Whose strategy will be used? Will he ask for harassment from Afghanistan? It's already starting....


    Good grief! I really have to wade through all that...


    1) I am not French. I am English on my mother's side and Iraqi on my Father's.


    2) There are so many holes in your grand theory I really don't know where to begin. The massed armour and infantry with nothing between them and Iran but open terrain is no longer there in the sort of numbers you'd need to invade Iran. The current number of US military in Iraq is about 45,000 and full withdrawal is supposed to occur at the end of the year. I'm no military genius but I think you may need a few more men to contemplate a full-scale invasion of Iran. Or is it your expectation that the Maliki government is just going to allow a re-occupation of Iraq in preparation for a full-scale assault on Iran?


    BTW you're out of luck. I read your last post first :D

  9. Until Iran sends a brigade over the border, thinking they have the initiative, and Obama has to send all these troops right back in.


    Also. I wonder...RCP had an article about "senior military commanders" were asking for permission to cross the border and hit the Iranian supply lines. Link Here


    Strange that this comes right after my link. Coincidence? Nope!


    And, who was right about Iraq merely being a platform to attack Iran? Of course, not you "No Blood For Oil" idiots. We haven't seen a drop of oil from Iraq...but I guarantee you we have been using Iraq to go after Iran. How's it feel to be wrong? Again? Let me tell you what it feels like to be right, again....I feel...nothing. I have been right so many times that for the first time I am becoming bored with it.


    What's the weather like on your planet? So the Iraq war was all about opposing Iran. Of course! It makes perfect sense to depose Saddam, who was an implacable enemy to Iran, and see him replaced with a Shiite-dominated government with very close ties to Iran, many of whom actually spent years in exile in Iran :wallbash: Still, don't let me disturb your fantasies of omniscience (I doubt that I could in any case).

  10. I still for the life of me can't figure out how people think Spiller was a luxury pick. The guy will start for this team and Freddy is north of 30. Explain to me how you'd want to trade a guy that hasn't had a chance to play yet? This is the kind of stuff that keeps this team mired in mediocrity. He has the potential to develop into a true game changer, so yeah lets trade him now before he gets too good :thumbdown:


    At the time Spiller was drafted the Bills still had Lynch, who was very much the right side of 30. Given that fact, the Spiller pick was very much a luxury pick.

  11. I think what he is saying is that without a weapon, what would you do if someone(s) tried to ransack let's say the antique store you owned? I'm not saying the smart thing to do would be to start shooting at a mob but there certainly are circumstances where a weapon would come in handy.


    If you had a gun and the mob were armed with baseball bats then yes that would help. However, if the mob were also armed with guns I'm not sure your situation would be any better.

  12. Maybe this will be the final outrage necessary for law-abiding Britons to vote to get their guns back and for bobbies to actually be armed.


    They let immigration ruin their country.


    Good grief. Law-abiding Britons never really had guns in the first place. I don't know where some of you get this idea that every man and his dog was packing a pistol in the past. Beyond a few gun enthusiasts gun ownership has never really caught on over here. Also, did it never occur to you that if guns were more readily available then the rioters would have them as well?

  13. Does that mean the despot we're discussing in this thread is not to be criticized?


    Oh right...I almost forgot. You've been a big Chavez apologist all along.


    There are plenty of reasons to criticize Chavez. He says and does plenty of stupid things and he obviously has an ego the size of a planet. However, what I take issue with is the idea that he is a dictator with little or no support in the population, and that every election he has won was fixed. That is very far from the truth.

  14. So, Chicot the Enlightened, where exactly did I say that the size of Israel is the only thing that matters?


    You want to keep up with the "FishFace" personal BS?


    Forgive me. I must have missed your detailed and exhaustive study of the Israel/Palestine conflict. I could have sworn the only argument you've presented over whether Israel should give up land or not is the size of the country.


    As for the "personal BS", take a look at some of your posts in this thread. You don't think you were being somewhat patronizing and insulting? Seems to me you can dish it out but not take it. Besides I'm not sure why a gentle jibe about your screen name upsets you so much. Obviously I have no way of knowing whether or not you look like a fish. If you do indeed look like a fish then I apologize for offending you.

  15. Ah, good boy, you DID find it! Give yourself an RC Cola and a Moon Pie.


    Now...for the 2nd part......LOOK at it, look at the SIZE of it, and then let's see what your next brilliant observation is.


    How right you are. I see it all so clearly now. All the time we've spent here on PPP discussing the intricacies of the Israel/Palestine conflict and all we had to do was look at the map since the size of Israel is the only thing that matters. Dammit man, if you'd only found your way to PPP earlier you could have saved us all the effort.


    Here's the deal FishFace. I regret to inform you that your home is built on land that was promised to the Chicotians forever by our imaginary friend. You will be required to leave so that the ancient kingdom of Chicotdom can be restored. Now please don't make a fuss old chap. All you have to do is look at the map. Chicotdom is going to be tiny - there'll be plenty of room for you in the rest of the US.

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