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Posts posted by chicot

  1. Again ?





    just kidding.......................Certainly good news for his country and for all of "Latin America"




    Sorry to disillusion you but the death of Chavez is not going to stop people voting in left-wing governments across South America.

  2. This is an act of war


    /JTSP /lybob


    Of course it's an act of war. What the hell else can a bombing raid on another country's territory be described as? Not that it makes any difference. The Syrians have neither the capability nor the will to respond, even at the best of times, and these are not exactly the best of times.

  3. How's those gun laws working? Again, keeping guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens and only the criminals have them.


    Count as of this morning was 80 dead hostages.


    Terrorists and career criminals will always have the right connections to get hold of guns, no matter what the gun laws. The dweeb who decides to massacre a load of people because he isn't getting laid enough may find it quite a bit harder if he can't just order himself a full Rambo kit off the internet.

  4. Enlighten us then. Go on any social media or a lot of the media and you'll see plenty of anti-Israel rhetoric so how could you accuse someone of just blindly following the media?


    I'm not sure if that's the case with the US media. I'm guessing (someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the US media coverage is very much on the Israeli side.

  5. Then cut out being a stupid schit and deliberatly mis-framing what I said. It should be very clear that I was addressing who was behind the violence, not that Iran was sending rockets into Israel from their territory. Calling me "daft" isn't an insult? BTW, what gives you some special inside insight into the middle east?


    No, I never called you daft. I said your original statement was daft and only after your stupid schitt jibe.

  6. No, I didn't make a "daft" statement. Iran is responsible for fomenting a tremendous amount of problems in the entire middle east. Instead of coming up with reasonable arguments against what I've posted, you just state that I'm wrong and you can't be bothered proving it because you are so superior. Who are you, this board's European Connor?


    If you start going nuts and referring to people as "stupid schitts", don't be suprised if they then can't be bothered to debate with you. You want a rational debate then cut out the insults.

  7. No, you stupid schit, Iran is responsible for the shelling of Israel. Hamas is guilty too, along with the deaths of innocent people in their own territory. Setting up rocket launchers next to schools and playgrounds is a cowardly way to act. Faking injuries for the newspeople shows their character. Regardless, Iran is the ultimate evil in the area and will deserve whatever it gets.


    Calm down. You made a daft statement and I corrected you on it. As for the rest of your hysterical post, I can't be bothered to reply to it. All along you've shown you know nothing at all about what goes on in that region of the world except for what you're spoonfed by your media (and which you believe unquestioningly) so there's not really much point in attempting any sort of dialogue with you.

  8. They are supplying Hamas via Sudan and Egypt. Iran is fomenting as much trouble as they can to take the world's empathise off of their nuclear ambitions. I see you had no comment about them killing our servicemen.


    Supplying weaponry to a nation is somewhat different to actually being "guilty" of the act yourself. By that measure, the US would be "guilty" every time US weaponry is used by one of it's client states. As for Iran killing US servicemen, I'm not quite sure of what you meant by that either but I thought I'd go with the obvious mistake.

  9. No, we send a Chicago lawyer to deal with Iran, the country guilty of killing our servicemen and shelling Israel.







    The face of the Obama administration’s outreach to Iran may have just been unmasked, and it’s allegedly Valerie Jarrett.


    Last month, the New York Times informed America that the Obama administration has been running secret talks with Iran in order to facilitate a working relationship once tomorrow’s election is over. Official disavowals were not long in coming, even as off the record sources confirmed that the talks were taking place.


    And thanks to YNetNews, we may now know who the administration’s designated voice is: Obama confidante and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. From the article:


    A Chicago lawyer is the key player behind the secret talks between the US and Iran, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday. A close friend of Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett is assisting the US government communicate behind the scenes with the representatives of Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.


    Jarret, who was born in the Iranian city of Shiraz, is a senior advisor to US President Barack Obama.


    Iran is shelling Israel? Wow, that's some pretty powerful artillery they have...

  10. Much as a deer doesn't worry much while it's caught in headlights waiting to become highway venison. As long you've fully resigned and contented yourself with being an idiot, I certainly won't get in your way.


    We'll just go ahead and stick with: "-1 comprehension", but we'll go ahead and add a "here's your sign". Good work.


    Ah, I get it now. I did indeed misread your original statement. Apologies.


    Sorry guys, show's over.

  11. Your inability to answer my question speaks volumes about your personal shame.


    God, I absolutely love the feeling I get from watching those who I'm better than wail impotently, gnashing their teeth at my moderate success.


    It must absolutely gall you to know that were you somehow able to take from me everything I've ever earned, within a few years time I'd be affluent again, and you, after pissing away your windfall, would still be living in a trailer.


    Everything you've ever earned?! Do you somehow pay 100% tax?

  12. I don't recall anyone suggesting that nuking or exterminating Muslims is the answer. I personally am all for getting rid of dependence upon the middle east for oil. After that we can leave them to their own devices with the exception of harboring terrorists and WMD's. Keep them in line with the threat of using oil AGAINST them. Countries financing terrorism can do it with $20 a barrel oil instead of $100 a barrel oil. See how far they get. We have the ability to keep a lid on things if we have the balls to do so.


    I think you need to go back and read the post by "TakeYouToTasker" on page 2 of this thread.


    I'll add a fuller response later, but what happened in Lybia today is exactly what needs to continue.


    I don't think anyone here would disagree with that but the question is what is the best way of supporting and encouraging that sort of thing.

  13. You don't comprehend what you read very well do you? You have no clue what I was trying to accomplish with NJ. As long as you can interject yourself into a conversation, somehow misinterp what is being stated and proclaim yourself superior, you are complete. You do have some talent. Why don't you use that in a positive way rather than just sitting up there in your balcony taking cheap shots at those of us you feel are inferior.


    A comment I saw in the comments section in an article:



    It appears to be a religion ..."

    This is the problem. Islam is not just a "religion", and too many people make a grave error in considering it so.

    It is an all-encompassing system that includes ALL aspects of a society and culture: religion, government, judiciary, education, military, economics, etc. And it is completely intolerant of others, seeking total domination over all others.

    This is why it is completely incompatible with the West, democracy, capitalism, Judeo-Christianity, and other religions.

    There really is no room for co-existence, and it is why we will remain in conflict with the Muslim world until one side or the other wins.

    It really is as simple as "US" or "THEM".

    Posted by: fdcol63 | September 18, 2012 at 10:50 AM


    Well, this is a first. Normally, when people quote someone else to support their argument it's someone who you would expect to have some level of expertise in the subject. This is the first time I've seen some random dude in a comments section referenced. Ok, let's suppose for a minute that John Doe's thesis on all things Islamic is correct - what do you suggest we do about it? Kill all muslims? Subjugate them and demand that they renounce their faith at gunpoint?

  14. Is that the only answer you have? Apparently you feel the KKK was all about religion? No race factor ar all? Save me the time of reading a book and give us your version,



    So you think Islam plays no role in Saudi government policy? Yes or No.


    The Saudi's interpretation of Islam plays a role in Saudi government policy certainly. However, in how many Islamic countries are women banned from driving? Nowhere but Saudi Arabia. I don't think it makes a great deal of sense to try to somehow blame Islam for something that is the government policy of one out of the dozens of Islamic countries. If you want to argue that the Saudis are nuts then fine, you'll get no argument from me (for many reasons, not just this) but you're on dodgy ground if you try to extrapolate what goes on in Saudi Arabia to every muslim everywhere.

  15. A tiny minority? Would you like to be a woman in Saudi arabia where they put woman in prison for driving a car? That's a government policy not a few nut jobs. But you defend it in your endless Quest to raise above the mob and be all knowing. Pick a better horse to back.


    Nice try at moving the goalposts. One minute you're blaming the whole religion for women being shot for going outdoors and then, when challenged on that, you move on to blaming Islam for Saudi government policy. Perhaps you'd like to point out the passage in the Quran where it states that women shalt not drive cars.


    Just for the record, this is what it looked like for a man who made a film that made the Obama Administration uncomfortable:





    Here’s the key bit: “Just after midnight Saturday morning, authorities descended on the Cerritos home of the man believed to be the filmmaker behind the anti-Muslim movie that has sparked protests and rioting in the Muslim world.”

    When taking office, the President does not swear to create jobs. He does not swear to “grow the economy.” He does not swear to institute “fairness.” The only oath the President takes is this one:

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    By sending — literally — brownshirted enforcers to engage in — literally — a midnight knock at the door of a man for the non-crime of embarrassing the President of the United States and his administration, President Obama violated that oath. You can try to pretty this up (It’s just about possible probation violations! .... Sure it is.), or make excuses or draw distinctions, but that’s what’s happened. It is a betrayal of his duties as President, and a disgrace.


    He won’t resign, of course. First, the President has the appreciation of free speech that one would expect from a Chicago Machine politician, which is to say, none.

    Second, he’s not getting any pressure. Indeed, the very press that went crazy over Ari Fleischer’s misrepresented remarks seems far less interested in the actions of an administration that I repeat, literally sent brown-shirted enforcers to launch a midnight knock on a filmmaker’s door.


    But Obama’s behavior — and that of his enablers in the press — has laid down a marker for those who are paying attention. By these actions he is, I repeat, unfit to hold office. I hope and expect that the voters will agree in November.







    The video was made by the Elephant Man?

  16. Do they? I don't know. But I think they have general support. How in Gods name do you enlightened types support a religion that puts a bullet in a woman's head for going outdoors without a relative male escort? I have never understood that.


    Perhaps these enlightened types realise something that you seem incapable of - that blaming an entire religion for something that only it's most extreme adherents practice makes no sense. How many of the billion or so muslims in the world practice or support putting a bullet in a women's head for going outdoors? I think you will find that it's a tiny, tiny minority and yet you're quite happy to state that's the religion itself that does it as if it's somehow common practice. You don't seem like a stupid person but that's a pretty damn stupid statement.

  17. Knowing your background a little bit as I do, Chicot, what is your opinion on what can be done (if anything) to correct this problem? Is it hopeless?


    It's a difficult question. The ultimate aim should be a world where any nutjob can make a video, cartoon, blog....etc saying whatever they like about Islam and muslims will just say "so what?" as a response. Sadly, I don't think that's going to happen any day soon. In the absence of that, the only thing that can be done is to put pressure on nations to not let any demonstrations get out of hand. Ironically enough, dictators are a lot better at that sort of thing - it's hard to imagine that this would have happened in Libya had Gaddafi still been in power.

  18. Part of participating in this global society of ours is tolerating views and practices which may make you upset or uncomfortable. Making that video pretty much makes you an !@#$, but by no means does it justify any violence. Assigning equal blame in this instance as if Muslims are somehow incapable of exercising restraint or judgement when they're angry is beyond foolish. Appeasement has never worked, and will never work.


    I'd agree with most of that. The video is provocative but the correct response is to ignore it. Hardly anyone would even get to hear about these videos if the reaction was not so stupid and extreme. The video makers probably wanted this sort of response to prove their point and these idiots did exactly want they wanted. The problem is that some (not all) muslims are pretty much incapable of the restraint you mention. They live in backward societies with poor education and are incapable of just shrugging this sort of thing off as more sophisticated people would be.

  19. No. There is, infact, a third option. Total War. Rain fire on them destroying every single bit of their infrastructure, hospital, house, hut, and hovel. Follow this up with a full scale ground invasion, burning their food and poisoning their water supply as we go, killing everything and everyone that moves. We deny them aid from the UN and ourselves, making it known that we will drop a nuclear warhead on any nation who violates this edict or grants asylum to political refugees.


    We then colonize behind ourselves, leaving our new border entirely militarized, letting our new neighbors know we are hostile, and that we haven't ended our assaults yet. With 100% compliance and exemplary behavior they don't have to be next.


    If there is a "next" use chemical and biological weapons.


    If there is a "next" after that, nuclear bombs.


    Either they will stop of their own accord, or they will stop because there are none of them left. Either outcome is acceptable.


    Yes, because genocide is such a great option. You truly are a complete imbecile.

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