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49er Fan

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Posts posted by 49er Fan

  1. I think if utilized in a variety of ways Tebow can still contribute to an NFL team. He seems to be the type of guy that will learn to do anything, and learn it quickly - whether it be blocking only, playing TE, FB, etc. He wasn't a great QB at Denver but he did make some plays. The Jets had the problem of Sanchez' vagina getting bruised if it was even hinted that Tebow could supplant him. That, and the coaches' abject fear of the NY media.

  2. Willis is indeed a top LB.

    Any team trying to run vs. SF has to prioritize blocking Willis. If he is unblocked you are getting stuffed. Very hard to block both him and Bowman and running up the middle is going to generate a bunch of 3rd-and-longs.


    Willis is pretty good in coverage; he won't make a lot of big plays (INTs, sacks) but that 5-yard-over-the-middle pass isn't gaining more than 5 yards with Willis wrapping up.

  3. I was looking at some stats and as 26CB noted, Te'o's 7 picks are the standout numbers for him this year. The tackle numbers are questionable when you look at solo/assists game-by-game:


    @Navy 3-3

    PUR 2-8

    @MSU 7-5

    MICH 3-5

    MIA 8-2

    STAN 3-8

    BYU 1-9

    @OU 6-5

    PITT 3-4

    @BC 4-1

    WAKE 3-3

    @USC 3-2

    ALA 3-7

    TOT 49-62


    Less solos than assists is a flag. And 3 home games with 8 or more assists could be a flag (scoring favoritism).


    3.77 solos per game is decent but nothing close to dominant. Have to see game films to really see his value. Top 10 overall is looking pretty overrated.

  4. http://www.footballdocs.com/running_back_carries.html


    380 is actually pretty high for today's NFL. Excerpt from linked article:


    Through the 2011 season and out of the 24 running backs in the history of the league with 370 or more carries in season, in the very next season of play, 18 experienced a significant decline in fantasy production, 4 tore their ACL, and 6 effectively had their career ended. Only Eric Dickerson, Walter Payton, and LaDainian Tomlinson did not show any real effect or drop-off in fantasy point production in the season following their 370+ carry season.


    Stop and think about the names of Dickerson, Payton, and Tomlinson for a minute. They are arguably the best backs to ever play the game. The other 21 backs listed aren't exactly slouches and represent some of the creme of the crop in the history of the NFL.

  5. LA Riots?

    Please. I'll venture a guess that no one on this board has ever spent any significant time in South Los Angeles (a.ka. "South Central") other than possibly an alumnus of the University of Southern California (and that campus is behind guarded walls). No one in Burbank or Santa Monica needed to engage in "street justice" during those riots.

  6. oh, hell no.....I couldn't possibly disagree with him more. your presumption of sarcasm on my part was 100% accurate.


    for what it's worth, my take on the subject is that any one of us here could have walked into that school full of little kids with a baseball bat and killed just as many of them as this maniac did. to argue guns as the big issue here is wrong imo.


    Specious. I've heard this argument in numerous forms - He could have had a knife, planted a bomb, etc.


    The school had security in place to deter unknown visitors. Lanza blasted his way into the school. Without ample firepower, he wasn't getting in.


    And about the baseball bat - I agree with "any one of us here...." But I bet you didn't say "Lanza could have killed those kids with a bat" for a reason. Have you seen pictures of him? His arms were so skinny he could barely pick up a bat, much less swing one. The ease, skill and detachment of the lethal violence he was able to dole out with his mother's guns is what's at issue here.

  7. Good find joe-the-retard. Too bad it's a bunch of complete bullsh--. According to the people who knew her, she was a normal, outgoing person and shooting was a hobby she took up after her divorce.


    I'm guessing that a normal trip to Costco would qualify as "stockpiling food" in Belfast.


    Clearly she was an idiot for not ensuring the guns were secure from her mentally disabled son, but that's another matter.


    C'mon - This isn't one rogue journalist in Ireland perverting the facts. Guns were far more than a "hobby" for this woman - may she rest in peace.

  8. ...


    In light of this comment I'm going to guess that the reason you are so unreasonably afraid of guns is because you have no experience with them. I know this because you apparantly have no idea what gun care, gun safety, and gun owner responsibility entails.


    I can infer that your gun(s) are in a safe place. Guns are routinely stolen and used in ways the owner(s) would find undesirable.

  9. Serious question:


    Let's say you have at least one kid living at your house, and you're a gun owner. Shotgun, Colt .45, doesn't matter.


    Even if you lock them up, are they ever really secure?


    As a young kid there was no tangible asset in our house that my parents could hide from me. I eventually located everything. If it was locked, I found out the combination or pilfered the key at some point. Kids are resourceful. And tenacious. Maybe my parents didn't have anything as "exciting" as a gun to hide, but I'm just wondering.

  10. And some want the teachers (what Texas wants to do) able to pack heat?




    Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, in an interview on "Fox News Sunday," defended the sale of assault weapons and said that the principal at Sandy Hook Elementary School, who authorities say died trying to overtake the shooter, should herself have been armed.


    "I wish to God she had had an M-4 in her office, locked up so when she heard gunfire, she pulls it out and she didn't have to lunge heroically with nothing in her hands. But she takes him (the shooter) out, takes his head off before he can kill those precious kids," Gohmert said.


    Yeah, great idea. So under this clown's leadership, every school in the country - which are already completely strapped for state education funds - would have to provide weaponry and shooting training to school principals?


    Could you imagine the job interviews?


    "Tell me your background."


    "Well I love kids. I have three of my own, and I was vice-principal for 7 years at -"


    "That's fine. Can you handle a Colt M4 carbine? That's what we have at our school."

  11. So, in our mad race to assess blame, we pass over the disturbed guy who did the shooting and go straight to his mom.



    I guess she got what she deserved.


    I genuinely feel bad for the mother but let's be real: She may as well have pulled the trigger on one of her guns on herself.


    And allegedly Lanza recently tried unsuccessfully to purchase a gun. If true, the "system" worked except the mother didn't know how unstable her son was, nor did she do anything to secure her own private home arsenal.

  12. And those who would take out a gun? The police likely wouldn't be able to do anything at all to prevent a crime that was going to be commited. They come after the fact to mop up the blood and haul away the bodies. On the other hand, if you yourself were armed, you might be able to prevent a gun crime or murder.


    The deterrent to that is that NYC has a hell of a lot of cops and security cameras to enforce the law. Businesses almost never get robbed. I couldn't imagine someone even trying. I don't live in the Bronx and I don't find myself wandering the city between 4 and 5 AM very often, but I have never felt the need to have a gun where I live.

  13. New York ranks 138'th in crime rate out of 188 US cities with a population of more than 100,000. That isn't good, at all.


    That's totally misleading. 100,000 people? That's like one neighborhood in Brooklyn. New York cannot be compared with cities with a minimum of 100,000 population. Try 1,000,000.

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