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Posts posted by Dopey

  1. I expected a problem with Jax on offense. Jet lag is a real thing. The Jags being there for 2 weeks was a huge advantage. Not mad at all about that one. I expected it. 

    As for the Giants game:

    Quit dropping passes. 

    Quit fumbling the ball.

    Bass need to hit his FG attempts.

    Josh can't keep throwing picks. 

    If players execute Dorsey's plan, we beat the Jets and we're 4-1. First place in the AFCE. That Jets game is what hurts the most so far. And that's on Josh, not Dorsey. I believe we're fine moving forward. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Yes there were.  In fact there was a lot more then a lot of fans want to acknowledge.  Here's a couple:


    In 1991, the Bills best offense of the Super Bowl years lost at NE 16 - 13. The Bills were 10 - 1 and the Pats 3 - 8 when that game was played. Kelly threw 4 INT's.


    In 1992, the 5 - 2 Bills hosted the 0 - 7 Pats at Rich Stadium. At halftime the Bills were trailing 7 - 0 and Kelly had thrown 2 INT's.  The fans booed the Bills off the field.  I know this because I was at the game.  The Bills came back and won it 16 - 7.


    In 1988, the 11 -2 Bills lost to the 3 - 10 TB Bucs at Tampa 10 - 5.  The Bills trailed 10 - 2 late in the 4th quarter.


    A there are a lot more.


    For those that appreciate the history of the Bills I highly recommend Sal Maiorana's Relentless. This book as every box score from 1960 through the 1993 season.




    I'm just reacting to your comment which tells me you don't watch much football.  Sure, I wouldn't call it a "good throw" but it wasn't a "crap throw" either I would call it GOOD ENOUGH.


    BTW, do you expect Allen to perfectly place the ball on every throw?  When I watch KC I see a lot of over thrown & under thrown Mahomes throws being caught regularly.  Kelsy alone has 3 - 4 per game.


    Such a dumb statement. Again, 2 things can be true. He could have caught it, but it was a crap throw. Obviously not GOOD ENOUGH. I don't expect perfection, but you can't place blame only on Knox on that one. Allen was part of the issue with that play. 

    • Disagree 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Who knows?  The NFL has been crazy this year.  I could see the Bills winning both games by several TD's each or losing one of those games and squeaking by in the other.  Three weeks ago if you had said that the Bills would beat Miami by 28 points and barely scrape by the Giants folks would have thought you to be nuts.



    Actually that throw looked a lot like a lot of passes that I've seen caught in that same situation.  And if you watched more football you would agree.



    Unless you're sitting on my lap during game time, you have no clue how much I watch. We can agree to disagree, but I don't think we do. You didn't say it was a good throw. It was crap. Knox could have caught that crap throw, but he didn't. Two things can be true at once. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Simon said:


    I think if Dorsey is more conscientious about not always letting defensive sets dictate to him, that he can call an efficient diversified offense that better suits this team. It feels like he gets in ruts at times and defenders can smell it, which makes things harder on everybody.

    Some hard positional coaching from the WR and TE coaches to minimize all the self-inflicted wounds is probably necessary as well.




    Please feel free to take any screaming "Fire Him, Cut Him, light his yard on fire!" takes elsewhere.

    I will help you with that if necessary.

    IMO, Dorsey is fine. Josh lost the Jets game. We had enough plays called by Dorsey that should have been successful in that game, but Josh crapped the bed. Dorsey didn't lose that game. Last night we had 2 wrs wide open on long plays, but they were tripped up by the defender. Not on Dorsey. Diggs dropped a big pass, not Dorsey, Gabe fumbled the ball away, not Dorsey. Bass missed 2 FGs, not Dorsey. We could have easily gotten 30 points if not for these gaffs. Not on Dorsey. The Harty TD was a helluva call and that was coming off of a helluva drive to end the 3rd qt. We also drove down field on our next possession for a TD to Morris. Was that a great play by Josh? Sure, but let's not pretend the Bills didn't move the ball down the field on that score. I think we took about 6 minutes off the clock on that drive. I'm glad you mentioned self-inflicted wounds. If not for the players (not Dorsey) making mistakes in the 1st half, we win by a comfortable margin. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Limeaid said:

    Each loss someone posts asking what you did which caused the loss (the loss in London was due to the King Josh sign put up by peon of Goodell).


    What did you do to help Bills win this game against Bills former OC?

    I was late to watching game since I needed to complete another task.


    Cheering D-FENCE when offense was on field which was very clear on TV is not one of them.

    You showed up for the 2nd half, didn't you? We need you for the entire 4 quarters. You're to blame for that first half. Not Diggs dropping a pass, or Gabe fumbling away the ball, or 2 wide open wrs being tripped up, or Josh throwing a pick, or Bass missing a FG. We need you.

  6. 7 hours ago, ChronicAndKnuckles said:

    The decision to kick a 53 FG when already up 4+ points knowing your kicker has been shaky and shanked another 53 yarder earlier in the game.

    Missing the kick would put the Giants in good field position w/ a time out to work with and ample time to dink & dunk their way down to the red zone.


    If McDermott would’ve punted, it would’ve placed the Giants around the 10 (who haven’t scored a TD in multiple games) and made them drive 90 yards! This decision would’ve eliminated all those Trent Edwards check downs and forced Tyrod to make multiple big plays. I’m sure the analytics would back this up all day. 

    I know it’s irrelevant now, but the Bills are darn lucky to have escaped this game w/ a win. 

    If we had punted, you would have bitched about that too. You can deny it, but we know better. It's what TBD does.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Herb said:

    In my entire history of watching our Bills, this was the most unsatisfying win I can ever remember. I'm 44 years old and have been a lifelong fan. If Bills management aren't 100% behind letting Josh call the plays after these last two weeks, we're in a lot of unnecessary trouble.

    I guess you want a sympathy card. What a bunch of whiners. Yeah, let's have the QB who led the league in turnovers the reigns to the offense. Brilliant! 

  8. 20 minutes ago, Hsker4life said:

    An NFL tight end who has the ball hit him in his hands needs to make that catch. If you can’t admit that, that’s on you. 

    The "Best" QB in the league makes that throw. That was a crap throw. At least admit that part. If you can't, that's on you.

    35 minutes ago, Kmart128 said:


    Was it tho... yes it was low but it hit recievers hands. I feel of the ball was any higher it would have been batted by the defender in front of Josh

    yes it was, tho. a crap throw.

  9. 23 minutes ago, PatsFanNH said:

    You won because Tyrol Taylor totally messed up to end the 1st half and didn’t even get 3 points because he ran the ball with no time out left. Then the refs totally miss an obvious PI in the end zone as well against the Bills. The Bills are lucky not to be in 3rd place in the AFC East this morning. 

    The media and Bills fans see the schedule and know the tough part of your schedule hasn’t even hit yet. 

    We won. The rest doesn’t matter. I’ll leave it at that. How’d the Pats do? 

  10. 7 hours ago, newcam2012 said:

    Initially yes. Then is was all about stopping the pass because the Bills were up so up. They Oats were forced to pass. Frankly, they sucked at it and McD no longer had to worry about their running game. That just bolsters my theme. McD and frankly many other coaches have difficulty when offenses have dual threats. 


    That lack of duel threat has hurt the Bills in the past. Meaning they couldn't establish an effective running game to keep teams honest. 


    I can play the numbers game too. McD is 4-5 in the playoffs with an elite Allen for at least 3 years. Not a whole of playoff success under him. Let's get down to the gritty.

    I have some numbers. Allen is 4-4 in the playoffs and last year, with a SB caliber team he pissed the bed vs Cincy. Thinking about sonograms celebrity status and baby mama drama. Not pretty for an elite qb. He also tried to give the Miami playoff game away last year. Somehow McDermott overcame Josh in that Miami game. In his 4 playoff losses, he’s had 1 good/great game. The KC game (13 seconds). Josh has been as much of the problem in the playoffs except for the KC game that everyone refers to. Aside from that KC game, Josh has not been elite in the playoffs. Fact.

    • Disagree 1
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  11. 10 hours ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    You see the problem is the Giants & Pats are two of the worst offenses and Tyrod & Mc are no yardstick to measure the defense imo.  Mayfield is a little better but TB is middle of the road at best and the Bills are home that week.


    The offense I won't be surprised if Dorsey goes to the dinks and dunks and running and Bills control games they should blow-out opponents, but frankly it won't say a whole lot.


    Of course if closer then need be, I too will worry.


    No win imo.😜


    What did the Eagles do last year?????  They were expected to be good, however went out and dominated.  The Bills should do the same.

    What a 💩 way to watch our Bills. Enjoy your bitching. I’m sure we’ll read about it. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Italian Bills said:

    Don’t know if someone else started a similar thread, if so mods feel free to merge this. 

    I’m curious to know what you think about this thing: 


    in all their private thoughts, what do you think are the Josh’s and Stefon’s feelings about our real chance to compete for the SB after the London debacle, the way the offense performed and considering all the brutal injuries we suffered ? 

    Do you think they still are positive about the big picture and their chance to get there, that they still think we have all the weapons needed to reach that goal, or do they think that at the moment, considering everything, it could become another season headed nowhere, maybe a round or two in the playoffs at max ? 

    What will be their vision right now ? With all that is happening again to them this year, i wouldn’t blame them if thinking that this could be another season without having chance to win the SB. 

    I don’t think they’re bipolar like a lot of people on this site. 
    Some of you get too high on a win and then sound like you want to commit suicide after a loss. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
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