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Posts posted by 7boogiewoogie

  1. Mario played soft and he was NOT drawing double and triple coverage as frequent as some would suggest on this board. He was a half step behind off the snap on several plays and was outmatched today physically. He spent way to much time waiving his arms around going after balls that were out of reach, time better served with him following through on the play. He is playing like a serviceable DE not a 100 million dollar elite. I agree with Azucho98 "Bruce Smith was often double and triple teamed AND still got sacks....Mario is no where near the caliber of Bruce Smith - an ELITE DE" It is still early so I will give him more time but 100 million dollars? at this point he hasn't earned his money. I desperately want him to prove me wrong, GO BILLS!!!


  2. Mario was slow of the line on several plays that I saw and not as physical as a person who is being paid the $$$ that he is being paid and I don't know what the rest of you saw but he was being manhandled again and I did not see that much double and triple teaming. However the rest of the line and D for that played excellent!!! Don't get me wrong Mario did a a good enough job to be an anchor but to be paid the $$$ he is being paid he absolutely needed to be more visible. Congrats BILLS, very happy about the win!!!

  3. Continuity time and again has been shown to be the biggest indicator of a good OLine, which is exactly why it should be better. Besides, how much better does it really need to be when we are the least sacked team in the NFL and had one of the highest rushing averages in the league as well?


    Cue the OLine still sucks responses...apparently until Fitz has 25 seconds to throw, gets sacked once every 8 games, and Fred Jackson looks like Bo Jackson in Super Tecmo Bowl by rushing for 50 yards every carry, the OLine is going to still suck...



    You are so right, our offensive line was in all reality one of the better lines in the entire NFL last year and everybody still complains??? And by the way, we accomplished that with significant injury to our center as well as LT. Not bad for a group with no depth and limited experience but yeah we still suck. It absolutely amazes me to see the short sightedness of some Bills fans. GO BILLS!!!

  4. Does Nix get the benefit of a #1 overall pick with one of the best QB prospects ever coming out? Because that helps the process along. Polian is a very good GM but he is also a fortunate one. He had Kelly on the roster already & got a #1 overall pick in Bruce Smith. He drafted Kerry Collins with a #4 overall pick. Then, he got Manning with a #1 overall pick.


    As much as people want to make out the draft like it is rocket science, it isn't. It's al ot of luck. And once you get the QB, everyone else falls into place. If the Bills lose one more game and get to pick Big Ben instead of settling for Losman, TD is being praised on this board. If Luck is as good as people think he is, then whoever the Colts' new GM is is thought of as a genius.


    I get people are mixed on Fitz. But it seems like Nix is building a quality team around him. If Fitz fails, a new QB will step into a much better situation than any Bills' QB in a long time.



  5. Seriously, some guys just can't be happy. This is year 3 or this regime, & for the first time in over a decade this organization is building from the foundation up. If you can't be excited about the way this offseason has played out so far, you really should question why you should be a fan of this team. I can't wait until the season to start.



  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    No, New England will continue to beat up on the lowly Bills. One player doesn't take a perennial LOSER, and turn them into a champion. Football isn't like basketball where one great player can make a big difference. New England will win he division again and the Bills will be watching the playoffs on TV. Same old, same old, nothing has changed. One player does not make a champion. You can take that to the bank!




    UH.... in case you haven't noticed Buffalo has added more than just 1 player. I think you need to be made aware that this is NOT the same old Buffalo Bills. Change is in the air. Take that to the bank and deal with it. GO BILLS!!!

  7. He our best all around DE outside of Mario Williams. Anderson is a pass rush guy, and Merriman is a big question mark. Playing with a healthy Kyle and Mario on the other side is just going to make opportunities for him.


    I predict he'll have a good year if he gets a lot of snaps, if not he'll make good plays as part of a talented rotation of players. :)



    Kelsay has always performed better when he is surrounded by talent. I agree I think he is actually going to have a breakout year providing he gets the snaps of course.

  8. Ryan Fitzpatrick was on fire until London Fletcher jacked up his ribs. You obviously didn't watch the first 7 games last year. Didn't notice when Wood, Jackson and Bell were injured is the same time the offense started to struggle. And you definitely didn't see Bruce n his prime and single handily take over games and dominate the opposing teams offense. I guessed you missed that. You need to lighten up and enjoy the show in 2012.




    Agreed, why can't people figure this out. Stevie Johnson said himself that "Ryan could barely even get the plays called in the huddle". I would like to see any professional football player succeed in this league with 4 fractured ribs and a cracked sternum. Give the guy a break before his injuries and critical teammate injuries he was on fire. I don't think fans understand how incredible this year is going to be. GO BILLS!!!

  9. Seeing as how Nix has been a pretty straight shooter so far, it makes you wonder if the lack of spending on good players and overspending on bad players has really been due to bad management under Ralph?


    Not that Ralph doesn't take some blame, but a good GM should be able to talk him out of most of the bad decisions he wants to make. And a good GM should be able to make good decisions on their own.


    Maybe Ralph's just softening his approach as he's getting older and letting the GM make more decisions?


    Or maybe we've had some really terrible, god-awful management people for many years that haven't been able to acquire good players or tell Ralph no when they disagree with him?



    The problem is that he's let his GM's make most of the decisions in the past. He trusts the people he hires, unfortunately he's had the wrong management in place ever since John Butler left for San Diego. Oh well better late than never, Buddy is proving to be very good at what he does as well as the staff that he's put together.

  10. There are many variables as to why this team has turned a corner but i think it starts before Shawne Merriman and it started with the hiring of Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey. They brought in a new attitude and a new culture into the Bills organization and I feel that most people have it wrong, Ralph is not cheap he just had the wrong people calling the shots in his front office and they made horrible personnel decisions. They spent money in the wrong places and didn't manage the talent and cap money to keep a nucleus of talent that could make a difference over the long haul. Ralph was getting older and he let more than the usual amount of control go to these people and when he brought in Buddy/Chan he chose a different type of front office an office that met with players and there families on a more personal level and brought a level of experience and resumes to back it up. It wasn't the sexiest of choices but you can't deny the upward trajectory and the better/smarter choices for this club and that's to be commended. I don't think it's appropriate to leave out Russ Brandon and the rest of pro player personnel they have done an outstanding job of turning this team around as well!


    This team has notoriously let it's nucleus dissolve and this FO took whatever was left from Jauron's team and through small steps in free agency (up until today) and through the draft, a nucleus that we could grow from. It's my opinion and I don't think anyone in Bills country would disagree with me that attitude plays so much into the success of a team. It seemed for many years from the top down that this team had no identity and no attitude, it was lethargic and I count Stevie Johnson as being a major factor in bringing attitude to this team. Even know there was negative attention being garnered to him he backed it up with some of the best production we've seen from a wideout wearing a Bills uniform and I firmly Billieve he will mature as signs are already showing during interviews that I've seen conducted with him. Of coarse we'll see but I'm not worried. I do also Billieve that Shawne Merriman, although his play has been limited (and by the way I don't think his career is over) I, like many others believe he has been a major factor in bringing in a legitimacy and attitude to this organization. If nothing else he should be considered an asset based on his ability to get players to look at this organization as a viable spot to play football. This team is growing ORGANICALLY!!!


    I remember watching the Bill's under Buddy's and Chan's 1st season when we went 4-12 and although the record didn't show it, I hadn't felt better about our direction going as far back as when Wade was coaching the team. There was an attitude change! My friend James plays middle linebacker for the Ram's and he plays the 49ers twice a year and he told me when they were going over film this year they really couldn't identify with what they were doing different other than injecting a new, powerful attitude in Jim Harbaugh. Attitude isn't everything obviously, of course you need talent and coaching, but it certainly starts with attitude.


    I firmly Billieve that if this team stays healthy we absolutely have a shot at wreaking havoc on the NFL. Can't wait to see what we do in the draft. Today is a Great Day to be a Bills fan. GO BILLS!!!

  11. There are many variables as to why this team has turned a corner and it started with the hiring of Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey. They brought in a new attitude and a new culture into the Bills organization and I feel that most people have it wrong, Ralph is not cheap he just had the wrong people calling the shots in his front office and they made horrible personnel decisions. They spent money in the wrong places and didn't manage the talent and cap money to keep a nucleus of talent that could make a difference over the long haul. Ralph was getting older and he let more than the usual amount of control go to these people and when he brought in Buddy/Chan he chose a different type of front office an office that met with players and there families on a more personal level and brought a level of experience and resumes to back it up. It wasn't the sexiest of choices but you can't deny the upward trajectory and the better/smarter choices for this club and that's to be commended. I don't think it's appropriate to leave out Russ Brandon and the rest of pro player personnel they have done an outstanding job of turning this team around as well!


    This team has notoriously let it's nucleus dissolve and this FO took whatever was left from Jauron's team and through small steps in free agency (up until today) and through the draft, a nucleus that we could grow from. It's my opinion and I don't think anyone in Bills country would disagree with me that attitude plays so much into the success of a team. It seemed for many years from the top down that this team had no identity and no attitude, it was lethargic and I count Stevie Johnson as being a major factor in bringing attitude to this team. Even know there was negative attention being garnered to him he backed it up with some of the best production we've seen from a wideout wearing a Bills uniform and I firmly Billieve he will mature as signs are already showing during interviews that I've seen conducted with him. Of coarse we'll see but I'm not worried. I also Billieve that Shawne Merriman, although his play has been limited (and by the way I don't think his career is over) I, like many others believe he has been a major factor in bringing in a legitimacy and attitude to this organization. If nothing else he should be considered an asset based on his ability to get players to look at this organization as a viable spot to play football. This team is growing ORGANICALLY!!!


    I remember watching the Bill's under Buddy's and Chan's 1st season when we went 4-12 and although the record didn't show it, I hadn't felt better about our direction going as far back as when Wade was coaching the team. There was an attitude change! My friend James plays middle linebacker for the Ram's and he plays the 49ers twice a year and he told me when they were going over film this year they really couldn't identify with what they were doing different other than injecting a new, powerful attitude in Jim Harbaugh. Attitude isn't everything obviously, of course you need talent and coaching, but it certainly starts with attitude.


    I firmly Billieve that if this team stays healthy we absolutely have a shot at wreaking havoc on the NFL. Can't wait to see what we do in the draft. Today is a Great Day to be a Bills fan. GO BILLS!!!

  12. Shawne Merriman might surprise many of the naysayers that have written him off. It has been reported that his Achilles surgery went well and that he has been working out to try and get back into game shape. He knew his situation was problematic however he had elected not to undergo surgery when his Achilles had flared up in the past and when it became eminent that he was going to have to have the procedure he finally had the necessary surgery. This is very similar to Kyle Williams situation, but both finally had the surgery and both have seemingly recovered. Players come back from these types of injuries and with youth on his side I'm much more optimistic than pessimistic. I think if Kyle can come back so can Shawne, I think their the same age or close and had practically the same injury, sooooo we'll see.


    Shawne Merriman might surprise many of the naysayers that have written him off. It has been reported that his Achilles surgery went well and that he has been working out to try and get back into game shape. He knew his situation was problematic however he had elected not to undergo surgery when his Achilles had flared up in the past and when it became eminent that he was going to have to have the procedure he finally had the necessary surgery. This is very similar to Kyle Williams situation, but both finally had the surgery and both have seemingly recovered. Players come back from these types of injuries and with youth on his side I'm much more optimistic than pessimistic. I think if Kyle can come back so can Shawne, I think their the same age or close and had practically the same injury, sooooo we'll see.



    What a dream defense a healthy Mario Williams, Shawne Merriman, Marcel Dareus, and Kyle Williams would be upfront!

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