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Posts posted by 7boogiewoogie

  1. I actually really like his scheme. Ive seen it be very effective and as much as I like Fitz and do think we can win with him, a top QB in this offense and we could be unstoppable


    His schemes are awful when you look at game/clock management and his COMPLETE inability to stay in offensive rhythm. 3rd and 2 and he calls a 30 yard sideline pass, which fitz, 19 out of 20 times will miss and doing it when he has one of the best running backs in the league. 3rd and long, he has Fitz throw 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage in hopes that his target will make up the needed yardage??? Total Goof. Fire him and fast.

  2. Chan Gailey is not fit to be an NFL HC or OC, he is a college coach at best. Fire him and fast, it's over.


    I'm over Buddy Nix he had 3 years to make an impact and the bottom line is results and what have we been under his regime, 13-40 or something close. The 1st two years he got a pass because of the hand he was dealt with but this season his entire body of work now legitimately comes into question based on the regression we have seen this year on all fronts. Buddy/scouts forgot to look at players passion, intensity, and overall technique. Our guys take plays off, can't tackle, can't pass down field and on and on and on. Buddy said you can't blow the thing up and start again but I say oh yes you can if you have to and we HAVE to. The problem is who is going to want to come here now with all the uncertainty that is the Buffalo Bills. We deserved better all these years. Bills fans are rabid when we get what we deserve and that's to have player's and coaches perform with the same intensity as the fan base they have and do not deserve.

  3. Uh you can have talent but if you don't have heart your useless and I think most of our guys lack both. What they look like on paper doesn't mean squat. Yes Wanny is awful and has them out of position but great players overcome. Wanny was the DC in Dallas yet his player's overcame his "unimaginative scheming".


    Chan Gailey is not fit to be an NFL HC or OC, he is a college coach at best. Fire him and fast, it's over.


    I'm over Buddy Nix he had 3 years to make an impact and the bottom line is results and what have we been under his regime, 13-40 or something close. The 1st two years he got a pass because of the hand he was dealt with but this season his entire body of work now legitimately comes into question based on the regression we have seen this year on all fronts. Buddy/scouts forgot to look at players passion, intensity, and overall technique. Our guys take plays off, can't tackle, can't pass down field and on and on and on. Buddy said you can't blow the thing up and start again but I say oh yes you can if you have to and we HAVE to. The problem is who is going to want to come here now with all the uncertainty that is the Buffalo Bills. We deserved better all these years. Bills fans are rabid when we get what we deserve and that's to have player's and coaches perform with the same intensity as the fan base they have and do not deserve.

  4. The team he left them with was 1-15 and in cap purgatory, same with the Panthers when he left them.


    They were 1-15 because Peyton went down and the team crumbled. It was Polian who was active in getting Luck to replace Manning and rebuild after Payton's injury. Cap purgatory, does it matter when your club consistently wins? As far as the Panther's he put people in place that were fruitful during and after he was gone, again job well done. Money matter's but not as much as when your winning. Sorry but your wrong on Polian (his body of work is incredible).


    Bringing marv back worked out great...only set the franchise back 5 years


    Marv was a coach not a GM, Polian is a GM. Period.

  5. How has Nix grossly mismanaged funds?


    Take a look at Indy's cap number for this year and let me know how Polian is with the cap


    Who cares look at the team he left them with. He built them for the future and he does it wherever he goes. In Canada, In Buffalo, In Carolina, and in Indy. Nix is a hack and Gailey is a dumb hick who has no business coaching in the NFL

  6. Just when we all thought it couldnt get worse it sure does. I'm gonna call it like I see it. We have a crusty old owner that really has no business owning an NFL team, Buddy is a walking cluster f@#k, Chan should be mentioned with the likes of Hank Bullough and Kay Stevensen, and Wanny has got to be the worst D coordinator I have ever seen. I could go into the specifics but we all know them and I won't insult anyones intelligence. I love the Bills but they obviously don't love us that's for sure. Think its time to spend my Sundays doing something more constructive like eating crayons.


    I am definitely starting to care less... Thank GOD

  7. Looking back at the pats* game last year. The one we won, it is now clear that Gailey got very lucky. His clock management and calls were awesome at the end. he even beat the hoody at his own game. It was impressive but more importantly, just a mirage as we all now know. We will now pay for that everytime we line up against the pats* as long as the greybeard is holding the clipboard.


    Even a broken clock is right twice a day

  8. Chan has lost a few of our games based on his poor game/clock management and play calling. It's almost if he needs somebody standing next to him when things get critical to make sure he doesn't get to cute and understands what got them the lead (that their about to blow). He needs to make sure to that they focus on ball control through getting 1st downs, utilize the running attack (which is their strong suit this year), throw deep enough to get a 1st down if their 3rd and long (not a 3 yard pass behind the line of scrimmage on a 3rd and 21) and to not throw a 30 yard sideline pass down the field if their 3rd and short ( which according to fitz's history is nearly a guarantee that we will turn the ball over on downs or worse have the ball picked and returned for bad field position and put our already gassed Defense back on the field). Where is his sense of rhythm for the game???

  9. Yes I've listened to Belicheck interview. He's vague about injury updates. He's not spouting of that maybe they're looking into blitzing. I lived in the Boston area, and Belicheck had a weekly local tv show where he broke down the prior weeks opponent and talked about where the upcoming matchup's strengths were. Literally just him and a telestrator. And, I hate to say it, but the guy is somewhat likeable and very very very football smart. And no I could never see Chan breaking down game film ever.

    Ever listen to a Belacheat interview. He's so vage you think he is the water boy. Some of the supid questions deserve stupid answers also. Don't be so harsh on our leader. Faith.


    He's done nothing to earn our faith

  10. It's more of a stretch to move to DE in a 4-3 than it is moving an OLB who traditionally played in a 3-4 defense to OLB on a 4-3 (most NFL defensive players are schooled in hybrid defenses so switching from 4-3 to 3-4 and vice versa is not asking the impossible). I say at least try it because our linebacking core is the drizzlin' *****. I've seen more tackling ability playing backyard football. However I wouldn't mind seeing Merriman given more opportunities rotating with Kelsay at DE because I saw a lot of push when he was in there albeit in a limited capacity. I think he just needs more of an opportunity post surgery and if someone wants to argue that the Bills cut him for a reason, are you going to tell me that this club has been a good judge of talent? Also I would ABSOLUTELY bench Mario (even tho that would never happen with this organization because there is no accountability) and replace him with Kyle Moore on the other side. We'll see how this whole surgery deal plays out tho.

  11. People suggest this all the time. Sorry, but he just ISN'T a 4-3 LB. His "speed" is relative, decent speed (had) for a DE, not for a 4-3 LB. Especially because Wanny's system doesn't blitz. He is either a 3-4 strong LB, or a 4-3 DE (very similar). Oh yeah, he has never played 4-3 LB either...





    Regardless of past positional play I'm sure he can contain better than anyone we have at linebacker but you are right Wanny doesn't bring his linebacker's in often enough to blitz. One of the main reason's his defensive coaching style has become so vanilla and predictable. I would just like to see it for my own eyes because i sure as hell don't trust the judgement of our coaching staff
  12. Shawne tweeted this on October 8th "No they shouldn't have i'm not a defensive end in this league RT @JSelapack: @shawnemerriman looks like bills shoulda kept ya lights out". I don't understand why we don't use him as a linebacker??? Ours aren't very good, ESPECIALLY Kelvin Sheppard, he couldn't tackle a 10 year old. Forget using him as DE, why lock him up with an offensive line given his injury situation??? Let him use his speed and power covering territory as a linebacker. This coaching staff has no idea how to use talent or to judge it for that matter.

  13. Chan is a complete joke and is admittedly clueless about much that is going on with his football team. How many times are we going to see a short pass play called on third and long and by short i mean behind the line of scrimmage and on third and short when the offense is having some success moving the ball he opts to have Fitz who couldn't connect on a ball thrown over 20 yards to save his life throw a 30 yard pass to the sideline??? You play the ratio and Fitz missis that throw 15 out of 16 times. No decoy's in the backfield??? You use that wrinkle to keep the defense at least guessing a little more than if you don't. Chan does NOT understand the rhythm of the game. He is NOT a good O.C let alone coach and is an awful judge of talent. Get rid of this god awful qaurterback and head coach and I think we have some talent here to make things work. I would love to have Gino smith, but we'll see. Happy that we won but this is bittersweet. This team has no realistic chance at being consistent. Time for a change soon. It should be an interesting offseason.

  14. The Best Bills bar in that area hands down is Nickel City but if your closer to Clearwater then go to Lucky's. Lucky's is quieter but always has the same diehards every week. I should know I'm one of them. There are several Rochester/Buffalo transplants that watch the games there, maybe I will see you there. Btw the Pizza and wings are Killer at Lucky's, well the food in general for that matter.

  15. Buddy Nix said it best


    "The guy is a great player, the money he got he's never going to live up to that. Nobody can and you knew that when you did it that it was going to be under the microscope and criticized at every turn. He realizes that and wants to play better and we expect him to. Fans and media have a unique position, that if you sign a guy, you overpaid and he's not worth it and if you don't sign him you're cheap. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't."


    For years its been Ralph is cheap. Now its the Bills overpaid and he's not worth it. Hilarious.


    Well that is certainly a matter of perception, I think we as Bills fans should all expect a little more than what he has shown us in direct proportion to what he is being paid. There is some truth to what Buddy said but this guy has clearly played well under the value of his contract so what Buddy said really doesn't hold to much water in this particular instance.

  16. yes, but your argument is he doesnt have any more moves. do you think he forgot them? whether they are effective right now may be a different story but i think that its hard to assume that he suddenly doesnt have anything else. and you can look at the last 10 years of high level play to see what else he can do.


    I dont think hes just loafing at this point (but admit im not in practice, and around the facilities), so I do believe odds are over the long haul we will see that player. and no, that player will not be bruce smith. 4 games is a really small sample size. thats all im saying.



    Well we will just have to agree to disagree. I hope I'm wrong.

  17. He's coming off a VERY rich contract, so it's not his first taste of money. He might've lost his hunger but it seems less likely as a former #1 pick that actually lived up to the hype.


    And the wrist injury was known a month ago. An interviewer asked him about how it was coming this week and he basically said "slower than I hoped for but no excuses"


    Last up, anyone remotely familiar with Houston knows the collapse was in the secondary. Watch some 2010(?) game tape. The year before adding wade, the top free agent corner, safety help etc. wrs were running wiiiiide open down field. I'd never seen play so bad from the back 4. The front 7 wasn't bad. Adding the couple pieces on the back helped immensely.



    So you think he was taken #1, played great in a 43 and then at olb in a 34 then given the rep as the #1 player available because he was totally one dimensional. And you've decided this based on 4 games and a refusal to look at the 6 strong years before those 4 games?


    Noted. If only there were ways you could see more of his skills.



    Who cares what he did for the Texans, he's not doing it now and he is not even showing a flash of it. There are plenty of players who had great runs on previous teams only to disappear into the sunset. You can hang on to the past if you want but he needs to show me more and yes even through only 4 games. Look i will be his biggest supporter if he can get it together and earn his paycheck but until he does I have a 100 million reasons not to give a rat's ass about this guy. Btw why are you so hell bent on defending this guy when he hasn't deserved your effort?

  18. Are these the only 4 games you've watched though?


    This guy was good enough in college to go number one in the draft, then was good enough to get a monster second deal. He's not some one year wonder. He was successful at ncsu he was successful in Houston's 43, in Houston's 34 - there are a lot of reasons to say this isn't the end of the world.



    I don't care what he's done in the past. If he does have an injured wrist I can give him a slight break on performance but it does not change the fact that he has a one dimensional attack. I need to see more and I don't think you or anyone else can fault me for feeling this way. I would also like to add that I will not just put the blame on Mario. This whole team needs to step up and be accountable. Missed tackles and poor execution will not get this franchise to the next level. I believe we have many problems in both coaching and talent. When will these jack legs stop with the excuses and finally care about being the best at what they do. Always pretenders, never contenders.

  19. I don't think this is rocket science... when you see an elite DE or a DE who is making the kind of money that Mario is making you use your FULL arsenal at the point of attack. Mario is extremely predictable when he matches up against a tackle or guard. He uses a straight ahead bull rush attack mode on nearly every play. I have paid very close attention to his play both live (50 yard line, 18 rows up) as well as on TV and I do not see the get after the QB mindset that make players like Clay Mathews or Julius Peppers the dominant disruptive players they are. Mario needs to spin... in, out and use creative movements to get past the line, he simply continues to lock up with the tackle, most often time getting manhandled. I've seen him come off the line slow as well. I am really starting to think this guy might actually be a bust in terms of how much we paid him. I hope all of this criticism (although apparently he doesn't watch TV or listen to critics) lights a fire under this guys ass... but we'll see. After all the high hopes I had for this team in this now 3rd year of the Nix/Chan era I'm starting to wonder how close we are. To hear Stevie call this a team of superstars is ridiculous, no Stevie, year 1, you were 4-12, year 2-you are 6-10 and now you got creamed by a 2-2 Jets team, beat a 1-3 chiefs team, beat an 0-4 Browns team and got lit up by the Pats last week.... Superstars??? Start acting like it. Very tired of this UNDERACHIEVING Bills organization. I am DYING to see a product like we had from 88-94. The frustration has me pissed to no end. I want this organization to have a mindset of destruction and to have players with talent and killer instinct... PATHETIC

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