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Posts posted by abbottroadwarrior

  1. I know he's trying to cut down on his workload, and has just signed to do more games than last year, but maybe they could get Jeannerette to do the Bills games, too. That would be awesome. ;)


    Corner of the endzone, where Ralph hides the geritol!!! :D

  2. Okay usually I do not complain about stuff like this. But I am driving home for dinner with my wife Friday & the game is just starting so I turn on the radio broadcast. I listened to the game for the opening series on the radio & that is it. I am not kidding he called the Viking the Dolphins at least 5 times in that one series. He would say "Dolphins start their drive @ their onw 25 yard line." He did this about 5 times. & then when they went to commercial he says Dolphins lead the Bills. & then the funniest thing the next day I heard some of the highlights on GR & at the end of the game he did the same thing. Honestly, what the hell is wrong with him. I mean jesus christ will he get his head out of his ass & start calling the games the way a true proffessional should call them. I mean one time I could see okay, but he did it at least 5 times & I only listened to about 2 minutes of the game. Come on Murph, you got to better then that. & Kelso is not much better, imo they should shitcan both of them.


    Murph had a vanilla gameplan, he's saving his golden throat for the regular season.

  3. He's NOT a 43OLB. He is less of a 43OLB than he is a 43DE. Dont think we would have ever used him at OLB, even in a pinch.


    Maybe not, but I don't see why (especially considering how much they've already paid him) he couldn't serve in a utility role. It's not like our LB corps is lighting the world on fire.

  4. I know he was going to be the blitzing/situational DE this year, but considering our suspect LB corps...would having Merriman as insurance be unacceptable? Considering they've waited for him to get healthy, now that he finally is...they cut him? Confused.


    If that's the case, maybe Brad Smith should start packing his bags...



    Smith to be bigger Wildcat for Bills


    Now that would be one 'surprising' vet cut that I'd agree with at this point, especially with Young on the roster.

  5. IIRC from the feed I was watching, there was a ref/line judge near where the ball was down and threw a blue marker where we downed it. So the only thing I can think of is that, like others have speculated, the refs must have gone under the assumption that < or = to the 5 was a touchback. Incomprehensible.

  6. Went to the win against Detroit last year and was surprised at how quick the ushers were (at least in my section) to crack down on the idiots. Best was when a guy a row ahead of us lit up a cigarette and then wanted to fight the usher who told him he'd have to leave. About 3 dudes in security jackets came down quick and they escorted the guy out in cuffs. Sorry you had such a rotten experience. Maybe the Ralph is using replacement ushers until the season starts? :D


    Edit: apologies, the Detroit game I referenced was the 2010 season. My bad.

  7. I think the bigger question is why did he start weeks 9 - 11 ... just saying ... was the coaching staff so down on our backups that they didn't trust them? If so what the heck are those backups still doing on the team?


    Sad to think that an injured Fitz (I do subscribe to the injury theory) who looked so off was still better than either of the healthy backups.

  8. Thigpen played pretty well as a spot starter for Gailey at KC a couple years back, so it made sense to sign him. However, training camp and preseason showed that Thigpen had completely lost whatever magic he had. I don't think he gets into a game unless it's a blowout or Fitz is simply too hurt to take the field. If the Bills draft a QB who looks good in camp, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Thigpen cut. I think the only thing keeping him on the team is that he is an NFL veteran who has started games before, and that brings some value over a guy off the street or Levi Brown.


    This is my thought as well. There has to be (draft or FA) someone who can improve over Thigpen. He was just 'turrible' in the limited time we saw him last year. Can't imagine there isn't a more reliable alternative elsewhere. Unless the Bills go QB early in the draft (I'd be surprised), I'd like to think they'll pick up a QB somewhere in the later rounds who can make Thigpen expendable, or at least relegate him to the 3rd string role.


    Or is Brad Smith still listed as the 3rd string QB? I remember last year there was some issue with roster composition and the 3rd string QB, right?

  9. Kuechly is still my sleeper pick. He'd soldify our front seven for sure. Otherwise I like zach brown in the second round. His coverage ability would be huge when to play gronkowski and hernandez.


    Agreed, I'm hoping that it's Kuechly as well. I don't follow college football outside of a little research before the NFL draft but from what I've read around these parts, he sounds like the most surefire impact player coming out of the gate.

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