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Everything posted by Murgen

  1. made me laugh too, even though it was kind of harsh. Looks like they are showcasing Lynch to the Pack.
  2. As a Packer fan, I've always liked the Bills. Rooted for you guys in the SBs. You ran into the Dallas Buzzsaw and so did we in 95. I think only because Dallas was in decline that we won the 96 SB. No way that team could beat Dallas in their prime. That Dallas team was freakishly good. Seems to me GB and Bills fans have has a lot in common. I always wish the Bills luck (except when playing GB). Best two tailgating fans imo. I can totally relate to what you guys are going through right now with your team. GB had almost 30 years of BAD teams and was questioned by some if they should belong in the NFL. Just saying I know how hard it is to be a fan of a team that is struggling.
  3. Actually, Bulaga is the future starting Left Tackle for us in GB and that is what the drafted him for. To replace Chad Clifton when he retires. So no way GB trades him unless TT gets a brain tumor.
  4. It's still really early. The first game is the toughest for O-linemen. They go from 25-30 snaps in preseason to 60+ the first game. Also I think Rodgers held the ball too long. If they are giving up 3-4 sacks a game 4 weeks in, GB has a problem.
  5. As a Packer fan, I think you guys may be a tad too negative and overestimating the Pack. I'd say 28-13 is a more realistic prediction of the game. At least compared to the blowout some predicted.
  6. Most of those sacks came in the 1st half of the season. They only gave up like 10 in their final 7 games. One of the guys on the O-line last year didn't even make the GB team this year.
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