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JD BillsFan

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Probation (1/8)



  1. My Yahoo fantasy app listed the Bills at 2-2. Football is rigged by the mafia. That is all!
  2. It's more of a welcoming, in my opinion.. to let him know we are all be hind him. Would that not be some encouragement for the guy?
  3. Spread the word.. print out small fliers that say: CJ!...SPILLER!!! When the clock reads 5:00 Home side starts with "CJ!" Away side responds "SPILLER! Hand them out to people around your tailgate!
  4. YES. It's true. Spread the word.. print out small fliers that say: CJ!...SPILLER!!! When the clock reads 5:00 Home side starts with "CJ!" Away side responds "SPILLER! Hand them out to people around your tailgate!
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