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Posts posted by Brainiac72

  1. i guess it took the signing to get people talking. i was wondering why it wasn't noted (paper or here) more when they invited him to the minicamp a week ago, since he was a fairly well known commodity in the 2010 draft. even though he went in the 7th or whatever, some that maybe as high as 2nd due to the combine performace and college production. the tweener thing kinda killed him though. wonder what he weighs now?

  2. Agreed - and I'm still scratching my head a bit about the Pears $$ extension last year - anyone know how easy it is for the Bills to get out of that contract?


    bills are one of the more secretive teams regarding contract details but i read 3.85 million guaranteed. i don't see them cutting him this year, so obviously by next it would be pretty simple to get out of without much if any cap hit.


    i thought it was a strange extension too, they obviously thought they saw more in him than me... though they may be rethinking that considering he was even worse after signing that deal. i think Hairston would probably be better over there right now, this season, but unfortunately they need to work him at LT without knowing for sure Glenn can handle it.

  3. With an agent like that across the proverbial negotiating table, I would think Buddy would want to drag out the haggling.


    Back to OP, good news. Get them all signed quick so we can get down to playing.


    maybe that's why no other picks have signed yet... he's been spending all his time on tank's contract. for some reason.

  4. even if none of those options are especially appealing... you can't like the odds of this offense performing if SJ13 goes down. maybe worse than the "#2" WR , is the lack of depth at "#1". that would be scary as we have a bunch of guys that could step up and contribute in a complimentary role, but no one remotely qualified to be a "go to" guy... even for a week or 2.

  5. Kelsay is not much of a pass-rusher (as many RDE's are not), but he is a solid player and the best run defender of our 4 DE's.. probably by far. doubt he goes anywhere. i think the Bills coaches and players all respect him. he played well last year in the 4-3, has made some nice plays and won us a few games. he's not great, but if he wants his number, no reason he should give it up. he's done far more for the Bills that Mario has obviously.

  6. You can trade w/ players if you and the other GM agree to it.


    As for the pick, I went BPA. RICHardson is probably the best overall talent in the draft. They could go w/ Fletcher Cox, but I see 'em bein' more disruptive as an interior guy and they already have Darell Scott and recently acquired Kendall Langford for the interior.


    oh, that's right.. i forgot about Richardson since most think Cleveland will take him.

  7. can we trade players for picks?


    Also interesting draft so far and I think one that is worst case scenario for the Rams. Blackmon being gone as well as Kalil hurts them as I dont see Richardson being a good pick for them. Given Jackson's injury history and workload it wouldn't be absolutely terrible but I can imagine it's not what they would want.


    word has been they might take Fletcher Cox anyway... maybe just smokescreen stuff, but it's out there.

  8. There are people who are not very confident in Fitz on this board and there are people who think he is good enough to lead this team back to an elite level. There is no point worrying about it and arguing about it. he will we our Qb this year. Fitz will be the one who makes it clear this year if he's capable of being a great Qb or not. If he falters this year, it's time to look for the next starter. If he shows he can do the job and take the team to the next level, we should all be very happy. Barring injury, it's all on Fitz.


    if we wait, it may be too late cuz it'll take a rookie a couple years... maybe longer (since it won't be a top 5 pick). by then a lot of the core may be past their prime... ideally you have someone ready for 2013 if Fitz ain't the answer. taking a QB high this year may not seem like we're ready to win now, but i think it may say exactly that. this team is ready and we can't put all our eggs in the Fitz basket.

  9. yeah, that's what i've been saying a while. it maybe true that some is based on going back and looking at the film, but even then a little is based on seeing what you want to see after the workouts. they see these guys do everything in these drills to suggest they can be a great player, and it's easy to forget there maybe a reason the production wasn't there. the game time instincts go a long way. i mean, McKelvin should be great.... but he's not, ya know? and it happens at every position. the game fade from memory a bit when you watch him do great drills. even good GM's have admitted they have been guilty of putting too much emphasis on the post-season stuff, even though they know better.


    maybe Gilmore ends up great, but the recent buzz that he's some bona fide lockdown corner does seem exaggerated lately. if true, i think people would have seen it to a greater extent before February.

  10. i think most of the people who enjoyed the draft on saturdays hate the move to weeknites... not to mention the spread over 3 days. unfortunately it doesn't matter how much you enjoy it, only that a few more people will tune it... cuz no one is really stopping watching it just cuz it's on thursday. it really does suc k though.


    and i don't know of any public draft parties... sorry.

  11. While I do agree with your poin that no matter what happens, whiners will be on here crashing the boards saying how they could have and should have traded down to collect a boatload of picks and the guy THEY wanted would have still been there instead of the obvious reach they took. The point some of the people are trying to argue and make is that just because players 6-whatever may be graded the same, it still doesn't mean no one wants to move around and trade. If your in one of those spots, you might want to trade because you really want the WR that you feel the next team on the board is going to take, and no other WR is graded similar, or you feel that that one fits your team the best. Teams have wants and needs too, and some may want or need a certain player or position that they can't just sit back and wait for.


    Personally I feel that BPA is the only way to go when drafting. Teams should always be looking to improve anywhere on the team, especially teams that are picking early in the draft. You never want to be in a position where your picks have to be based on needs, like saying that the Bills have to use their #1 pick on a LT because they have no one that can fill the spot. All teams have atleast a couple of needs and positions that can use upgrading. And unless your in the top couple of picks in the draft, BPA doesn't necessarily mean that its only 1 player, there could be a couple of players that are the BPA at your pick, and you need to take which ever fits your teams needs the best. You get in trouble when you draft solely for needs because you end up giving up the chance to get a better player for your team, to get the best available guy at his position passing up better players


    interesting that on NFLN yesterday, Lomabardi was asked about Belichik and Pats drafting (since we worked with BB in cleveland draft rooms) and, this may be obvious, but that BB builds a team... and not a collection of talent. this to me, is the opposite of BPA, or rather making it BPA by manipulation. the caveat is the BB never reaches either, so he will just move around to get a guy at the position he wants w/o reaching, thereby kind of making it the BPA when he finally does drafts... but not simply taking BPA when his supposed turn comes up. basically he drafts by need and fit, without reaching. best of both worlds, at least in his mind.


    basically, i stick my my claim that even the best teams don't really go BPA in the first... it's a myth. they target "needs" the majority of the time (though they may see their needs differently than outsiders).

  12. Thanks for posting!


    First impression, 10 seconds in: If Whaley is serious about taking over as GM once Nix retires, he'd better straighten out his facial hair situation. No one is going to take you seriously with a mid-90's goatee.


    Second impression, after watching it: Why do I watch these things? And why am I going to watch all the others that are up on buffalobills.com? Obviously the Bills are going to talk up everyone they're asked about, but very non-specifically, so they don't tip their hand too much. Gah. Post-draft press conferences are really good, but these are excruciating. Well, better get back to watching them.


    i think sometimes you can tell the difference between blowing smoke and genuine interest. i'll have to take a look when i get home.

  13. too little credit is given to situations when critiquing QB's. Carr was sacked 72 times his rookie season... he never had a chance, and never recovered. not that some don't handle it better than others, but with an injured O-line and no WR's worth a rat's behind, it was pretty tough for a guy that was supposed to be groomed for a year. no one ever said he was ready when he came out, did they? maybe with his tackles back, and a couple decent WR's, he can get some confidence and play better.

  14. Mayock's starting to get too big for his britches... Charles Davis is alright... Eisen has become intolerable... and the other guys are arrogant. Really starting to dislike NFLN, and a 3 hour schedule release show? Ugh.


    So not breaking with a 16 year tradition, and sticking with ESPN for live coverage... i like their player/coach analysts better. though i may DVR the other channel just to get their Bills picks insight.

  15. I agree that this is most likely too. My darkhorse option at that pick is that DE/DT/OLB Ingram. If they are high on his ability, he could be the surprise pick. I doubt it, but would not be totally shocked if they did.


    they are so overloaded at that spot, that i'd be beyond shocked if they took Ingram. depth is one thing, but only so many can play at a position.


    and on Jeffrey, i disagree he has none of the targeted/desired qualities... his main strength is the singular quality that Nix specifically mentioned: being open when not open. he can go get the ball, so technically he fits the Bill as far as what Buddy said they needed. i still don't think they take him if he strikes them as lazy, but just saying.


    i'd like to see a quote where some scout or GM or anyone actually says they think Glenn can play LT. all i see is that he flat out can't, or that they wouldn't rule it out. i think it needs to be better than that for them to pick him at 10. maybe he's one of a bunch of guys they hope someone will be left at when the 2nd round comes.

  16. i think it would take a 2nd round pick to get him, cuz he's not really a developmental guy.. he's a guy that could play his first or 2nd year. probably not what the Bills are looking for.


    if they take anyone that high, that's that old, it's to play sooner rather than later. would be interesting though.

  17. no, LB's just aren't commonly difference makers in a pass dominated league, especially at the only open spot the Bills have... Strong side. that position is markedly devalued these days and not worth a top 10 pick at all.


    So in order for Kuechly to be worth it, he'd have to take either Barnett's spot (who played really well and is one of the better cover LB's in the league) or Sheppard (who i think the Bills really like and seems to have the tools). i know Barnett is aging, but he's still here now. Replacing either of them is just not as big of an updgrade as getting a LT or WR, "BPA" or no.


    BPA is largely a myth... when teams have needs they will find a reason to draft for one of them. even if LB is a need, it's a minor one relative to other things. the Bills are not drafting someone at 10 that is not going to make a difference immediately at a key position. he's a better fit, and maybe worth a high pick, for a team with a gaping hole at WLB or MLB, but I don't see him being worth it to the Bills for what they have already.

  18. We at the moment do not have an even adequate prospect to start the season at left tackle. Assuming we aren't trading for one, I would think our first pick would be to get the best one available and not count on a round 3,4 or 5 to carry the offense, as that is what the left tackle does at least as far as a legitimate passing game goes. The first round pick should be the best left tackle prospect available, be that Reiff (my choice) Martin or Cordy. I like McCants if he makes it to the fourth or fifth round and think we might want to draft him as well.


    i agree... we need a day one starter and Buddy has said as much. this may be possible in round 2, but i don't think you can count on that in round 4 or later. we NEED one. they don't want Hairston there to start the year.

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