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Everything posted by TheBillsBeat

  1. Ditto. The media's cynical nature here is off the charts. The Dynamically Depressing Duo of Schopp and Sullivan ask why Bills game attendance slipped 20% this year
  2. Nope - Hasn't had a regular season game yet. I have high hopes.
  3. It's unfortunate that a city lucky enough to have a NFL franchise which should help to unify us has a media componenet that seems to use the team to attempt to divide us by catering to and encouraging mindless negativity. Schopp actually said that those who are optimistic about this season are mentally challenged.
  4. Never said Riter was still on GR. He got S**t-canned three years ago and is now wallowing with a .5 rating on the other end of the dial. My point was all those games are cut from the same cloth and that since WGR won the Marconi award they have no interest in changing. You seem to have the same type of arguments as your buddies on GR.
  5. GR is not still negative for negatives sakes anymore? OK. God bless ya...
  6. No, they are all the same. All of them are nego's. They battle to be on top of the negometer....
  7. Sullivan, Schopp, Riter, White, Bulldog and Simon for some reason think that Bills + Bashing = Ratings. GR wins the marconi award and now they are on cruise control. I asked the question to our Fantasy Football expert Dr. Clancy on last night's web show and he made a good point. Some people feel better when criticizing others. It makes them feel better about themselves.
  8. Great player, an even better person....
  9. I just wrapped up redoing the HunterKellyFootball.Org site. I went to some of the youth games in that league this week to get some photos for the site and it was a blast. Those kids play cause they enjoy it and man do they try. Check to see if there is any youth football action in your neighborhood and take in a game. Can't help but liking it....
  10. What could one say? Yeah, I spoke with Buddy Nix or Yep, I know the janitor at the stadium. First, once you out a source, they are not longer a source and no longer a friend. The radio gurus seem to have no problem spreading the "No one wants to come to Buffalo" or something like that without any hesitation and people believe them. I'm just sayin.
  11. I just know. As mpl said all reports said that he wasn't interested. Everyone also reported that nobody wanted to coach here and nobody wants to play here. When you understand the knuckleheads we have here in the sports media and how they love to put down the sports teams and the city you understand how those rumours get out there. Several coaches were intersted including Cowher.
  12. Cowher wanted to be here, Nix nixed him and chose Gailey instead. I think a good decision although you can't give Cowher enough props...
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