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sir andrew

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Posts posted by sir andrew

  1. "McDermott: Whether it was a corner or a safety or whatever position, as a defensive coordinator, I tried to look at the defense like I was the head coach of the defense, and thankfully [coach] Ron Rivera gave me that space to do that. As coaches sometimes, we forget that we have to deal with the money part of decisions at times. So Brandon had a good way of saying, Look, there are some other things at play once in a while that we just need to keep in mind."

    This made me nervous. I thought that Brandon had no say in football operations.

  2. He's a monster physically, which will be tempting to someone. This is what I always picture when I see his name now thanks to Captain Kirk:



    Dude scares the hell out of me period. I think my voice dropped in 10th grade.

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