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Posts posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. Early reports are that Shawne Merriman has been tearing it up for 3 consecutive practices. Fred Jackson's comment was, "He's back". Wannstache says he's doing everything that everyone else on the team is doing.




    You can read more here.


    :thumbsup: A big thumbs up to Merriman. Things are shaping up for our defense and right now the loudest noise is being made by this former 3 time Probowl OLB.


    That is all......Lights Out.

    Hey, Rockin', although this is good news for sure, I'm not getting too excited until I see how he does in the first month of the season. With KC, Oakland, NE & then Cincy, that'll be a better measuring stick to see where he is.

  2. I was curious what it would look like if I went through the whole schedule and picked game by game.


    I came out with 8-8 (3-3 division). I tried to be realistic, I think Miami is the team in the basement this year and we'll see a much improved team from the beginning of the year to the end. What does everyone else think?



    L @ Kansas City Chiefs

    W Oakland Raiders

    L New England Patriots

    W @ Cincinnati Bengals

    L Philadelphia Eagles

    W @ New York Giants

    - Bye

    W Washington Redskins (Tor)

    L New York Jets

    L @ Dallas Cowboys

    W @ Miami Dolphins

    W @ New York Jets

    W Tennessee Titans

    L @ San Diego Chargers

    W Miami Dolphins

    L Denver Broncos

    L @ New England Patriots


    An exercise in futility until we see what we really have on the field after a few games.

  3. So it looks like the 2011 'league season' will begin on July 28th, and the Bills training camp will likely open the very next day at St. John Fisher College - just as scheduled, on July 29th - likely with rookies reporting on Friday and veterans on Monday.


    Nothing like an 11th hour deal - seems like so much drama when, in the backs of our minds, I think most folks figured it'd work out this way. Other than compacting free agency, rookie signings, etc., into a tight window, the season will go on as originally scheduled. I think we all knew there was too much money at stake for it to go any other way.


    Anyway, less than 3 weeks to go, and it's...

    19 and 0, baby!!! :thumbsup:


    GO BILLSSS!!!!

    Reverse the Curse!!!!!! B-)

    AREED on the 11th hour deal part.

  4. I am going through football withdrawals right now. The off-season is so long......especially this year with all the crap going on. So, I decided to watch my Buffalo Bills in..........


    The 1990 AFC Championship Game against the Raiders.......51-3!!!!


    This is perhaps the best we have ever felt as Bills fans. Probably the highest point in our storied history. What an amazing team we had. Just dominant. We long for these days now, but I have to say, for the first time in years, I actually am gaining that hope again. I really like the way this team is being put together. Now, we still have a ton of holes to fill, and in some very key places, but I like the direction.


    One thing I did notice watching this game again is just how great our fans really are. Granted, the stadium holds about 6,000 less today than it did during this time, but man, we brought it as a fan base. LOUD!!!!! It is a real reminder of why teams HATED to play us here. Unfortunately, those days seem to be a distant memory. Sure, when we go to games today, it is loud at times, but it just isn't like it used to be. Rich Stadium used to shake.....


    Of course, that has a lot to do with the team on the field. They haven't given us much to get excited or loud about in the last decade. I just can't wait for the day where we are actually a Playoff team again because I know that when that does happen, we will prove once again why we have the best fans in the NFL. We have supported this team through a decade of disaster. Just imagine what it will be like when we actually start winning again. Winning cures everything.




    Sven, good to read a positive post from a fan that's anxious about the season to start up. And yes, there are concrete signs of several things these days to feel better about the team. The Bills the past 10 years have reminded me of a rudderless ship.Just kind of aimlessly moving along from season to season, with no real results at the end to show for anything. Poor front office leadership, including Ralph, that made poor choices in key drafting positions, head coaching choices, and really lacked a good plan in directing the team going forward.

    Those Bills from the early 90's had a bunch of team leaders on all three sides of play, offense, defense, special teams. One thing I think the team needs today, is some of that team leadership. I don't see much of that yet. Some guy that gets fired up & walks along the bench and talks to his team mates. One of those high motor guys.

  5. Still remember watching the verdict while I attended St. Francis, nothing like seeing a bunch of 14/15 year olds rejoice over a "murderer" getting off.


    It WAS surreal, wasn't it?


    I remember also that most of the community seemed to want the verdict to be "not guilty" and that when the verdict was read, that there was a lot of rejoicing.


    The interesting thing is, I think most people slowly changed their views on the murders and of course when OJ came back to WNY… in fact, a Bills game, looking for a safe haven, he was heckled out of the stadium.


    I guess we didn't want to believe (especially for my generation) that one of our childhood heroes could be responsible for committing such a heinous crime.


    At some point, most of us came around to the conclusion that he probably did commit the murders.


    But you're right… the initial reaction was generally very positive… until it morphed into something very different as time passed. At least among the people I knew.


    Well put. Especially your last two statements.

  6. It also depends on his teammates too. WR have to catch, and RBs have to run. OL has to block. Kickers have to kick... etc


    OF COURSE FITZ IS GONNA BE UNDER THE SCOPE... EVERYONE IS UNDER THE SCOPE... If you don't perform, there are questions to be asked. But this goes with any position on the Bills team. Not just Fitz... Everyone has to play at a high level. If you're not you're gonna be called out...


    True. But the QB is the one that's always in the spotlight.


    WOW ! The guy sounds like a long time Bills fan . I like to look at things with a more positive out look . I think with a couple more pieces , which some have been added through the draft & some coming back from IR the team is going to be better with out a doubt !!


    Last year would have been better if the D would have made just 1 or 2 more plays per game , meaning mostly the games we lost in over time by 3 points . If the D would have held those games our record last year would have been 8 & 8 .


    500% I'll take it ! This year with Easley , Parrish , Batten , & hopefully Merriman all coming off IR & staying healthy (the big if) the team is automatically better , then you through in the draft class this year Darius , Sheppard , Williams , White , Jasper , Rogers + Wanny at coach how can we not be better team .


    Great points. An upgraded D schould make a HUGE difference. I believe an improved D has to be the difference-maker in those close games this year! Turning those close losses into wins is a big confidence booster on offense & defense. Something else I think is key, especially for a young team, is faster starts out of the gate. We can't be into October & we're still looking for our first W.


    If the defense is better, then we will get a better reading on Fitz...




    And that is why its a unfair comparison....they win as a team not just Fitz.


    - If the defense gives up 200 yards a game on the ground.....we are going to lose

    - If Wide receivers drop easy passes and passes that hit them right in the hands on touchdowns......we are going to lose

    - If we cant get a pass rush....we are going to lose



    And on and on



    "Copy that."

  7. Um no because there was at least some semblence of an offense with Fitz on the field.....


    This team LITERALLY fell apart when Brohm replaced him....I mean it was really bad. I didn't realize just how much Fitz carried this team until he wasnt playing last year.


    The team really did fall apart, John. What bothers me is how our offense just rolled over & packed it in the last 2-3 games of the season last year. Guys missing balls that hit'em right in the hands, terrible red zone production...... Where was the veteran leadership??? And I'm not just talkin about Fitz. He did spark the team for most of the season.

  8. Hey, we had some good seasons! Of course our biggest rival back then was Wilson. I didn't play football, but I remember going to your school for cross country. We cleaned house on your school.


    Cleaned house in CC? That must have been when the CC coach we had when I was in High School retired by then. We had a real strong CC program. Our big rival was Medina. Only 4 miles down the road from Middleport, where I grew up. Interesting, you said in a previous post you went into the AF after high school and now you have an RV. Same w/ me. Air Force, then GI Bill to go to Oswego State, then 30 years as a history teacher. And my wife & I love to camp. We live in Va.


    How about them Bills in the mid 80's when you were graduating from Newfane? Quarterbacks whose name will live in infamy: Ferragamo, Duffek, Mathison, and yes, we even had Art Shliester in camp when we were able to finally sign Kelly. Talk about lean years.


    PS: The Plattsburgh area is a beautiful area. We'll be camping in that neck of the woods in July when go up to Hubbardton, Vt., for a reenactment.

  9. If you still have a videos of: Raiders at Bills AFC Championship game 51-3, BILLS! If you still watch your video from "The Greatest Comeback in NFL History" game against the Oilers.


    If you know who said, A: "There KILLIN me Whitey, they're KILLIN me!!!" and

    B. Who Whitey was.


    Also, if you know who said: "They took the sails right out of our wind."

  10. I grew up in Lockport and have been a Bills fan for a loooooooong time. In 1982 I graduated from Newfane Sr. High school, a small town just north of Lockport, and then enlisted in the USAF. I have spent most of my adult life rooting for the Bills from all over(Texas, Florida, Guam, Honduras, Saudi Arabia etc.) It's been fun. Being in the Air Force is interesting as a Bill's fan because most of your friends root for all sorts of teams. There is a lot of smack talk, wagers and some real strange methods used to hear or watch games from different places. Anyway, now I live in Potsdam, NY and still can't get enough Bill's football. I still go to VFWs, AMVETS, American Legions to watch games and talk smack with guys that have served to this day. Once in a while, I'll take the 6 hour drive to Ralph Wilson Stadium to watch the game and I am thinking about taking the RV for our next trip.


    All I can say is being a Bill's fan has it's ups and downs but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's not the destination that matters, but the journey along the way. Someday the Bills will win the Superbowl but that will never mean as much as the good times I've had all these years.


    Rockinon are you kidding me? Newfane, Air Force, and now an RV. The paralles. Newfane, we used to play you guys in HS. I was a Roy Hart Ram (Middleport). Did baseball & swim team, and JV basketball. I'm from another generation though. I'm a baby boomer & graduated in '67. I don't know about now but Newfane didn't have a pool then. Albion did, though. For some reason, and don't take this as a slam, I can't remember Newfane High's mascot. The Lancer's??? Been a Bills fan since they started, 1960. I was in Middle school - it was called Junior High school back then. I was all about sports in those days. Saw a few games at the Rockpile back in '66-67. Great memories. Saw Joe Namath play at the Rockpile in '66. Bills won. Then oddly enough, while stationed at McGuire AFB in Jersey in '71, had an opportunity to see him at Shea stadium against the Raiders. Then again in the 80's when I went to the Hall of Fame ceremony for OJ, Joe was one of the enshrinees also.

    Newfane High in 82, huh? Remember those awful teams the Bills had in the middle 80's? Kay Stephenson as a coach. Quarterbacks like Vince Farragamo, Bruce Mathison and, Joe Duffek!!!

    My God, go back to semi-pro ball. Followed the Bills all through though. Between the AF and then college, Oswego state, I've watched them in Anchorage, New Jersey, New York of course, and now in Va., the Richmond area. Had Bills stuff hung up in my classroom. Taught history. My wife & I love to camp & she's a converted Bills fan. We've been to Plattsburgh & it's beautiful up there. We travel to that part alot because I belong to a Rev War Ranger unit out of Vermont. Its a blast. Pun not intended. In fact we'll be going up to Ft Ti this weekend for some drill exercises. Anyway, its interesting that, with all the posters on this wall, you never know where people are from. One guy said he's from Medina, that's only a couple of mile east of Middleport. You wnet to Newfane High. You just never know. Take care & Go Bills.

  11. As always, I’ll start off by thanking LancasterSteve and his lovely wife Lisa for their hospitality on draft weekend. Lis (“my Lisa”) and I appreciate it more than words can say. I only wish we could spend time w/ you two more often. It was also nice to see MarkVI. Sorry you couldn’t make the draft party (it’s getting’ cheaper by the year; move it back to the Jim Kelly Club-PLEASE!), but thankfully, we got to hang out for Saturday’s picks. Mark was the very first person I remember to leap onto the Marcell Dareus bandwagon (before the 2010-2011 college season even ended), and I’m sure glad the Bills got ‘em. Of course, the difference this time was Psycho Ward 86 makin’ the trip w/ me. So, she has to come up from now on.



    On to the Bills' draft picks.




    ROUND 1: Marcell Dareus, DT Alabama


    The Bills finally got a guy I have wanted to see ‘em draft w/ their first round pick! WOW!!! And, what a addition he is! He has the size (6-3, 319) and the ability to really become a difference maker on the Bills’ defensive line. Look @ the dramatic improvement Detroit’s D line had last year by adding their first round pick, Nebraska’s Ndamukong Suh. Now, I’m not saying Dareus will be an immediate first team All Pro (way more impressive than making the Pro Bowl nowadays), but he should be someone that teams will have to focus on and that should allow for some one-on-one opportunities for guys like Kyle Williams to do some things. Whether he’s inside @ DT on passing downs or lined up as a 3-4 DE, I believe Dareus will be a factor in the pass rush. In other words, the Bills should actually have a pass rush now.



    ROUND 2: Aaron Williams, DB Texas


    Not the move I would’ve made @ that spot, but here is a guy who should give the Bills a defender to use on inside routes, a problem area for the Bills of late. Solid cover skills, plus the ability to match up better w/ multiple receiver sets is a good thing. Yeah, yeah, another defensive back, but I ‘spose the Bills realize that they have to be able to stop the pass in order to compete. Teams do throw the ball now, so if you’re gonna match up, you had best be able to field some decent secondary players, and a bunch of ‘em. Right now, w/ looming free agency, injuries, and less than stellar play, the Bills really don’t have a comfortable situation in their secondary. This guy can help in that area, and if he actually does, then this is a sound move. Many people will be watching this guy’s development, I’m sure.



    ROUND 3: Kelvin Sheppard, LB Louisiana State


    As I said ‘bout the Carrington pick last year (another third rounder), this is one of my favorite picks the Bills made in this draft. In my post game write ups, I have said over and over how the Bills have had issues w/ linebackers who cannot stack and shed, who cannot meet the ball carrier @ the point of attack or, perish the thought, in the backfield and make impact plays. I think a large part of this is due to the fact that the Bills linebacking unit is far too small, as they went w/ smaller, quicker LBs for the prior defensive scheme. Well, that ain’t gonna cut it for the 3-4. There has to be guys w/ good size (I’d say 6-1, 248 qualifies as “good”) who can deliver a big hit (if you haven’t checked out his Youtube video, do so!) and chase plays down.



    ROUND 4a: Da’Norris Searcy, S North Carolina

    Searcy appears to be the kinda tough, hard hittin’, in the box safety the Bills could’ve used a few times last year….when teams got to the second level or beyond and met little challenge from the DBs. If this guy gets his way, those days are over, as (probably) are the days of Twitter king Donte Whitner. Anyhoo, Searcy isn’t gonna remind anyone of Ed Reed in terms of deep coverage, but he is a thumper w/ the size (5-10, 223), speed (4.55), and range to make things really tough on opposing runners. God, I hope so. In addition, he’s a smart, instinctive player who also shows some ability as a return guy for special teams.



    ROUND 4b: Chris Hairston, OT Clemson

    Here, the Bills appeared to get @ worst a depth guy for the right tackle position and @ best, a potential starter. He has great size (6-6, 334) and long arms, always a plus for O tackles. He plays hard, but also has a tendency to play too high and let guys get under his pads, which makes his size advantage useless. Proper coaching should be able to correct this and, if so, the Bills may have gotten a solution to one of their biggest problems.




    ROUND 5: Johnny White, RB North Carolina

    There’s a lot to like ‘bout White: he has a good burst, shows good vision, is a willing blocker (a very key attribute in RBs makin’ the jump to the NFL), and is also a good receiver out of the backfield. He doesn’t have a very impressive resume, as UNC didn’t showcase his abilities, but appears to have the tools to be an effective third down back. He also has turned the ball over some, and that has to be a concern. But, this guy has a ton of potential and may not have shown his best stuff yet.




    ROUND 6: Chris White, LB Mississippi State

    Here’s another “try hard” guy who is physical, tough, and smart. He has good speed (4.68), but isn’t an awesome athlete ala Von Miller. What he can do is get to the play and give tremendous effort. Get this, he has shown the ability to actually shed blockers! Imagine that. Since the Bills will probably use a hybrid 3-4/4-3 scheme, he will probably get work as a strongside guy (4-3) and/or a rush ‘backer (3-4). Either way, he should provide solid depth along w/ last year’s find Arthur Moats.



    ROUND 7a: Justin Rogers, DB RICHmond

    Rogers has good cover skills and also has the ability to help out on special teams as a return guy. He’s a bit small (6-0, 180), but plays bigger than the measurables. He’s pretty good when the ball is in the air, in terms of anticipation and jumpin’ the routes. This guy could be a poor man’s Bob Sanders in one respect: if he were a bigger guy, he probably would’ve been taken higher in the draft. He should provide nice depth in the secondary.




    ROUND 7b: Michael Jasper, G/DT Bethel (TN)

    This guy is HUGE (6-6, 380), and shows good movement and athleticism for a guy his size. If you haven’t done so already (and I’m sure many of you have by now), watch his Youtube workout. The medicine ball part, in particular, impressed me! I’ve seen no tape of ‘em playing, so I’m sure this guy is a pure project. But, man, if they can get ‘em to be effective as a DT……..LOOK OUT!!!





    So, how did they do? Well, as many may know from reading my draft write-ups in the past, I do not give letter grades and I really don’t like to either praise or condemn a draft when nobody has played a down yet. Suffice to say that the Bills did a few things I like:


    1. They addressed needs by going after help for the beleaguered defensive front (Dareus, Sheppard, Chris White, Jasper) and secondary (Williams, Searcy, Rogers)

    2. They took players who not only had talent, but who also had production over a long haul

    3. They targeted guys who were tough and smart (guys like Sheppard, Searcy, Chris White, Rogers)


    I can live w/ those kinda players fillin’ out the Bills roster, and if that’s the plan Chan Gailey and Buddy Nix are following (and after a couple draft, it appears to be their plan), I’m all for it. Now, I know there’s plenty of folks who still suffer from Mary Wells disease (as in, the Bills didn’t take, “My Guy”), but folks, these guys are building a team according to…..get this…..A PLAN!! I'm sure Nix and Gailey aren't finished yet, meaning they have more holes to fill, but they are @ least using a blueprint instead of blindly throwin' darts and hopin' they stick. They are gettin’ guys to fit their plan and continuing to build towards a future. Yeah, the Bills will finally have one. And, not a future filled w/ Plan B, Plan B part II, Plan B-the final chapter, etc. Ya gotta love that, right?


    That's a great read, RR. Good stuff and well put. Thanks for posting it. RWR

  12. You never know with the media pundits though. They seen to just open their traps and spew out whatever pops into their peanut brains.


    You got that right, Rockin. That's why I said earlier on this post, its like this stuff is scripted ahead of time. One guy takes a lame position (Dukes) while the other plays the "ex-spurt".


    On a related note that was given on your post, we lost only 3-4 ball games by a few points last year - against some quality teams! Thus the intelligence by the Bills to draft heavy on defense, taking advantage of this year's draft strength. That's what an intelligent FO does. And because of that,the Bills will be on the winning side of more of those close games this year.

    But many of the ex-spurts focused on what? "The Bills neglected their huge need at QB." They would keep going on that. That was old news by the end of October (in my opinion) when Fitz stablized the QB situation. And I expect Fitz to be even better in his 2nd year with Gailey. But so many of those lame ex-spurts choose to be clueless to the improvements the Bills have made in the FO and in drafting.

  13. Awesome thread! As per the OP the Bills have been bad and deserve a lot of criticism for the past ten years but I get a kick out of "analysts" on the NFL Network(aka NFC East Network), a network devoted solely to covering 32 NFL teams, who can't name 10 players on about half of those teams...and then call themselves "experts"!


    I respect the fact that they know a lot about football but anybody on this board could sit down with Jamie Dukes and beat his ass silly in a discussion about the state of the Bills and the direction they're heading. I've boycotted the NFC East network for the simple fact that I'd like to listen to an intelligent conversation about football but all they've got is a rehash of what some other know-nothing moron on another network said the day before.


    As the "NFL Network" I've always expected that they should have an hour of coverage per week per game but now I'm convinced that they don't do that because their "analysts" are too dumb to intelligently discuss any teams that don't live in NYC or Dallas.


    Amen to that brother. They think the NFL sun rises & sets on the Jets, Giants, and especially the Cowboys.

  14. I have been watching people post links to articles about our beloved Buffalo Bills and one of them got me thinking. It was an article by Jamie Dukes of the NFL Network, a nationally televised station that is dedicated solely to NFL news and media. According to Jamie Dukes the Bills are stupid for picking Dareus because he doesn't fit as a Nose Tackle. Excuse me, Mr. Dukes, but you are a moron.


    So I thought I'd start a little exercise listing things the pundits don't know about our Buffalo Bills. Feel free to jump in with your own thoughts with follow ups.


    1. Marcel Dareus is a DE/DT
    2. Kyle Williams is a Pro Bowl NT all ready on our roster. Kyle can also line up at DT or DE.
    3. Torrel Troupe is also a NT. He can also line up as a DT.
    4. Micheal Jasper is a project that is also considered a NT.(How Mr. Dukes, could you possibly think the Bills were looking to use a fourth NT on this team with Dareus?)
    5. The Bills do believe Fitz can get the job done. "In weeks 3-16 with Fitz as the starter, the offense averaged 335 YPG, 116 rushing YPG, 219.6 passing YPG and 19.9 points per game. In the three games that Fitz did not play in last season, the offense averaged 171 YPG, 70 rushing YPG, 101 passing YPG and 8 points per game. Also, Fitz had two games in which he passed for over 300 yards (382 & 308), something that wasn’t done in a Bills uniform in years."
    6. We actually do have explosive playmakers that can turn games around.
      • Kyle Williams
      • Steve Johnson
      • Fred Jackson
      • Jairus Byrd
      • Ryan Fitpatrick
      • Lee Evans
      • Roscoe Parish
      • CJ Spiller


    I saw that segment and Dukes was way off the mark. He doesn't know about the Bills. He's ignorant about the Bills coaching staff and how they shift players to positions where they're talents will work the best. That's why Kyle Williams had such a great year. They even got decent production out of Kelsay by shifting him to a down lineman. For whatever reason, that worked for him. Examples can go on and on.

    Moose Johnson, to his credit, pointed this out by saying emphatically to Dukes (of Hazard) that (I'll paraphrase, here), "the Bills coaching staff is not going to have Dareus just in one spot. Their coaches will move him up & down the line so he can make plays from any of those positions." Dukes just repeated himself and once again, Johnson stuck to his guns.


    Oftentimes I think these guys on these networks (NFL & ESPN) have this suff scripted between them beforehand and they're just acting just to fill in time.

  15. Thanks Nevergiveup. A wide reciever at #3 though? We've got bigger needs than that. I hope they go Miller, Dareus, or other top defensive front 7 people.

    Sorry for my post last week, and thank you again. RWR

  16. This year's draft is much deeper in defensive talent than in quarterbacks. Defense (our front 7) is a huge weakness for the Bills, not quarterbacking. So I say go where the deep talent is, tap into it and upgrade immediately our big need area in the first 3 rounds. With a more stout D, it'll make our offense better. More 3-and-outs for our opponants, shorter field for our offense, and so on. A better defense will keep our offense in games longer, increasing our opportunities to win. A stouter defense against the run reduces the chances of other teams in controlling the clock agains us. That, with an addition of a pass rusher for us gives our D a more balanced attack, and probably interceptions will increase ( referring to Schoeble's last year w/ us, 09). Improving our D w/ intelligent drafting this year will make our team better, quicker.

    In the 2012 draft, go hard after our "franchise QB". I hear its shaping up to be a good year for future blue chip QB's. Luck being one of them.

    At any rate, that's my take on it.

  17. With the question over the 18 game season, how about a different scenario with that? Could there be a do-able format that, say, the number of playoff teams in each conference be expanded to 2 more teams? Yeh I know that would expand the possibility of having more 7-9 teams making the playoffs, but the playoff season would be longer (fans would like that). More teams would be playing in the playoffs (those cities as well as their fans would like that). And therefore only a handful of teams would be playing longer, not the whole league. There could be a by week at the end of the regular 16 game season, then the playoffs starting w/ the lowest placed Wild card teams. I haven't really sat down and thought this out thoroughly from a technical standpoint. Its just an idea in priciple. I'm not for an 18 game season across the board. That's too brutal & will shorten a lot of careers. What do you think?

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