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Posts posted by 808

  1. kelvin sheppard probably wont be there in the 4th. he may go late 2nd. i like peterson but judging by the things nix/gailey have said about him they do sound like they think he is more of a nickel corner.

    darues/miller/gabbert/ajgreen is my guess for the bills big board. we do have so many holes on this team that any pick will be justified some how

  2. well i dont think its a lock whoever has the first pick will take luck. could end up being a team that already has a QB but he got hurt and the season tanked cause of it. maybe a bradford injury and the rams blow or maybe rivers gets hurt and SD goes down the tankeven maybe the saints. i dont wanna see any of them get hurt but i could then see those teams trading out of 1 or not taking luck. its the best possibility for a team to not take him 1st overall if he continues to play at a high level next year.

  3. i like cam as a pick as well. but if, IF we could maybe take a little less value for a trade back to say maybe 5th and only ask for a 2nd or maybe just a third if it had to be. then do it again to 7 and take less value but still adding another pick and then getting him at 7 and not having to pay him #3 money too that would be ideal.

  4. my perfect world would be trading back 2-3 times in small moves back to 10-13 and get cam jordan or jj watt and have enough to get a good db in the second. so we address both.

    but then again there is so many holes on our team that i wont be mad with almost any pick and will find a way to justify who ever the pick.

  5. the owners should ask for some of the players revenue in endorsements that gained because of the NFL. and see if the players wanna share that.

    The owners pulled a scum bag move by having that 4 billion set aside for themselves.

    But the players seem to think this is some kind of CO-OP. they are employees. and thats where i dont understand why they think they should get half of all revenue.

  6. the owners offered to open the books for the last 5 years and the players wanted 10. im sure the owners kept them but i think legally you only have to keep 5-7 years of back tax papers. and whos to say the players wouldnt ask for 20 years.

    this whole this is a mess and i blame both sides equally. its absurd they are gonna have lawyers fight this out. they wont get special treatment and have their case heard faster then any other case. so they will be waiting their turn. its all rubbish

  7. looks like you want von miller(all pro) and completely write off the how good dareus is. if we can add bigger stronger guys upfront it frees up the LBs and not letting olinemen hit the them and tie them up. and letting RBs go for 200 a game. and if the LBs are not being tied up the secondary may not have to cover receivers for 8 seconds a play.

    1.dareus 2.fairley 3.bowers would be the ideal rankings for me

  8. yah get a old beat down slob in rodgers! yah! go get bob sanders! 9 of 46 games is plenty! yah! sign um before others! we will be stealing um all straight to the superbowl! as you have noticed these are old and often injured guys. and what if they do pay these guys and the free agency period starts.....yah the bills spent their $ on old injured guys to be sneaky?

    your short bus has arrived. dont forget your helmet either.

  9. You are right, and I truly cannot help it. Something about MMA just drives me nuts. I do not think it is the sport. I do not think it is what it represents. I think it is the image. I do not know. I just get douche chills when I think of MMA and cannot help it.



    I think that is a funny response. MMA is about 20 years old now. It use to just be known as tough man competitions, amongst other names.


    Also, my pea brain was a standout wrestler. I understand technique, I see what is going on, I see it very well. I see it so much that I see it as too much of a chance then a sport I can cheer. You cannot counter a kick to the head then you have blood in your eyes and are falling over in to a chain fence. The backbone of MMA is wrestling, I get that, and I still do not care.



    the UFC is about 20 years old. MMA is a bit older. But still very new compared to other sports. as for your "standout wrestler" rubbish that does not mean you understand everything once it goes to the mat. how many subs and sub defense did you learn in wrestling? yah......and taking a shot on someone whos trying to punch or kick your face off is a little different. either way its ok you dont like it. but saying you understand and actually understanding it is 2 different things.

  10. i still feel like losman could have been mid level to good. he want a guy who was gonna sit in the pocket. he created with his feet and threw on the run quite a bit. just felt like it was the coaching that progressed his downfall. i was thinking the same that maybe chan could have gotten something out of JP after watching what he did with fitz. Either way its done and did and we are on to the next

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