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Posts posted by cvanvol

  1. That's good, right? Having as many ints as tds?


    he doesnt...... currently ryan fitzpatrick is outplaying drew brees....


    on pace for 48tds and 28ints...... That wouldnt be too bad but that is the gunslinger mentality. We had two banged up rbs today, forced us to throw too much. our offense is fine we need a better effort from the defense

  2. Am I worried...no. They are still tied for first place.


    I think the bills didn't want to show any copycat schemes like baltimore did because they feel with CJand Fred not 90% they would have a difficult game. Save the defensive scheme for the next time.


    The CJ fumble was a killer. Given his shoulder injury why have him run where he'd get alot of contact. If buffalo was up 28-7 it would have been a different game.


    Buffalo matches up well against the niners. Hopefully they watched what Minnesota did. Smith is no Brady.


    terrible play call on that run for CJ. You have three backs on the team better suited for that type of run. Should have tossed it outside to him and told him to beat the defense to the corner which is what he does really well in that situation. Chandler is one of the better tight ends in the league and is fearless over the middle even after being crushed repeatedly. I think we win the next two games the 9ers are tough but not anything special

  3. i DONT UNDERSTAND THE NOT BLITZING.... I also think Fitz was exactly what you expect out of him, he threw 4 TDs and 4 picks, two in garbage time and another that was tipped at the line. The run game was non existant, and the defense was absolutely BAD, they couldnt stop anything. Sad to watch... but we are still 2-2

  4. Do these people watch the games? Last week MW absolutely destroyed the RT from cleveland. Look at the pocket when teams are throwing against us it is hardly there and the right side of it goes away almost immediatly on most plays. He got some flack for the game he didnt have a sack but yet he pushed the RT into the QB allowing KW to get a sack and he jumped on the fumble. I get that he is making a lot of money but I think he has been awesome so far this year, the stats might not be there currently but if you watch the man do work he is crushing it and is the main reason the other guys are getting sacks alot of times. Also KW is a monster who is throwing guards aside like a boss.

  5. I don't think anyone feels that all the bad calls will go away.No one is "kidding themselves" (except maybe you). They are doing a bad job. What bothers me most is that they seem to be intimidated by the crowd. I am wondering how many more calls are going to the home teams. Those stats could be misleading too, because it's not just the number of calls, but what kind of effect the calls had on the games.


    I think the refs have been pretty consistent in their calls, I dont think a lot of the PI calls have been correct but they have been consistent in calling them against each team.

  6. So you're a Seahawks fan...



    No I could care less who won that game. I like the buffalo bills and no other team. I think that should have been a touchdown and was called correctly, this outrage at the fact makes me laugh. In my opinion the rules were correctly applied. Looking at it live I thoguth they both came down with it and it should have been called a touchdown, you can look at it frame by fram and say that you think jennings got "Control" of the vall first but tates left hand is on the ball the whole time. I think it is a touchdown, if you disagree so be it but the tuck rule was 1000% times worse than this and it wasnt this big of a deal.

  7. It should be "The Catch that while within the rules, everyone is freaking out about because talking heads have been saying what a terrible job the replacement refs are doing so we dont agree with any call they make so that they can try to make the NFL cave to referees that are asking for more money when they are an unimportant part of the game."


    Kinda like "The FIeld Goal, that while it went throught the uprights, vince wilfork took off his helmet and belicheat grabbed a referee simply because they thought it could be close even though it was obviously good.


    Jennings did not "touch" the ball first. He grabbed it out off the air, secured it to his chest, feet hit the ground then the Seattle player at best got his palms on it as Jennings fell.

    Don't take my word on it. This is a major stink. BADLY blown call decides game at last second.



    Tate had his hands on the ball before they hit the ground, I agree that jennings caught the ball first, but the rule doesnt say that the person touching the ball or catching the ball first gets it. They both had possession at the same time as they hit the ground. SO it is a TouchDown

  9. That penalty is never



    And part of his neck.


    Made it real hard to roll away as cv pointed out. The more slo-mo and stills I see the more I will argue that Tate didn't possess that ball, he just landed tight enough to the defender to eventually get his hands on it


    This isn't a 90-10 issue like some have said- it's Tate pulling the defenders body back to get hands on it after they land.



    It looks to me as if tate has his left hand on the ball the whole time and as he is landing he wraps his arm around the plaeys arm with his right hand also on the ball. I think if jennings doesnt cath it neither does tate but the way the rule is written it makes it appear to me that it should be ruled a touchdown. You can not say who has more possession, you also cant say that if jennings didnt cath it that tate wouldnt have either even though I think that is probably the case.

  10. This is true under the rules but in that last pass it wasn't simultaneous possession. It's really a moot point though because the WR committed offensive PI. For some reason it wasn't called even after review. Kinda odd huh?


    watch it again the other two green bay defenders knock the other seattle receiver out of the play as well, in this instance you let it play

  11. Every announcer, on multiple broadcasts to chime in, every poster, the official asked on the original broadcast, and all the professional tweets I've seen disagree about your interpretation. Maybe just the mob going crazy here but it really looked like a pick, after an ugly OPI to boot.


    It did look like a pick to me as well, but someone here said in the rules it should be a pick when that is not true. In the rules it is a touchdown. a person cannot have "more" possession, you either have it or you dont. In this case I think they both had possession, jennings for sure caught the ball first but by the time they hit the ground tate had it as well. They both have possession so it is a touchdown. IF you dont think tate had it you are crazy, by the end of the scrum he was the one with the ball and he had the ball so tight once they hit the ground jennings couldnts roll away which is what he tried to do.

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