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Posts posted by cvanvol

  1. Not that this will help, since Fear tends to unabashedly ignore facts that run contrary to his crusade(s), but here are some links that clearly state that Tuel's pick-6 against KC was indeed an audible:




    "The first three stills show the play design: it's a packaged play, with a run the primary call and a route combination to the right that the quarterback can opt into if he sees a specific coverage from the defense. Still one shows that the Chiefs were in man coverage, which is almost certainly what prompted Tuel to check out of the run and focus on the proverbial pick play to the right."




    "The play-call, then, was a designed run that could be changed into a pass if the defense showed "all-out" pressure."


    Couldn't be any clearer: the primary call was a run; Tuel checked out of it.


    Not really.... that isnt an audible. That would be like saying the read option is an audible if the QB keeps it. The OC designed a play with multiple reads, if a QB looks off his primary receiver and checks it to the TE would you consider that an audible?

  2. How is a Kickoff return considered clock management? Watch how many seconds the next kickoff return takes? The clock is stopped in the last two minutes after a kickoff returner is tackled.



    You know what, you're not called captain Hindsight for Nothing.

    I couldn't find the video but that image has been burned in my memory. I do remember it looking weird, where he could have been worried that he caught the ball in the field of play and carried it backward in the endzone.

    That actually would make a lot more sense to return it, in that situation.


    So if that is the case, it's less of a Washington Generals moment. Although didn't he basically get picked up in the air by one player then stripped by another player? If so that would put the incident back into the Washington Generals category.


    It would have got them to the two minute warning! It was the right move to bring out the kick.

  3. I haven't been able to see any of the games do to where i live but did see one while i was on the road & all's i could see is that the efforts at times do not match the pay check .


    Bruce was always a force & at least a couple times a game he made himself known by his play, i know they key on Mario but so do these teams key on Jared Alan, Tamba Hali, JJ Watt & others yet they are always right there in the face of the QB & making plays during the games & very seldom get shut out because of their motor .


    The only time i ever saw Bruce rendered a non factor was when he parred against Tony Boselli ! Boselli was Bruce's Kriptonight (?) if you will, & Bruce's toughest opponent by far !! :wallbash:


    I think Mario has helped in the fact that "AT TIMES" he makes it easier for others to come free but b/c of the attention he draws but i think another reason why those guys get free more than not is because of their motor .


    At the end of the day the question that has to be asked is Mario's out put & presence on the field worth the money or could we trade him & use the money to keep Byrd & others that will make a difference for a longer period of time ?


    Tamba hasnt had a sack in three weeks, including not touching Jeff Tuel

  4. Improve in your opinion of course. Redundant waste of time in mine.


    Whose time would be wasted? It isnt yours. It would be simple to find all the past threads tagged with All-22. Plus if you ever want to see what they said about players or games in the past you wouldnt have to search through 10+ pages.


    You are just not in agreement with me on anything, you get off on debating me or something.

  5. You'll have to search for individual threads too as they become buried on TSW. Either way, you'll be searching. Beyond that, there are no individual threads for Games 1-6.



    Yeah but if the Thread had an All-22 Tag it would be simple to see them all without having a massive thread. Just because games 1-6 cant be done that way is no reason not to improve it from here on out.

  6. The combined record of our 8 opponents to date: 35-25 (22-15 out of division).


    The combined record of our next 8 opponents: 25-35 (12-25 out of division, with 8 of those wins being KC)


    And if we all feel we can handle KC next week, who's to say we can't fight for 9-10 wins?


    Thats crazy to think about so if we beat KC the combined record of who we played will be at least 43-26. Then estimating our other opponents go .500 this week which isnt likely we will be up against 21-38. Which will probably be closer to 19-40. I really like our chances to go 10-6. I bet we have our hopes dashed at NE.

  7. In the CBS Sports Rankings (Pete Prisco), The Bills climb two spots from 24 to 22 despite the loss to the Saints: http://www.cbssports...l/powerrankings


    The Bills may have lost to the Saints, but they were certainly not outclassed. They were competitive on the road in one of the NFL's toughest venues to play in despite the absence of two key players in EJ and CJ. Even Pete Prisco has to have a measure of respect for that.


    Funniest part is having the Chiefs at number 1. I bet we win this week and still dont move up much and the national headlines will be about the Chiefs easy schedule up to this point and how they weren't for real. Then we will move to 19th or 20th and the Tagline will read "A decent win against a Chiefs team that isn't nearly as good as its record indicates"

  8. That's not always true.


    For example, Buffalo has gone to Arizona for the last two times they have played. And the Bills haven't played in Seattle since they crushed them in 2004 (anyone remember the fake qb sneak by Bledsoe, then toss to McGahee for the TD? Wish they would run that again!). Last two games against them have been at home (well, one in Toronto last year, but you get the idea).



    I love this play! It was a Fake FB dive though. I really wish they did that with Fred and CJ in the backfield to get some space for CJ

  9. I find it interesting that Joe B. basically says verbatim what a number of posters have been talking about regarding Thad:


    His biggest issue throughout much of the game -- and it isn't clear if this is how the Bills had asked him to operate or if it's his own tendency -- but Lewis does not often go through his progressions. In fact, he would only look at his first read for many of the passing plays and either try to force it in or look for a dump-down option.


    Even when there were other receivers coming open, Lewis instead elected to either dump it down or panic in the pocket because he doesn't want to take a sack. Besides that, his accuracy in the intermediate areas didn't exactly inspire confidence. That tendency, unlike the first one mentioned, has shown through in all three of his NFL starts now.


    That kind of thing worries me, as defenses can really take advantage of that as the season wears on.


    Agree with all of this he never goes through the progression, but that isnt terrible because him as a game manger is what we need with maybe 2-3 good throws a game. What is killing me is his intermediate accuracy especially throwing to his right. He seems to sail every slant to the right three feet over the heads of the receiver. It has happened three or four times in each game he played. All together he is an incredible competent backup for EJ.

  10. I'll bet you a Buffalo nickel that the last AFC wild card gets in at 9-7. Not saying that will be us, but a 9-7 team will make the playoffs in the AFC. San Diego is 4-3 and has to play Denver and KC twice each still.


    Thats fine, I would bet that you were right. But 9-7 wont get us into the playoffs. We will lose the tie breaker at 9-7. We need 10 wins

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