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mike oxhurtz

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Posts posted by mike oxhurtz

  1. I'll be honest, I've been an Evans basher and this post is more of the same. After the last few weeks, with the emergence of Steve Johnson, I've been giving credit to Evans for still posing as a threat and getting coverage away from Johnson, D. Nelson & D. Jones. Today, Evans was terrible. Evans couldn't beat single coverage, dropped passes, only had 1 rec for 9 yards, and lost a fumble. While I do give him credit for recovering Jackson's fumble and making key blocks on the Jackson 65 yard TD, I still think the Bills need a better option at the #1 WR position. Evans is getting paid way too much, too be producing the kind of numbers he's getting.


    I do like the direction Gailey the offense pointing. I do hope Gailey gets a #1 WR and a pass catching TE. Add in a solid Tackle and I think the Bills will be set on offense. I don't know if Steve Johnson can become that #1 WR next year. Plus, there's also Marcus Easley waiting in the wings, so the Bills have some unknowns still. IMO, I hope Nix trades Evans in the offseason.


    I agree with you about Evans. This hasn't been the first time this season that Evans had only 1 reception in a game. While I think Evans is a very good #2 WR, he's not a true #1 WR. Good points about the offense, a few more playmakers and we'll have one of the best offenses in the league.


    With Easley, I hope he turns out to be a good ,instead of a Chad Jackson who only looked good in OTA's & training camp.

  2. I did have at least one person (Mike Oxhurtz-who also called me a coward for not betting), but like I said then, I was quite sure the Bills would be in the top 2 or 3 picks of the draft, but I still sit on sundays like every other Bills fan and hope for a victory, get frustrated by another defeat and then put a video from the 1990's in. In other words, like I said months ago, I am not going to cheer against them for money even though they are one of if not the worst teams in the NFL.


    I'm glad you didn't accept the bet, because I'd be out $100 bucks. Sorry for coming across as a douche.


    I did not expect to the Bills to be 0-5 at this point. I expected some growing pains with the defense, but this is ridiculous. The offense looks much better with Fitz in there compared to the previous seasons under Edwards & Losman, but even Fitz is not the franchise QB the Bills need.

  3. Except for the one year in which Evans' had half-way decent QB play (Losman in 2006--by far the best full season of QB play since Bledsoe in 2002)...not sure if you remember, but does 80 catches, 1,300 yards and 8 TDs sound like #2WR numbers to you?




    Peerless Price 2002 stats as the #2 WR on the Bills:

    94 receptions, 1252 yards and 9 TD's


    Peerless Price's 2003-2004 stats as the #1 WR on the Falcons:

    64 receptions, 838 yards and 3 TD's

    45 receptions, 575 yards and 3 TD's


    Just because a WR has 80 catches and 1300 yards one season, doesn't mean that automatically makes him a #1 WR for the rest of his career.

  4. I don't see where he has proven himself a #1 receiver.


    He's an awesome #2.


    But if all he runs is "go" routes and slants, that's not a #1 receiver; that's a #2.


    Owens, Boldin, Fitzgerald, Johnson in Houston...those are true #1 receivers. Guys that run every pattern, catch everything thrown to them, and can change a game with their ability.


    We have not had a true #1 since Moulds left.


    I agree 100%

  5. People are acting like Lynch is a 1,500 yard 12 TD+ a season RB. Sorry, but the last best RB we had was Travis Henry who had seasons of 1,400+ and 1,300+ yards rushing. I know everyone likes to gauge RB's at 1,000 yards a season, but that's only 62.5 yards a game. Plus, Lynch was a troublemaker...the hit & run, the incident in Cali, the 20 dollar stuff at the McKinely Mall. One more incident and Lynch will be suspended for a year.


    Next to go should be Evans who has quit on the Bills. Get some more picks for him as well. So far this year, 10 receptions for 94 yards, that's only 23.5 yards per game, that's absolutely pathetic for a guy that's getting paid over $9 mil a year.

  6. We all know Evans is a class act. He doesn't get in trouble and is not a locker room cancer. Evans is definitely a fan favorite.


    Even with that said, when you pay a guy $9+ million a year, you want to see results, not excuses.


    ok if u subtract his one bad game this year, all of those other bad games the last 2 years were do to his QB, EDWARDS, when he had touchdowns, Fitz was the qb. Also the oline has always sucked which if by definition affects the qb-it then must also affect recievers. Evans is a ferrari in the sense that hes smaller but fast as hell, what would you liken him to? oh ya a pinto, good one, ya thats why hes a first round pick and has a high ypc average in the nfl, cuz hes slow....lame


    Also you discounted his years w losman because they were friends? So what?? whats wrong with that? who would be friends with edwards who was ruining many peoples careers? Also w bledsoe he was awesome, hmm a good qb and what do you know, good numbers.


    Evans has had year after year of garbage around him and never complains, Donte pumps people up on twittner and now he is better? Sound like all politics and no actions.


    Evans had every right to complain and I feel lucky he didnt pack his bags and leave boring buffalo w its boring offense and losing records. but he stayed and now you bash one of its only stars.


    Should spiller run like Jerome bettis just to prove to you he can? hes a speed guy and in the nfl speed like that is hard to come by. When we start winning and the deep ball is in the air, and we win another game via an evans touchdown you will be cheering, and u wont care about the millions ralph pays him,is it your money?


    peerless was in the same boat, a third wide out whos qb threw him a few passes, always off target and short, when bledsoe was here he looked all pro. Peerless got hosed to. you just keep blaming the wrong people. T.O. was the only real case of a guy that didnt try. but you probably wish he was still here right?


    So all of the other bad games Evans had were Edwards' fault? Sure, that's right, blame it all on Edwards, he's the scapegoat.


    I don't think you got Jerry's point with Losman. Losman loved to throw the deep ball, which is Lee Evans' key play. Lee wanted Losman over Edwards. Look at the difference in Evans' stats from when Losman was on the team, to after he left.

  7. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/10/4/1729740/three-good-and-three-bad-jets-38-bills-14#storyjump


    "Performance from certain players: Someone tell me why Lee Evans can't catch the ball all of a sudden. For someone that Chan Gailey is clearly trying to utilize more, and that many prognosticators surmise is wasting away in Buffalo, you would think Evans welcomes the work and would make the most of his opportunities."


    "Buffalo receivers not named Evans: Steve Johnson responded to his benching well. He's starting to become the possession receiver that Gailey thinks he can become. David Nelson is a find as an undrafted rookie free agent. He beats coverage and gets open, catches the ball, and can even run after the catch. Good thing that Nix didn't get rid of Roscoe Parrish. He wasn't up to his standards so far against the Jets, but he consistently gives Buffalo a chance by providing good field position on punt returns."


    ONE BAD GAME?! EVANS = Ferarri?! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I didn't know you were a comedian! Thanks for the laugh!


    Evans was more like a Pontiac Soltice. This year, he's been playing like a Ford Pinto. Just to prove my point, lets look at the Evans' stats:






    Bringing his 4 game total to a whopping 10 receptions, for a mind boggling 94 yards and 0 TD's. That's 23.5 yards per game for a #1 WR, that's making $9+ million a year. If Evans were to continue that stat total for the rest of the year, he would finish with: 40 receptions and 376 yards.


    Okay, back to the facts. In 2009, Terrell Owens was suppose to take some of the double coverage off of Evans to get Evans more open. Let's see how Evans did in 2009:


    1-32 1TD




    4-68 1TD

    5-75 1TD


    4-50 2TD





    3-35 1TD


    4-49 1TD

    So that's 44 receptions, 612 yards and 7 TD's. So that's 38.25 yards per game.


    So you're "ONE BAD GAME" is a bunch of crap. Look at the stats, there are multiple bad games up there.


    Here's the mostly likely scenarios of why Evans numbers are this horrible:


    1. Evans played hard until he got the contract extension during the 2008 season. Evans stats that year, 63 receptions for 1,017 yards. After the big payday, Evans decided he got the fat paycheck and doesn't need to play that hard anymore.


    2. Evans is straight line deep threat and the guy who could constantly throw him the deep pass (also was Evans' friend) J.P. Losman's last year on the team was in 2008. Either Evans only play is the deep pass or Evans is disgruntled about Losman and hasn't been trying hard for the Bills QB's.


    3. Just like Peerless Price, Evans is starting to lose his elusive speed.


    4. Evans is tired of losing and has given up on the team


    5. Any Combination of the above.


    You make some great points, Evans numbers have dropped off big time since his contract extension & also since his buddy left.

  8. So you're saying at the end of the season, the Bills shouldn't try and get a real #1 WR and either trade Evans or cut him. Did you watch Evans play yesterday? He dropped two passes that should have been easily caught. He's getting paid $9+ million a year to be a #1 WR, there's no excuse for his poor play.


    Evans doesn't go over the middle. He doesn't fight the DB when the ball is inaccurately thrown. He doesn't go back to help out his QB. All Evans is, is a straight line deep threat. Once Evans' buddy Losman was sent the door, Evans stopped playing as hard and his stats have shown that. So please, keep making the excuses for him, Evans and his $9+ million a year salary needs you to. Cromartie held Evans to 1 rec, 6 yards, what's it going to look like when Revis is covering Evans?



  9. Evans had 1 rec for 6 yards against Cromartie. Revis will easily shutout Evans. And this is a guy the Bills are paying $9+ million a year for?


    But it's the QB...

    But it's the O-line that's not giving the QB enough time to throw the ball...

    It's the other WR's fault for not taking the double coverage off of Evans...

    It's the NFL's fault for banning stick-um...


    Enough of the excuses people, Evans has given up on the team. Demote him to 4th or 5th WR for the rest of the year and either trade him or cut him at the end of the season.

  10. Gailey looked thoroughly disgusted in press conference today. With an 0-4 start and his worst in his professional career, you can tell Gailey is really pissed off. If the Bills do not improve, do you see Gailey cleaning house? (Meaning a high turnover in players and coaches)?


    IMO, yes, you can tell Gailey puts a ton of effort and hard work into the team and is really passionate about what he does. I can see a lot of players cut and most likely new defensive coaches in here as well. With the Jags beating the Colts today, the Bills could go 0-5. If that happens, expect a shakeup at the bye week.

  11. I was most definitely disappointed with the Bills game Sunday. Any true Bills fans would have been. But please step back from the Niagara Gorge, some of you. Your tunnel vision is blinding you to what's going on elsewhere. I watched four games in addition to the Bills, and watched the highlight shows (BTW, Directv was free on Sunday) and as dismal as the Bills and TE were, they were hardly alone.


    First off, and most obvious, was Miami. This is a team the "experts" figured to make a run for at least the AFCE championship? If so, then the Bills must be pretty darn good (which they're not). And how 'bout them Super Bowl-contending Jets? The rap today is that it was all about Sanchez. Not to these weary old eyes. Both the Phins and the Jets were just as overrated as so many on this board said they were.


    Did the Vikes (9 points) look like world-beaters? Broncos (17)? Falcons (9)? Raiders (13)? Niners (6)? Rams (13)? Cowboys (7)? Skins (13)? Ravens (10)? Browns (14)? Steelers (15)? Lions (14)? Bears (19)? Panthers (18)? Even the Colts looked overmatched.


    And how about all those QBs who are supposedly so much better than TE. Let's start with Sunday's game and Chad Henne. Then Sanchez. Jay Cutler. Cassel. Anderson. Josh Freeman. Kevin Kolb. Dixon. Matt Moore. Romo. Smith. Ryan. Orton. I am not making excuses for His Awfulness, just pointing out that he's far, far from alone in today's NFL.


    Look, the Bills are hardly a great team, and Trent Edwards is not on a trajectory to make the HOF. But at the same time, they and he are not the worst in the league either. They're in the middle of the pack, a so-so team...just as we all thought they were. I saw a lot of things that need fixing. And if I saw them, you can bet Gailey saw them and much more, and I believe he will correct the ones that are fixable over the coming weeks.


    It's hardly time to despair, especially when you get a little perspective on the other teams out there. Most are mediocre (QBs included) and the Bills fit right in there. Chill, my little penguins.


    While the Bills offense was offensive, the rest of the team looked really good. Defense & Special Teams played really well. Special Teams tightened things up from preseason and did not let any returns for big yards. The defense did a great job. They held the Dolphins to 13 points, kept the Miami run game in check and contained Brandon Marshall. Now, it's on Gailey to get the offense going. Let's see if he can make the right adjustments, like he did in preseason from the Skins to Colts games.

  12. Like Mike said, great post! The biggest problems with the defense last year were the run defense, lack of a pass rush and getting wore out in the 4th quarter. So far, 2 of the 3 looked to be resolved. If the defense can keep this up and the offense can start making some head way, IMO the Bills will have a Top 10 defense this year. We have one of the better secondaries in the league, the run defense so far looks much improved along with the front 7. I hope in the offseason, the Bills can draft a pass-rushing OLB that can generate a lot of pressure on the QB. Once the D can start getting consistent pressure on the QB, our defense will be amongst the best in the league (IMO).




    I know the Bills were hoping Schobel would come back and give them a decent pass rush, but since he couldn't make up his mind, the Bills had no choice but to move on without him. Nix's experience came from San Diego, well, if he can draft a Merriman type player for the Bills next year, that would be phenomenal.

  13. You're right. Amid all the doom and gloom there are some positives with this team. I posted this in another thread but it directly relates to your popint. The overall defense and the definsive line and linebackers in particular played better than I had seen in awhile. The D-line and linebackers finished 2009 ranked 30th against the run and allowed 4.7 yards per carry. The Dolphins are a pretty good rushing team, finishing 2009 ranked 4th in rushing and averaged 4.4 ypc (and also averaged over 200 yds per game aginst the Bills). In this game, the Fins ran the ball 36 times for 132 yds for a 3.7 average - which, alone is a great improvement. Looking at it a little more closely, the Fins had only 3 runs greater than 8 yards (17, 11, and 10). Take away those three runs and they gained 94 yards on their other 33 carries for a 2.8 yards per carry average. I’d say a damn good job and a hell of an improvement from last year. They didn’t generate a great deal of pressure, but when the game was on the line in the second half they picked it up – as Henne went 8-18 for 54 yards and was sacked twice and hurried a number of other times. In addition, while the linebackers had some coverage issues (as to be expected) they didn't exactly get eaten alive (we'll see how they do against Rodgers and Brady - but the assessment is for this game). Overall, the defense gave up a more than respectable 296 total yards. Considering they were on the field for almost 37 minutes and faced 73 plays – and gave up only 4.1 yds per play (and only 5 out of 73 plays greater than 10 yards – 21, 17, 16, 13, and 11) – I’d say pretty damn impressive. They didn't force any turnovers but it wasn't like they had a difficult time getting off the field either. I'd like to see them get their 3rd down conversion rate under 30% and they gave up 70 and 53 yard drives early in the game - but Miami had the ball eleven times and their other nine drives went for 21, 15, 2, 12, 3, 20, 54, 31, and 9. What I especially liked was that there were no 9 - 10 minute 70 yard drives late in the game that we have grown accustomed to over the last few years. This defense actually looked stronger as the game went on against a very physical running team. Again, impressive.


    Post of the day! That was a great analysis of the defense, thank you for that! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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