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mike oxhurtz

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Posts posted by mike oxhurtz

  1. go my god?? :huh:


    There will be a trillion mock drafts & guesses as to who the Bills will take this year in the draft, but no one knows for sure who Nix & Gailey will take, which I why I posted the Chargers draft selections from Nix & co 2nd season with the Bolts. I'm not saying Boss Hogg & Cooter will draft exactly the same, but it doesn't hurt to take a look at who Nix, Butler & Smith drafted back then (I just hope Boss Hogg doesn't draft a DB in the first round).


    While the Bills do not have an "elite" "shut-down corner", I'd rather see the Bills address the defensive front 7 with their first pick, preferably someone that can get consistent pressure on the QB. Once the Bills have multiple players that can get pressure on the QB, then the INT's and incompletions will go up for the defense.

  2. Evans was missed today.


    Plain and simple. Two routes to the endzone, one to Jones, one to Roosevelt are BOTH caught by Evans, of this I'm sure. On Fitz's second pick Roosevelt randomly ran away from his spot just as Fitz pulled back to throw.


    The young guns made some nice plays today, they're definitely scrappy, but even against a suspect pass D they couldn't get it done, couldn't get the separation deep, and did nothing to spread the D.


    The middle of the field was an absolute minefield today (any word on Nelson?).


    They don't seem to be on the same mental page as Fitz, yet. And Lee's veteran presence was sorely missing today.


    I said last week--quite adamantly--that the young fellas showcased some promise. Today, they took a step back.


    As of today, we definitely still need Evans on this roster.


    It's hard to say what the Bills would have done if Evans was in there today. One thing is for sure, D. Nelson's injury really affected the offense. Nelson has made some great catches over the middle this year and is a red zone threat. Without him and our TE's non-existent in the passing game, the Bills offense was really shackled.

  3. The only positive thing coming out of thie game, was Steve Johnson going over 1,000 yds receiving. Other than that, the Bills were beaten badly today. In a way, I'm glad the Bills lost the way they did at this time of the season, that way it shows Nix, Whaley & Gailey that they have a lot of work to do to compete with not only the best team in the division & conference, but probably the best team in football. Boss Hogg & Cooter said earlier in the year that this team is not that far off, well compared to the Pats and how the Bills played today, they're really far off.


    JJ, here's another positive, the Bills held the Pats to 11 less points than the Jets did (45-3), so, does that make the Bills better than the Jets...lol!!

  4. The game was awful all around.


    Got away from us down 7-3 inside the Patriots 25 yard line and Fitzpatrick fumbled.


    The Patriots kicked our butt as usual. But they also spanked two playoff teams in the New York Jets and the Pittsburgh Steelers.


    With that said, I'm not a fan of George Edwards. He was badly out coached today by Brady and company. I also thought Gailey called a pretty bad game. Why get away from the run when the Patriots showed absolutely no ability to stop it?


    I agree, Fred Jackson looked like he was going to have a career day today during the opening drive. Plus Spiller got some nice runs and a sweet 41 yd reception. Like you said, I still don't get why Gailey went away from the run?


    Gailey really needs to work with all of his players on ball security. That was a pathetic display of ball security today.


    The Bills have a ton of offseason work to do.

  5. Kelly, you have a book full of excuses for Evans. Sorry, but Evans is not a #1 WR. True #1 WR's have the ability to make plays, even while double covered. Evans does not have the physical ability to outleap & outmuscle DB's like true #1 WR's can. I've seen several times this year Evans unable to beat single coverage on deep passes. So Evans is starting to decline. Just face it, your boy Evans is just another Peerless Price, just a one trick pony, once his speed goes, he'll be done.


    So go through your book of excuses again...

  6. Kelly, you are an excuse machine. So the Phins stacked the box against the Bills to shut down the run, tell me, how many times have teams stacked 7 or 8 against the Bills to shut down the run over the last 5 years....almost every single game! Your boy Evans is overrated, overpaid and is on the downside of his career. It's time for the Bills to move on with Evans.

  7. Lee Evans or not, we still need some sort of deep threat. It could be Lee Evans, it could be someone else, I don't really care. Johnson and Nelson have solid hands, but aren't deep guys from what I've seen. Roscoe is too small, even though he is damned fast.


    I'll agree with that. It's unknown at this point if Easley can be that deep threat we need, but he was putting up a strong case before he was prematurely put on IR for the year. A majority of fans were clamoring for the Bills to finally give Stevie Johnson a shot and finally in his 3rd year, he got it and is exceeding everyone's expectations. This is Johnson's first year getting legimate playing time, so he still has a ton of room to grow.

  8. In other words you believe the Bills would have been able to pass and win yesterday with Trent Edwards at quarterback. We couldn't run or pass against anyone with Trent. Your argument is insane. Thanks for playing.


    First you say there were no passes yesterday that went over 15 yards and people proved you wrong. Now you say Evans always gets double-teamed because he is a deep threat, which opens up the run game, and again, were proven wrong. Just go to OBD and ask Evans on a date already :wallbash:

  9. One of the reasons it was impossible to run today was because the Bills had NO DEEP THREAT. The defense could all creep up, especially the safeties. Chan and Fitz and the no name WRs took what advantage they could and made some highlight reel plays but the fact is, we couldn't go more than 15 yards down the field, we couldn't run at all, and we scored 17 points. Evans changes the way teams play against us and anyone who cannot see that doesn't seem to really watch how other teams play defense against us, who they cover, how many men they play in the box, etc.



    If you call two, maybe three several, fine. I think we had two plays the entire game where the ball was a 20 yard pass. One was the great pass and catch into double coverage by Roosevelt for 24 yards. Try that ten times you complete it once, maybe twice. The other was a 23 yarder down the sideline to David Nelson. Not sure the ball was 20 yards in the air, I can't recall it that well but lets say it was 20. There was one down the sideline to Donald Jones where he jumped up and made a great catch and then run IIRC with a guy right on him. Not sure that was 20 yards in the air. Nelson had a 20 yard play that was a 4 yard pass. Stevie had an 18 yarder that was a 5 yard pass or so, then run. The TDs were 15 and 18, both with defenders draped all over the WRs. So two, maybe three. And two of the three were acrobatic catches to players well covered.


    First you say, there were no passes beyond 15 yards, then you say there were 2, maybe 3...which is it? There were no passes caught that were considered 'deep'...so what, what was the final score?! How many times did Brady and other QB's beat the Bills where almost all of the passes in the game were anywhere from 5 to 20 yards...A ton of times! Look at one of the greatest QB's in league history, Joe Montana, he didn't have much of a deep ball, but he was one of the best effective game managers to ever play. I'd rather have a QB & WR's that can manange & win games with what's considered "intermediate" throws, than the one-trick ponies we had with Losman & Evans.

  10. Every pick is like a lotto ticket. The first round should have a 50% hit rate, while 7th round should have a 5-10% hit rate. Modrak is WAY, WAY below the first round expectations. Maybe he's on target for later rounds. Whooopeee!


    I come to this Board to vent about my frustrations as a Bills fan, but instead of empathy I often get "hey, actually this guy who's most responsible for making your life miserable with crappy talent evaluation is really good."


    In the latest incarnation, this argument is that while Modrak routinely blows top picks, he's great at late round/UFAs.


    No he's not.


    Does anyone really know who's making the picks for the Bills. There have been rumors that Levy & Jauron wanted Whitner. Also, Levy & Jauron wanted Revis, but Ralph wanted Lynch. The way things sound from Nix about Maybin, is that Maybin was a Jauron pick (Nix stated he likes to stay away from one year wonders in college). The Bills have had 10 years of bad draft picks, there's no denying that, but is it due to a meddling owner and/or coaches/GM decisions on these picks?

  11. I thought we ALWAYS hit on later round picks?


    Oh, you mean that our typical selection after the 3rd round has just as high a failure rate?


    Screw all of you who want to use the occasional decent late round selection or UFA signing to defend the abysmal college player evaluation track record of Tom Modrak.


    For every David Nelson/Stevie Johnson there's 5 Xavier Omons, Alvin Bowens, Nic Harris, Dwayne Wrights, CJ Ah Yous, and Shawn Nelsons.


    How about Fred Jackson & Jabari Greer?


    To Jerry's point, should have resigned Greer instead of drafting McKelvin.

  12. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/12/14/1875069/the-difference-between-maybin-and-moats


    I agree with the author's comparisons of the two. Moats is a smart player, spends a lot of time studying game film and is willing to do whatever the coaches ask of him. Maybin seems to rely on his bread-and-butter move, and wishes the coaches would let him play the style of football he's used to playing (sounds like Haynesworth). I wouldn't doubt if Maybin is cut loose this offseason. If he's given another shot next year and doesn't improve, he'll be a preseason cut.

  13. The 2 biggest needs on the team right now. Although i believe the o-line is getting better, we desperately need a RT.


    Cant say the same thing about the LB's though. Moats looks like he may be someone to work with in the future,a and Poz. Buddy really needs to get some talented LB's this offseason, be it via draft or Free agency.


    Anyway, Fitz has showed that when he has time, we move the ball, and very well. It also helps our run game when the guys are blocking out there for Jackson and CJ.


    These two positions are the reason the Buffalo Bills are 2-10 and not 7-5. Don't tell me this thing cant be fixed in one offseason- because i know it can. The question is whether Buddy and the FO want to step up and make something happen with this franchise. Don't give me this 3-year rebuild bull ****. We have been waiting 11 years already god dammit! There is talent on this team, and some good young upcoming players. If the 08 Dolphins can do it, the Rams and Bucs of this year can do it, i am 1000% sure WE can do it!




    In Gailey's press conference, he mentioned the Vikings pass rush as a problem, plus he said he learned something about his team today. IMO, I think Gailey realized that he needs to upgrade the O-line in the offseason (LT & RT). While Bell has played decently this year (especially coming off of knee surgery), he got beat up by an elite pass rusher in Jared Allen today. Maybe Gailey is starting to realize that he needs elite players on the O-line to give his QB time to make plays.

  14. Off topic here, but, Spiller has 68 touches from the LOS in 10 games with today's 35 rushing yards his highest total of the season. His 258 yards from scrimmage leaves a lot to be desired.


    If Chan is the offensive genius some fans think he is, what prevents him from including the 9th overall pick in their game plan? I've seen one play this entire season where Spiller was used creatively, that being the screen pass near the goal line at NE.


    And if someone says it's pass blocking that precludes Gailey from inserting him, I'm going to puke. So far, the pick is living up to what the reality based fans called it: a luxury pick for a team needing help at more important positions.


    I don't know if Nix/Gailey are slowly working him in and are saving Spiller for when the Bills actually become competitive. That's my only guess to the limited amount of time Spiller's been on the field. I would like to see Gailey have Spiller involved more in the passing game, especially on screens and short passes.


    As far as McKelvin is concerned, if he can't start playing better consistently, then I think the Bills should trade or cut him. I understand that every player has a bad game every now and then, but he's cost the team multiple games with his play.

  15. My vote is for "Yes and he should be cut in the offseason". I will admit, McKelvin does has talent, but he is way too inconsistent and has cost the Bills numerous games over the last 2 years with his reckless style of play. Today, he had three costly gaffes: Going for the INT instead of swatting the ball away, the fumble on the kickoff deep in our zone and the pass interference penalty on an overthrown ball in the end zone. I don't ever want see McKelvin handle another kickoff or a punt return ever again. I hope McKelvin gets benched and Youboty takes his place.


    I agree 100%

  16. Congrats to Alex Carrington in getting his first NFL sack, and helping K. Williams finish off Rapelisberger for Williams' 2nd sack of the day. Looks like D. Edwards is out for a while (most likely, the rest of the season), so Carrington should get more playing time. Hopefully, with Carrington getting more experience, this will help in his development and maybe he'll get a shot at starting next season.



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