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Posts posted by Nitro

  1. I am a former living in Indy and looking at the Bills I can see potential for good and bad. If it were not for Manning, the Colts would be a consistent 5 win team. Polian has been lauded as great but look at his drafts. He has plenty of busts. He gets by on street free agent O linemen (Jeff Saturday), small D linemen and a constant turn over in the secondary. Are the Bills running backs better than the Colts? YES! After Reggie Wayne the Colts WR corps is no more talented than the Bills. The Bills are 2 players from being a playoff contender...the dreaded LT and a monster LB. The trade of Evans was a good move. He has become a 1 dimentional player and is consistently shut down by quality CBs. He was not producing and aging, not a good combo. Wait until the end of the first 4 games to panic.

  2. I am with the "best player available" theory. This QB class is being like previous years. Look back 5 to 10 years and see what happened to these QBs. First round QBs have a high failure rate. The Bills need to build the core of each line before going to luxury positions. I would avoid the "hot" QBs and look for a young gun who has a proven body of work like Dalton or Ponder. Give them time to learn and grow. I hope the get a solid D lineman with the 3rd pick or trade out to the 8th to 10 position. Get more picks. Dallas built their dynasty in the late 80s and early 90s doing it as does the NE Patriots.

  3. Buddy and Chan needed to make sure Ralph's bean counters had no personnel say but think they still meddle in the on field affairs. Here is what they should have done: be honest with the fans. Tell us that this is a scorched earth rebuilding year. Give us a 3 year rebuilding plan. We wouldb uy it. The last play off team was taken apart because Butler went way over the salary cap in a "Hail Mary" gamble at the Super Bowl.


    This off season jettison the vet talent that would garner some draft picks prior to the draft that don't fit those our schemes. Sign a few quality Vets that will fill holes. No Super stars. Post draft cut loose the guys that don't fit your scheme. Draft best player on the baord...not what you need. This team has above average talent. Too many guys who don't or can't make a difference.


    Draft is the basis for sucess. Spiller was a luxury. He is an exceptional talent but we could have used O line help. Looking to the future you will need 3 key items: QB, LT and a Pass Rush DE. The defense has a lack of speed at OLB. That has to be addressed too. The QB class is deep, LT there are several studs out there.


    I look forward to April. What say you?

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