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Posts posted by wide_right

  1. It is unlikely stimulus money would be used to build a domed stadium in Buffalo; however, stimulus money can be used for infrastructure projects that would complement a stadium being built. This would entail improving the surrounding highways, a demolition of old buildings. This would create local jobs which WNY needs. Then with a mix of private and state funds you could build a dome stadium which could be used for Bills Football, Concert promotions, state championships, trade shows and other stuff. If the stadium is right near the Falls you have a an established tourist area with the capacity to draw in events. This could be the spark the Buffalo area needs to reinvent itself. As many have already said, it makes too much sense.

    very smart and fair post ... +1 DC

  2. Anyone who thinks that the NFL would bring the SuperBowl to blustery Western New York in February is mad. Why so people can sip cocktails on the beach while prancing around in there bathing suits. Or maybe they can take in some of our world class restaurants and clubs. Give me a break. Let the world come here and huddle in there hotel rooms or spend all there money at the indian run casinos. Fantastic idea. We might as well just rent a whole **** load of buses and send them to Toronto for the week. They can come back on Sunday and watch the game. :unsure:

    Winter is a great time to view the ice covered falls. Gambling would be right next to the stadium. The Canadian side has been built up that its shows, shopping and sites rival anything out there. And oh yeah, The Canadian Ballet!


    Theyve had Super Bowls in Detroit and Minnesota ... just as cold but no where near the attractions.


    Super Bowl by the Falls would be amazing.

  3. Are they coming from outer space? Is there a huge cult in Medina?


    If you have a problem getting in and out of Ralph Wiggam Stadium, you should probably just hand in your license.




    Ok, Niagara Falls is a ******* dump. You may as well put an NFL stadium in Gary, Indiana. Why in the hell would you put a stadium in Niagara County? Why are you insistent on kissing Kanada's ass???



    Within walking distance of one the world's natural wonders and a major tourist attraction. WOW

  4. I can see the Grand Island bridges lined up back to the Peace Bridge on game days,if you think the traffic is bad now,that 8A.M. start in the morning wouldn't be to tailgate,it would be to get to the game on time.

    i bet the transportation there is better than it is to the ralph, and dont forget the idea would be to draw in fans from canada and rochester who would take different routes.

  5. Yeah, soil cleanup... I had read that previously about San Diego... well, what do you think will happen the moment you put a shovel to earth in Green Goo Niagara Falls. And let's not forget about the Manhattan Project **** that they dumped there and at the Bethlehem Steel site.


    Can you imagine trying to build a stadium at either site... that process would be slower than attempting to put up an international bridge.


    No... under this hypothetical situation, it's much easier to just KO ECC South... I don't think there's green goo in the ground there.

    the downtown area by the stadium is not contaminated, and theres plenty of space there.

  6. Not a bigtime name, but supporting local musicians I'll give a shout out to a guy I went to high school with and still plays a bit locally - Pete Worden.


    Trivia - Pete plays Rockabilly now, but in much younger days back in the late 80's he played Bass in a band that might be recognizable to some older-timers - Ice Water Mansion

    pretty good, something different for a change. are those songs original?

  7. Niagara Falls Stadium. The Grand Island Bridge cant handle the traffic it has now at 5pm on a weekday, let alone a 70,000 football fans.


    Tailgating. Really people think that a Niagara Falls stadium will have the same aura to it as the Ralph, and tailgating will be exactly the same. C'mon, it is not that way at all, it will totally change. Theres little tailgaiting at HEinz Field, the rest gets done in Bars. So expect Niagara Falls to become more overpriced than it already is.

    yeah they built that useless multilane highway thru the falls. now they can finally get some use out of it

  8. Obviously Peart should be at the top.


    In Modern Drummer magazine, he isn't even allowed to be nominated in reader polls anymore, because he always wins.

    Pearti is very good, maybe technically superior to Bonham. But Bonham was no slouch in that department, and I think he's better because his looser style of drumming is something that people relate to better. His solo in Moby Dick is memorable for example, and I really don't Peart has anything all that memorable.

  9. McShay "Offensive tackle and quarterback are chief among the Bills' needs, and they should draft a tackle if Davis, Okung or Bulaga is available. This scenario has them selecting the top quarterback prospect in the 2010 class, though. Bradford is a bit of a project because of his slight frame and the spread system he played in at Oklahoma, but he has the football intelligence and accuracy to be molded into a good starter in the NFL."


    Kill me now if we use our top pick on a guy with a slight frame (Rob Johnson), injury prone(Losman, Johnson, Edwards), and has football intelligence(Edwards) who could be molded(Bills have failed to develop every QB except Kemp, Ferguson, and Kelly) in to a GOOD starter.


    The Bills need a ProBowl LT or LB with the first pick. There are 5 QB's in this draft who are bigger, didn't play in the spread, and have just as good a chance or maybe better than Bradford to be a quality QB in the NFL. Many are likely to be available in the second through fourth rounds.

    montana and brees both have "slight frames" by nfl standards.

  10. No they usually have the replacement in the fold they are the opposite of rebuilding and so they can take who ever they want without considering needs because they have none if they don't see someone they like they trade to amass valuable picks. they have the luxury of best player available. We don't.

    Pats draft for position just like anyone else, And for a while their drafts have sucked too, perhaps even worse than ours

  11. I don't see anybody giving up a #1 for Evans, fat contract and lousy numbers would hurt his value. Of course if he had somebody to throw to him it would help.

    If someone is drafting WR in the 1st round it could be interesting to get a 29yr old vet who should have another 5 yrs of peak performance left in him, instead of an unproven rook. I've seen some mocks have Bengals targeting a WR, I bet they'd at least listen.


    Or like I posted earlier, Bears could be enticed into getting a deep threar for Cutler. I see Evans fitting in really well with their system and needs.


    But if we did a trade, so what? We've just created a huge need at WR.

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