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Posts posted by Hater

  1. On KC, I'm thinking they'll shy away from getting someone else's vet QB after ther experience with cassell. Also they have #1 pick and can draft someone.



    The QB's I named are every starter the Chiefs have had since 1990 & there is talk that the Chiefs are interested in Jarvis Jones LB Georgia or moving down out of the Top 10


    I'd take Geno Smith if I where the Chiefs, I don't think they will especially since they haven't pick a QB in the 1st round since 1983 but that could change.

  2. If Alex Smith goes anywhere it will be to Kansas City they have a think for Ex-49ers QB.


    Steve DeBerg

    Joe Montana

    Steve Bono

    Elvis Grbac


    plus the Chiefs always take other teams QB


    Ron Jaworski

    Dave Krieg

    Rich Gannon

    Warren Moon

    Trent Green

    Damon Haurd

    Tyler Thigpen

    Matt Cassel


    All Started the career with other teams & the last QB they Drafted in the first round of the draft was in 1983, so I think he picked the wrong team

  3. I believe you just showed that Gailey is not a good OC.



    I am saying a head coach wouldn't let that call made in a important situation, Chan has runs a exciting offensive but he makes the wrong calls in the wrong situation, he is kinda like Wade Phillips, Wade is great at defence but is a bad head coach,


    Chan should just stick to just being an offensive coordinator.

  4. It wasn't sarcasm. Most people's sarcasm meters are off when they don't see it. You're seeing it when it's not there. You think all those posters on page one saying No are being sarcastic?

    I was pointing out that in saying no to Nick Saban, that those saying no must want to keep Gailey & What is it any of your business defending SJBF, you & Jauronimo need to mind your own business, if you got something to say, say it but don't jump into someone else's argument, that's a punk move



    Thats an interesting interpretation. You are correct, however, in that someone certainly appears foolish. But that person isn't SJBF.


    One Question, which one of you guys is the pivot man in your circle jerk

  5. Oh. Okay.


    I didn't realize that by saying no to Saban that I was voting to retain Gailey.


    Thanks for the clarification.

    LOL - this is ridiculous. He's had one losing season in all his coaching years. Who would say no to him and keep Chan?


    He took a 4-12 Dolphins team and made them 9-7 the next season. He then had a bad year, his only losing season, and I was so glad he left the Dolphins because I think he would have turned them around big time.


    Its Called Sarcasm

  6. Fixed your punctuation/capitalization for you. And I would argue that with our backs and O-line, we should be much higher than just 7th in rushing. 1st is probably asking too much, but top 3 is reasonable. And our passing rank is very low despite us passing too much because we are bad at passing the football. When Fitz throws a lot, we don't get many first downs, and thus can't get many yards. The more he throws it, the easier things get for the defense, so even going to 100% passing wouldn't get us many more passing yards.


    You have to be balanced, you run to pass & pass to run but Gaily just passes especially when we have a lead, so it makes no sense in being 7th in the league in rushing.


    You'd think teams would stack the line line to stop the run but they know Gaily can't stop throwning & with a QB who can't hit a barn from the inside, they just play zone & wait for the mistakes to come.

  7. You idiots don't know beans about the NFL. The run game won't be successful until your passing game forces the other team into a prevent D with 7 defensive backs 20 yards from the line of scrimmage. THAT'S when you hit them with the ground game, dummies.


    We are 7th in the league in rushing & we are 25th in passing, so that defeats your argument

  8. name='FireChan' timestamp='1355088339' post='2655224']

    Let me stop you right there. "Shitzpatrick" is probably the least funny and creative name I've ever seen. Because I have now seen you use it in a serious context, I will proceed to talk talk down to you as if you know nothing about football as I make my point.


    Chan Gailey is the reason we were down. Chan Gailey not calling that field goal, is the sole reason. He's also the reason the offensive drive, before the Ram's game-winning drive, was stalled horribly. Now I understand a lot of Bill's fans believe there's a simple quick fix to start winning football games, i.e. you. But sadly, it's just not the case. Average QB's will always exist, as well as bad ones. I have a better chance winning two lottery tickets and buying the Bill's, then we do to find the next Manning, or Brady. Anyone else we bring in will leave us in the same hole.


    If you can't understand that, well then, I don't know what to say. I'll let you get all worked up and scream for our QB's head, whilst wallowing in your knee-jerk reactions.



    "Shitzpatrick" isn't Meant to be Funny, its Meant to be Insulting to Him & His Fans, Who every week somehow try to divert the discussion to someone else as the problem


    You'll never find the next Brady Or Manning if you don't even try & Draft a QB & don't say JP Losman every one said he wasn't a Franchise QB, I guarantee you go out & get a Franchise QB fire the coaching staff, hire a good coach next Season & the Team Makes the Playoff.


    And Trust Me, I Have Forgotten More About Football then You'll Ever Know.

  9. If that was the case it wouldn't hurt as much but we still had a shot at the playoffs. Both Cinci and Pits lost today and if we won out we probably would have made it to the playoffs.


    And I have a Shot at nailing Scarlett Johansson too, its was a pipe dream to think we would have made the playoff even is Cinny & Pitts lost today

    I not trying to be mean Its just the truth Buddy Sorry I sound rude

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