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Posts posted by Hater

  1. I agree that this has been blown up way out of proportion.


    As an aside, this is not the first time that Brent and ESPN/ABC has focused on sexy women in the crowd. Even though I am a Hurricane fan, I could not help but appreciate this:




    Brett Favre also took a liking to one of these FSU Cowgirls - Jenn Sterger.


    Exactly & How many times did ESPN show the Alabama Cheerleaders (with almost Up the Skirts Shots) most of those girls looked 18 but Musberger is the Pervert

  2. This whole Katherine Webb/Brent Musburger controversy blows my mind, He didn't say anything was insulting & he is catching Hell over nothing, even she said she was flattered by the comment.


    politically correctness is seriously out of control, the media tries to twist everything especially sexuality unless its a woman doing it


    If a older woman says something sexual about a young man "Well she is a Cougar & she got her groove back" but if an older man says anything about a young woman "He is perverted, he is a predator" & we are talking young women like in the twenties but older woman make comments about a young man in his late teens an that's OK she is breaking him in.


    you'd never see a male version of Cougar Town or see commercial on TV like CougarDating.com is, if was SugarDaddy.com for men , I not saying either is right or wrong but Brent Musburger is being treated like he is pedophile over a non-sexual comment, I am not mad because I am an older man, I am mad because their is a double standard & people need to get a F*#king Grip on Reality.


    I THINK BRENT HUNG AROUND WITH MARV ALBERT TOO LONG ,HE REALLY WANTS HER CLOTHES TO WEAR. and people wonder what they do in the off time. friggin perv!


    Better Close this Topic SDS its gonna get Nasty

  3. My favorite WR in each round:

    RD1 - Keenan Allen / DeAndre Hopkins (tie)

    RD2 - Justin Hunter

    RD3 - Tavarres King

    RD4 - Jared Abbrederis (I'd take Denard Robinson here)

    RD5 - Jordan Matthews

    RD6 - Mike Shanahan

    RD7 - Marquise Goodwin

    UDFA-Marlon Brown



    Mine are

    RD1 - DeAndre Hopkins

    RD2 - Stedman Bailey

    RD3 - Quinton Patton

    RD4 - Josh Boyce

    RD5 - Kenny Stills

    RD6 - Marquess Wilson

    FAR - Chris Harper


    I like your pick but I think Keenan Allen will be the only WR to go in the 1st Round & I think we might not see a RB till the 3rd Round RB are not in demand anymore

  4. I highly doubt that Nassib is going to be their most highly rated qb prospect. That is not saying that he isn't a good prospect.


    Geno Smith - Projected Top 20

    Tyler Wilson - Projected late 1st to early 2nd

    Matt Barkley - Projected late 1st to mid 3rd

    Ryan Nassib - Projected late 1st to late 3rd


    Nassib could be the Bills Top QB Prospect based on what system Marrone runs, Tyler Wilson has moved to #1 on my Top QB List followed by


    Geno Smith

    Ryan Nassib

    Matt Barkley

    E.J. Manuel

  5. Its not a bad Idea, he has good speed & is hard to bring down,he has good hands, but blocking would be a issue but the reason I don't sign him is reporters are not going to stop the question " Is he going to play QB" its just too much of a headache for little results


    Most of the objections here are silly. The real questions are whether he can catch, would accept the role, and the price.


    No circus is going to follow TE Tebow to Buffalo, he can learn to block well enough to be a receiving TE, and route running should be no problem for a former QB.


    I believe he can catch ok, he a QB? He handles the ball, catching shotguns snaps so its a high possibility

  6. I was going with what you were saying, and respecting your opinion... Until you said you'd take Collin Klein is above Glennon for you. Collin Klein has ZERO NFL future as a QB. He likely won't even be drafted... And Barkley didn't play in a bowl game.


    Whoever said that if we had Peyton Manning we would've made the playoffs is absolutely right. This team is a playoff team with Peyton Manning on board. But he's wrong about the second one. If we added Megatron, JJ Watt etc. we would be a playoff team as well.


    Collin Klein was more of a sarcastic pick but he could be a project & Mel Kiper did use Matt Barkley not playing in a bowl game.against him, which is wrong

  7. Regardless of why he Killed himself, he knew the risk, if your a cop, fire fighter, service in the military, work in a chemical plant you know there is a risk of getting hurt or dying


    if you play sports there is no difference, you get hit the wrong way & your a vegetable, I am sorry Seau is dead but that the risk you take when you choose a dangerous profession

  8. For those who want us to pick Matt Barkley with our #8 pick.


    Have we learned nothing? I implore you, please digress by simply using history as a lesson.


    Mark Sanchez - Suuuuuuucks

    Matt Leinhart - Laugh out loud

    Carson Palmer - Had a minute or two of success

    Rob Johnson - This should be enough right here

    John David Booty - Who?

    Todd Marinovich - Yep

    Rodney Peete - Was a wonderful back up for many years


    Barkley is doomed and frankly hasn't shown much beyond what any of these other chumps have ever shown.


    Does any more need to be said?


    Can anyone name a successful QB from USC? Ever?



    But Look at the Team that Drafted them


    Jets: Biggest Joke in the NFL, a Total Circus

    Cardinals: consist losers with bad history of picking coaches

    Bengals: cheap organization

    Jaguars; played the Bills on a below average player

    Vikings: he never got a shot

    Raiders; encourage his Drug habit

    Lions: another consist losers with bad history of picking coaches & building a team


    Just saying a Good Organization helps a players career

  9. I like Tyler Wilson & if Geno Smith or Matt Barkley are gone, you gotta pick him, I like Nassib too but Wilson is the better choice


    I agree, people will use the argument that he can't play in the cold weather, well Brett Favre played at Mississippi State & didn't hurt him in Green Bay, I like this group of QB they are semi projects but the Bills are taking chance right now, I say take a chance on Wilson

  10. People are high on Mike Glennon, but I am not one of them, I just don't see it



    If Geno Smith or Matt Barkley fall, you take one of them at your pick & I'd pick Tyler Wilson, Ryan Nassib even Collin Klein before I take Glennon


    I problem right now is scouts are using the Bowl Games aganist & for players moving up, I still high on Smith & Barkley, the Combined could change that & it could change my mind on Glennon but I feel my choice are safe

  11. I have Severe Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with two Herniated Discs T5 & T8, When It first effected me, I couldn't walk, my kidney almost shut down & I could have die without medical care


    my left calf was pinched for months, it felt like a vice grip was on my calf, squeezing tighter & tighter 24/7, it took me over two years to walk right again &I still have pain everyday I take 13 pills a day to keep me on my feet, I am lucky, some people never get back on their feet


    I wish Jarvis Jones the best, I hope it never get worse for him, maybe he should consider not playing football anymore

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