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Everything posted by ntjacks79

  1. Very astute observation. We must all not forget that Russy Brandon has been promoted as part of this "reorg". And I can almost guarantee a move orchestrated by him to sell tickets... because Nix and Gailey is going to get MUCHO bad press across the NFL and Bills fans will be canceling tickets in droves. The problem is that "Russy's" past moves have been more to satisfy the fans than to build a winning team. If we continue to make moves that are designed to sell tickets and not necessarily win, we are doomed to failure. EVERYTHING Buffalo has done the last 10 years has been related to selling tickets NEXT year... not building a winner. I'm surprised that Bills fans have gone on the ride this long... but they/we are not stupid. It's coming to an end if they don't start getting it right. The "Toronto Fiasco" is a good case in point. Brandon is hailed as a "smart marketing guy" for expanding the revenue base via the Toronto series. Yet, when you look at why the Bills 1st 8 coach and GM choices turned them down, one of the reasons is "not knowing where the franchise will be located". Like it or not, the "Fiasco" has given the Bills a league-wide perception as being in trouble... why else would you give away your home-field advantage? THIS is short-term thinking... of which Brandon (and apparently Ralph) is great at.
  2. Totally Disagree. At least from my perspective. If Gailey had "turned us down" I would have been laughing at why we offered it to him in the first place. Frazier was a good option if guys like Cowher could not be had. Gailey is desparation - pure and simple.
  3. +1. Well said. I would've liked a Cowher/Shanahan, but was more than happy to have Leslie Frazier. Chan Gailey is Dick Jauron in many ways, in my mind, and is a major step back for the franchise unless he puts together an all-star coaching staff.
  4. +1. While I agree with those on this Board who say Lynch is developing a trend of "questionable behavior", I think we need to be careful about believing stuff like this without proof. You'd have to have a pretty serious "issue" to be an NFL RB and steal $20... could be that he does, but assuming he's guilty on something that sounds so ridiculous is the wrong thing to do.
  5. There IS a connection between "image" and performance, because it impacts your ability to get players and coaches to want to come to your team. I believe that, even though maybe only a small part, uniforms are part of image. The other parts of image are related to management and fans (Bills have bad image on the former and good image on the latter, I believe).
  6. +222222222222222222222222. Our current uniforms are ridiculous. And I agree regarding the Sabres too. It seems like the marketing departments of both teams figured it would be good to ask some nine year-olds what uniforms they thought were cool - and go with that. It's so sad to be wearing the blue/mostly black uniforms we have now given the classic history of what the Bills wore in the 60's, 70's, and even 80's and early 90's. I disagree that this is "the least of their problems". Image is part of what is wrong now. And the Bills current image is a Bumbling Brandon, a Cheapskate Wilson, a Toronto Fiasco and Bad Uniforms (and a Partridge in a Pear Tree). ;-).
  7. Completely agree. When you do things like giving away your home field advantage to play a game in Toronto, you give the league the impression you are in dire straits. This is an organizational issue, not a Buffalo issue.
  8. As much as having the words "marketing whiz" and "Russ Brandon" in the same sentence, anyone who can sell the Toronto-fiasco as a "good thing", deliver a terrible team year after year but do signings like Mitchell, Stroud, and TO to hide the fact that the Bills still had no chance... well, I agree he must be doing something right if the Bills are setting season ticket records in the midst of all that...
  9. I'm sure Ralph and Russ were telling Cowher and Shanahan about how wonderful their Toronto idea was, and were a little taken aback when they were told, "You mean you morons gave away home field advantage for 1/8 of your home games? Find another sucker to coach your team." :-)
  10. One scenario that has the fanbase buzzing is the possibility of Marty Schottenheimer taking on the top job with New York Jets OC Brian Schottenheimer -- Marty's progeny -- taking the same position with the Bills.
  11. Correct. It's set in stone. The league pre-determines schedules WAY in advance, and then the instant you know what place you finished in your division, you know your schedule. Nothing can be modified.
  12. I do agree that Sullivan was accurate in this piece regarding his facts... but he does have a tendency to spin things in a negative way. I think that Nix may turn out OK, despite the fact I agree with Sullivan that Wilson didn't go about this the right way. How can you possibly say "we looked at a list of candidates and didn't know them"? Huh? Maybe that's because you're not a "football guy" Ralph. I have a brilliant idea for you... maybe ASK someone who DOES know those candidates. The sign of a TERRIBLE leader is one who thinks he knows it all and doesn't ask questions. And is anyone else absolutely FURIOUS, as I am, that the bonehead who presided over the Toronto-fiasco and a decade of terrible decisions was PROMOTED to CEO for his efforts. Sabres fans give Darcy Regier and Larry Quinn a hard time. Brandon isn't even in their league (and that's saying something).
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