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Everything posted by MarkKelso'sHelmet

  1. 4:25*. it's possible Geno Smith gets knocked out of the game due to injury. he might get eaten alive.
  2. he had one good season and developed a cult following for reasons that are obvious. he's not very good. and hasn't been for a long time. his career is over.
  3. i haven't listened to that station since i moved away from the area, more than three years ago. those raps were totally F*cking stupid when he was doing them back then, and I can't believe he's still doing them. It's amazing how people with no talent can be given megaphones and use them for years. Once something is given momentum, it is hard to stop, no matter how inane and vapid it is. I guess that's the state of radio. How does that station stay in business? Do listeners enjoy the 20 minutes of commercials every hour, hearing dumb sports updates every 15 minutes? Amazing that anyone at the station is employed, and that it is still in business...
  4. CORDY GLENN I think is one of the only tackles in the league who hasn't given up a QB pressure yet?
  5. long way to fall, from head nfl coach, to college head coach, to d coordinator, to special teams coordinator... will his next demotion be quality control? yet he still keeps getting hired. it's a good old boys' club...
  6. I saw the Thursday night game and Geno Smith leaves a lot to be desired. He holds on the ball a lot and doesn't seem to have a good command of the offense. He doesn't have good escapability and is prone to taking sacks. He has a good arm, and can make some good throws, but he looks nowhere near as confident and poised as Manuel. If all goes well, Pettine's D should be able to knock him out of the game.
  7. Keys to the game, brought to you by ME: i watched the carolina seahawks game. panther's D is simplistic, but tough. they play hard and tackle hard. the winner of the game will be the more physical team. key to the game: Play physical, play tough. The team with the better QB will win.
  8. what I noticed was how easy he went down. Some QBs are slippery and hard to bring down. not smith. with one of the sacks (I'm not sure if it was Chandler Jones, who had two sacks) Geno Smith literally got brought down after getting slapped by an oustretched arm's length by ONE HAND. He goes down really easy, like a scarecrow. Does anyone remember the sack I'm referring to?
  9. i thought that it was more that new england's receivers were not up to the challenge. dobson -- i wouldn't be surprised if he were cut tomorrow, he was not on the same page as brady all night. new england's receiving corps is terribly depleted. if it weren't for edelman, brady would have had one of the worst games of his career. smith has the arm to make the throws, but i have doubts about whether or not he can be a successful starer in this league. he doesn't look the part, he wasn't even making any of the calls at the line -- the center was.
  10. the key to sucess, sponsored by ME hit brady hard, hit brady often. knock brady out of the game.
  11. he's a whiney b*tch. be a man and do your job. he had a couple good seasons and wants 100 million dollars. what a b*tch.
  12. their owner is a crook and their new coach doesn't seem to feel the need to have a kicker on the roster with less than a week to go until opening day. i'd say their organization is rough shape. the kicking game is kind of important.
  13. typical. what else should we expect? that's how it goes when you get a guy who has no problems cheating..
  14. i for one would love to watch the 14 games, in their enterity, back to back! anyone want to get high and have a marathon with me? we can stroll down memory lane, watching the likes of Kendrick Office and C.J. Ah You!
  15. interesting, yeah, i think it probably depends on the methods of production. hard to tell sometimes where stuff comes from, if you get a bad batch, look out, bad news. if somebody actually knows what they're doing, usually most people can tolerate and enjoy these sorts of things. otherwise, millions of people wouldn't be doing it and not being caught. the story is silly, it's a stupid headline. AH DOES ANGEL DUST. Give me something I can use.... Urban Meyer seems like a real schmuck though...
  16. funny. i've been around the block, ya know.. and, well, it's only the people who have never been near the stuff who call it angel dust. just, silly, what a silly name. who says that. haha. wow. i guess the headline "Hernandez did PCP..." wouldn't generate enough hits. but some idiot journalist who has never been near the stuff decides to use an outdated street name... brilliant.
  17. really disgusted with this "news organization" and their treatment here. Such pity for Byrd among the writers. Graham actually takes the Bills to task for the roster exemption, suggesting the Bills have designs about witholding game checks -- which they aren't even allowed to do, since he reported in time. It's a really strange way to approach this story, and I have lost respect for him for presenting it that way. Really absurd. While I do not blame Byrd for waiting to sign his tender (I would have done the same thing if i were in his position) -- none of the writers seemed to point out that Byrd had a chance for guarnteed money, that would have paid him among the top at his position in the league -- I'm sure the Bills were offering at least top 10 money, if not top 5. But that wasn't enough for him. He chose NOT to sign for what -- 18 million guaranteed? Instead, he wants to be the top paid in the league. If he happens to get injured, he has himself to blame for leaving all lot of guaranteed money on the table. It need not be pointed out that this is a business. Byrd deserves everything he can get, and not a penny more, but if his feelings are hurt, then he's being immature. The CBA is the CBA and that's the way the world works. I work hard in my life and wish I had more money too. I'm not at risk for injury life like he is, but that's the price you pay for becoming a millionaire. Byrd there are no guarantees in my life, or in yours. Good for you that you're in a fortunate enough position to turn down a contract for 15-18 million guaranteed. But it's amazing that this can gain the sympathy of sports writers like that hack Sullivan... of course, let's not forget that this all comes from a tweet by ian rappaport. i don't know who he is. However, I also vividly remembering him reporting that the Bills front office was scared the Jets were going to take Nassib in the first round, and were considering trading up. anyone remember that brilliant piece of journalism. lesson: not everything being reported is true.
  18. This turns out not to be a big deal, after all. I'm glad he didn't wait until a few days before the first game, like that fat slob Jason Peters did. You can't blame him for skipping camp and minimizing his chance for injury. Now camp is over and he signed. Hopefully he has a good season and stays healthy.
  19. i'm not concerned with the fact that nigel gets high. it's on its way to semi- and full legalization all over the country. i'm concerned with the fact that he put himself in a position to get caught, 2am, with florida plates, in tonawanda. is called not playing the odds. what in the world does this mean? what is hypocritical about not supporting unjust laws? remember prohibition. it still exists. i could recommend scholarly essays and books on the topic, but, you'd rather take the simplistic AP position -- that all laws are good. have you ever in your life, gotten behind the wheel, after having one too many? if so, then YOU are the hypocrite. I'm not defending Bradham -- he deserves whatever punishment he gets; but to suggest that people are hypocrites because they don't support a stupid law is ABSOLUTELY MORONIC and shows no appreciation for the lack of harmony between the law and ethics... or the ridiculous stupidity of what un-learned Americans like to call The War on Drugs. Reefer Madness, JW... Do you homework.
  20. not to excuse bradham, but i mean, the cop should have let him go. what's wrong isn't he a bills fan?
  21. you don't need to bring your big horse out of the stable for a meaningless race....
  22. Maybin can't play football. How many times does he need to be cut before 100% of the fans realize it. I've also read that he has severe ADHD, and can't learn a playbook. But yeah, sure, bring him in again, give him some more paychecks so he can buy more stripper poles in his house. UNbelievable.
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