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Posts posted by Munch

  1. the last few qb classes seem super sub par. the guys who where picked high and are supposed to be the replacements for the Brady's and Mannings simply arent cut from the same clothe. Eli is good but nowhere near great. Rivers plays well, but are always coming up short, and being out west makes it difficult to follow. Alex Smith and David Carr are out or on their way out. I wish Big Ben was in jail. Romo might be the most overated player of all time. Sanchez is borderline awful on a good team. Stafford has the guts but cant stay healthy. Freeman might turn out to be the best in his class.


    How many times does Warner have to ride the bench or play in the Arena league to realize he is a HOFer. How long did/should Garcia have started. Kitna is pretty well in Dallas. For all the hype about new comer Kolb, a guy fresh out of prison could be league MVP. The NFL has a serious issue heading there way, and that is their product seems to be depreciating with every draft class. Injuries are up because players are no longer skilled. QB's cant read defenses to keep their team mates safe, and recievers dont know where to be or where the wholes are. As steroids become more prevelent, teh job of the OL backpedaling while holding off a 350 lbs d-lineman become more and more difficult(this is the reason for the 3 yard rule in the CFL)


    The NFL/Teams put no stock in investing in an athlete and progressing their investment. With the abilty to cut a player with little to no contract or monetary loss, franchises have a revolving door of performing right now, rather than protecting their 50mil(bradford). with college ball becoming big business, it is all the same. recruits come in, cant perform transfer, quit, drop out. hell auburn offers a class every year worth credit hours toward a degree that helps them find agents, and handle the draft. i love watching football, but i would say that the product on teh field across the board is going down


    Last time I checked, the Peytons, Bradys and Favres are few and far between, and always have been. This will always be the case as well. This is also why they are considered "great". Very few QBs are legitimately good, and there are even fewer great ones. And its pretty apparant that the quality of players in the NFL is better than ever before. And there are several good QBs that have been taken in the past few years. Great QBs take time to become great, and guys like Rivers, Ryan, Eli and Ben are the future and present of the NFL, and could potentially make the great list. And as far as Vick possibly being MVP, he is now in his 2nd season back, and far from being "fresh out of prison". Not to mention hes only 30, and a former pro bowler and 1st overall choice, with the best QB coach hes ever had. Because a player like Carr and Smith didnt pan out, does not mean caliber of players are going down.


    You are either Ryan Fitzpatrick and trying to convince fans to stop demanding a QB (unlikely) or you just really dont understand the game of football.

  2. i'm going to new york for the weekend and wanted to know the best place to watch the game


    also, i'm going to the sunday nighter (giants at philly)...if anyone has any knowledge, can you let me know the best way to go about getting tickets for the game? i don't want to have to pay an arm and a leg on stubhub


    McFaddens, easily to watch the game. Bills Backer bar in NY, great wing and drink specials, and awesome atmosphere

  3. Its the same system Lopez added Wonderlic to Lewin's observations on Football outsiders and then put hard cut off numbers, that is the evolution that I eluded to earlier.


    JaMarcus Russell passes the 27-60 part so that makes me worried about this rule.


    So JaMarcus was 24-30-60.


    So I'm not really putting too much credence into these "rules" anymore.


    They look like loose guidelines.


    Or Just another tool to help decide between two candidates.

    If Luck comes out in 2011, assuming a good wonderlic which I think everyone would agree he will kill the wonderlic, he'll be 30+ -21!-63ish


    Mallet will be, lets assume Mallet gets a 26 on the wonderlic, 26-30-57!


    Locker would be,lets just assume Locker gets a 26 on the wonderlic, 26-35-57!


    I'd still take Luck first even though he doesn't meet the 27 part of the rule.


    Even if Mallet finishes the last 3 games with 100% completion percentage I don't think he will finish his career above 60% completion percentage.

    Thats news to me.



    I dont put much into these rules either. And for the record, i would take 1 Luck over 3 Lockers, and i share many peoples sentiments about not winning many games. But the talent is there for sure- with him. But if you watched any games this year, Washington is a terrible team. Locker is the only bright spot. The Nebraska game scares me bad, but as a QB you need protection and playmakers to be successful. Locker has neither.


    Time will tell I guess, like always. But I still believe he will be a solid NFL QB. Then again, I also thought Alex Smith would be too :wallbash:


    In the end, its all about the initial coaching/development, and even then its always a crapshoot still

  4. Bell has had a solid season thus far. He appears to be on a path to become one of the premier LT's in the league. As far as the o-line is concerned, we would improve by getting upgrades at center, left guard, and right tackle.


    I wouldnt say hes "On his way to becoming a premiere LT" at all, but has shown improvement. That said, we absolutely should use a top 3 pick on a tackle, for depth reasons as much as anything.

  5. Locker has as much a chance going in the first as Claussen and McCoy had of going in the first.

    As in 0.0% chance.


    If Mallet is there in the 1st, its very possible.


    Locker fails the basic early round QB bust test; which is > 60% completion



    2009- Matt Stafford had only 57.2% career completion percentage, taken 1st overall

    2008- How about Matt Ryan? Well his senior year he regressed from his jr year, he only completed 59.3%. He was also taken 1st overall.

    2007- Jamarcus Russell, well he passed the test, completing over 67% of his passes his senior year! He too was taken 1st overall. He must be destined for GREATNESS!!


    The jury is still out on Stafford, But Id say Matty Ice is pretty good, even though his college stats show hed be an NFL bust.


    Locker will very likely go in the 1st round

  6. Gailey is too smart. He knows he has someone much better than Locker already. Brohm is better, Levi is better and Fitzy is way better


    Locker will be a late round pick, if at all. He is a bad football player


    LOL. Locker is FAR from a bad football player, and will get selected in the 1st round. I hope this was sarcasm...


    Brohm or Brown better than Locker?? Locker may have gone 1st overall last year, and while he hasnt done as well this year as last year, there is no way he falls out of the 1st round. Ill bet he goes top 10. His stock will rise again once the combine starts. He has all the measurables, no doubt. Unlikely Frisco, Arizona and Minnesota all pass on him.


    That being said, I still hope we get Luck, But Locker works fine for me too.

  7. The absolute best thing, unquestionably, would be for this team to finish 8-8 or 7-9. Luck likely isnt gonna come out. The best thing would be to REVERSE THE CULTURE OF LOSING. Think about that for a minute, as a BILLS FAN. It would mean we would end the season on a positive note and we will WIN GAMES. We are Bills fans here right?


    Winning is good people, not losing. I will never root for this team to lose.

  8. he's a Jr, and short, and lefty, and not much of an arm


    Yes hes short, and a lefty, but not much of an arm? I disagree man. ive watched quite a few of his games this year and he seems to have a pretty good arm to me. Hes accurate and a WINNER. I wouldnt mind him at all. He definitely seems to have "It".


    Doesnt matter though, I doubt he comes out this year anyways. But hes definitely in my top 5 right now

  9. I don't know how many of you guys have seen the Georgia Bulldogs play this season, but I see them basically every week. They had some QB issues this past offseason and had to start a freshman QB named Aaron Murray. Mark my words, this kid will be a STAR one day. The reason why I am using him as another opportunity to hack on Mallett is because it's clear as day what one important quality Murray has that is glaringly absent from Drew, Jr. Aaron Murray has more "clutch" in his left nut than Mallett has in his entire lurch-like physique. Murray is mobile, he can make every throw in the book, and he has this team playing far above their talent level. This kid is REALLY just a kid, but he's a total GAMER. When he cleans up some of his mistakes, he'll be one of the best QBs in the nation - I guarantee it!


    If you get a chance to see this kid, check him out. Mallett is a poser. Murray is a GAMER!


    Murray is good I agree, but he has nothing to do with Mallett. And he has a WR named AJ Green- You may have heard of him- Who is an absolute beast, and catches the ball no matter where its thrown.


    And i dont call a 4-5 record clutch either.

  10. As most Bills fans we are looking towards the offseason, with the Oline a major problem I was thinking what everyones take on Cordaro Howard..

    For an Undrafted rookie thats natural position is guard I thought he was impressive. Yes he made some mistakes and wasnt fantastic but he is a rookie and not a tackle. Kept his penalties low and didnt seem to get blown off the ball that often. Now its not just our tackles that have played poorly, we lack some push across the board, Hangartner is average at best, Wood is still playing with some discomfort from his leg injury, Levitre is still young, and Bell is just not a starter in this league. Anyway I was remembering last offseason Gailey had Wood take alot of snaps at Center (his college position) and was wondering if he had Cordaro in mind to eventually take over right guard and move wood to center. I know this wood still leave hole at both tackles but I think he will be a much better guard. I know we are weak at tackle but to start a undrafted rookie Guard there Chan must have wanted to get him on the field somehow. Thoughts?


    I think Bell has actually shown decent improvement the past few weeks. Maybe hes not an all pro, but hes getting better.


    As far as Howard is concerned, hes done OK too, but I think he would be better at guard as well. We still need depth at Oline no question, but I also believe they are finally starting to gel as a unit. Outside of Hangman, the whole line is very very young. I think one more good Tackle taken in the 2011 draft and we might be set on the Oline. You are right, Chan was Howards college coach and knew he was decent enough to start. It shows hes smart and athletic to be able to play both G and T. Probably a depth player realistically in the future, but I wouldnt cringe if he needs to fill in when someone gets hurt in the next few years.

  11. Exactly. What is the downside of this formation? It can't get any worse.


    I actually think that Carrington and Williams will be better at holding the edge than Kelsay and Edwards. The front four I listed are the most talented lineman we have in my opinion. Would love to see them all out there at once.


    I agree that the guys you listed are probably our most talented. But we would have zero pass rush in this scenario. Not that we have much of one now, but this would likely eliminate the little bit we do have.

  12. He said the team needed more "excitement." Is this enough proof for you, or are you thinking that this pick was a well thought, sound football decision?


    I am open for dialogue.


    Chan said he wanted a "waterbug" or Reggie Bush type player (I think waterbug was the word he used) well before the draft. I think that the Spiller pick was mostly Chans call actually. And I agree with another poster in that If I owned a team, and wanted a big time playmaker, I woukd likely be upset if we were 0-7 and said player wasnt getting many touches. All this leads me to the conclusion this was not Ralphies call.

  13. Do we know for sure the Bills had top priority? I keep seeing posts that its last year's record they go by?




    Bills had 1st crack at him. It only goes by last years record until the trade deadline. They didnt put in a claim for him, or he would be wearing red white and blue. like another poster said, I wonder why he was cut. You would think whaley would be able to get some inside info. Maybe he is a 4th rd version of Maybin

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