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Posts posted by Munch

  1. first of all, how do you know that Fitz isn't/couldn't be that QB that GMs die for. He is putting up SICK numbers and is playing well with what everyone thought was a horrible bunch of recievers. He IS the leader in the field on offense and it's clear by how the offense plays around him.


    Second, SD drafted Manning actually, not Rivers and only traded for him because Manning whinned like a little baby and said he would not sign or play for them. I'd also like to point out that Brees was not good at all when they made that trade. He was very quickly being considered a bust and only got his chance to become good when Rivers did t sign and showed up to camp too late.


    And I'd also like to point out that SD lost out on that deal since Brees is a better, more accurate QB than Rivers will ever be. Don't get me wrong, I love Rivers and his attitude, but the fact is that he might NEVER win a big game and Brees has a SB with NO and could do it again the way they have been playing.


    Your points are so far off I want to puke, especially after you just told someone else that they don't know football.



    You on crack? Almost 6,800 51 TDs and 22 INTs the last 2 years before they traded him? Those are SOLID numbers. Similar numbers to that when he started in New Orleans the first 2 years. He's been a solid QB for awhile now. It's just NOW Sean Peyton's created a monster.


    Rivers is JUST as good as Brees. Both are franchise QB's and BOTH franchises made out well in that trade. The difference is that Drew Brees has a better coaching staff around him. Thats it. Sean Peyton is a MUCH MUCH MUCH better coach than Norv. That's it. Philip Rivers is completing 9 yds per throw. That's gotta be tops in the league right now. Last year 8.8. To be completing passes for THAT long with a 65% completion percentage is unbelievable. So I dont actually know what your point is that you're trying to make. But whatever it is. You're WRONG.


    Truthfully, i agree we should take a 1st round QB either way. I like Fitz alot, and think he will/should be starting for this team for the foreseeable future. He likely will only get better with experience, and is still pretty young at 27. But, the best way to find a QB in the NFL, in general, is to let them develop. Even if we get Mallett or Locker in rd 1 and not Luck, giving a good QB time to develop is a good thing. What if Fitz plays great for the rest of this year and next, then pulls a Derek Anderson on us? I dont think he will, but if he does, then were set back another 3 years, again. This is the PERFECT time for us to grab a high round QB. We wont have to throw him to the wolves, let him get up to speed with the pro game. Let him learn to read defenses. Learn behind Fitz. Worst that happens is we have a good insurance policy, and best case scenario is we get a franchise QB. Wouldnt everyone here like that peace of mind? I certainly would. Lets shore up the QB position for years to come. Now is the time to do that. Dont forget too, that competition will help breed success. Having two GOOD Qbs is never going be a bad thing, or hinder your football team, will only help to keep the fire going for both guys. Its been so long since we had good QB play in Buffalo, lets make sure it stays that way for at least as long as its been missing.

  2. I am no fan of Kelsay, because actions speak louder than words, and aside from the last 2 games, he has been terrible at LB.


    But, if he continues to play the way he has been, Id be good with that. Maybe the coaches knew it would take time for him to really make the switch. For now, Ill give them the benefit of the doubt and say they did, because I feel theyve earned it.


    I really hope he continues playing well, but Im not going to put money on it that he does. If he does, that would be one less hole to fill. But Im not holding my breath...

  3. Im not sure if any of you have seen him play, but this kid is Legit. He not only is a beast catching the Ball, But he can Block too. At 6-4 241 lbs, he seems to have all the tools. He can probably be had in the bottom 2nd top of the 3rd rounds as well. I know this team still has plenty of holes to fill, but this kid can be a very good addition.




    He also just looks like a real TE. Nelson hasnt developed the way we were hoping yet (yes he missed a few games, but hes only got 3 catches on the year) and David Martin isnt the answer either. I think Kendricks could help in all phases of the game. If the D shores up a bit over the next few games, I hope they really gives this kid a look. His teammate Gabe Carimi I think looks like the best Tackle in the country too, based on my meaningless observations.


    If the D doesnt get better though, Im not sure hed be the best use of our 2nd/3rd round pick. Thoughts?

  4. Look at it this way: Take Fitz out of that game and put in Trent. Same line, same game plan, same defensive looks. Do we win that game? No. It all starts with the QB. Your team is only as good as your QB. Having one great LT or DB or DE will not win a game for you, but having one great QB may win multiple games for you.


    Name one OL on the Colts or Pats that was an elite player in the past 10 years. Hard to do. Now, name their QB's. There is a reason those teams win. The play of the QB.


    Same goes for the Fitz/Luck threads on TBD. If you have a chance to draft a potential franchise QB......YOU DO IT!


    There is a reason this is debated so heavily. It boils down to needing good OLine play and good QB play. If you are missing one or the other, its very difficult to make it work. Fitz has been GREAT, and the Oline SOLID. Last Year both were bad. Its like the wheels on a bike, if you lose the front tire (Oline), you probably wont get far.


    Unless you are a trick rider, and can do a wheelie (an elite QB).


    Ok maybe that was a bad analogy, but you get the picture. 2 pieces make the puzzle, and you need both to be successful in the NFL.

  5. Curious what the majority of fans are thinking. I've heard some people that wish they'd stopped winning and secure te first round pick. Other fans, like myself, think no matter what they want the bills to win each game.


    6 more baby. Mallett in the middle of the 1st (to sit behind Fitz), a LB in the 2nd and then go DL/Oline the rest of the way. This is Munch's dream scenario.

  6. If nothing else, this season should settle the age-old debate: Is it the QB or the offensive line?


    It should now be clear to anyone with a pair of eyes that QB -- not offensive line -- is far and away the most important piece to the puzzle on any team. I know people think they sound knowledgeable when they say it all comes down to what happens in the trenches, but that's simply not the case.


    A good QB makes up for a lot of deficiencies, including on the o-line. This is largely the same group of linemen we had last year, except for undrafted rookie Wrotto. Yet the line looks light years better this year. The difference, of course, is that we have competent -- and occasionally excellent -- play from the QB this season.


    Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying the line doesn't matter. But a lot of teams excel with sub-par lines because they have very good QBs. The Packers and Colts come to mind. There is greater margin for error on the o-line than at QB. At the end of the day, they are all big, strong, 300+ pound men pushing each other around. Sure, some are better than others, but the gap isn't as great as it is at QB.


    For years I've heard Bills fans excuse piss-poor QB play under the false premise that "no one could throw behind this o-line." If nothing else, Fitzy has proven them wrong.


    Fitzy has been very good, but the O Line looks WAY WAY better than it did last year. Its still not great, but they are light years ahead of last year in pass blocking. Give Fitzy tons of credit too, but the improvement on Offense this year has been on the O as a whole, including the line. And also dont forget the play calling is SLIGHTLY better too...

  7. Fitz has a two game winning streak going and he basically won the game against the Bengals with his arm. Good for him - hey maybe the guy can start every day in the NFL.


    But if Fitz really expects to win the Bills starting job before the draft next April and allow Buddy the luxury of not drafting the best available QB with his number one, then I would demand him to put up over 3,000 yards passing with twice as many TD's then Int's, no matter what record the Bills finally end up with this season. Well, I suppose I should cut him some slack because he did not start until the great Trent Edwards experiement went down in flames. OK then, his final yards would need to be on pace to end up at or over 3,000 over 16 games, and he still would need to have twice the TD passes then Ints.


    I'm really tired of so many posters defending Fitzy every game and starting these "we don't need to draft a franchise QB" after he has a good game. Wait for his entire body of work, and enjoy the wins or get pissed about the wins, whatever your feelings are about getting the number one pick for Andrew Luck. I'm not convinced yet that he will turn his arm into Dan Fout's arm, despite the fact he is determined to turn his face into Dan Fouts' face with that stupid looking beard.


    Everybody likes Fitzy. Everybody wants to see him do well, accept for the number one pick fans, of course. But there's still 6 more games left and 3 are against perhaps the 3 best teams in the NFL right now. Cleveland has improved more then the Bills this season, and the Vikings are never easy to beat in the dome even though they are suffering through a lousy season themselves. That leaves only Miami as a game I might pick as a good chance for Fitz to win. So if he "leads" the Bills to a 1-5-0 finish, he had better have those stats to back up his case to "win" the draft choice of Nix not choosing a QB number one.


    I agree here. I HOPE we finish 8-8 and grab Locker/Mallett. Keep the fire lit under Fitzy, and hopefully we get a good QB we wont need to throw to the wolves. Best case scenario is Fitzy keeps doing well, and we have a real good insurance policy for him. Worst case scenario Fitz pulls a Derek Anderson, and we have another good option.


    Lets shore up the QB position for years to come. Give us fans peace of mind regarding the most important position in sports.


    Heres to Fitz being the franchise QB for the Bills :beer:

  8. After looking at the video again, that was no flop. Had he stumbled backwards and flailed his arms, or even hopped right back up after, I'd say yes. Seymour cold-cocked him and he went down instantly.


    I agree. Remember this is Richard Seymour folks. Also Ben was totally unprepeared for it, and it looks like it went under his facemask.


    Everyone who posted in this topic would have been knocked down as well. This is called a sucker punch. No way he fell down to draw a flag, as this would have been a flag either way

  9. I dont think there is, nor does there have to be a #1 WR. Evans really does get double teamed constantly, which opens up keeps Stevie open constantly. Teams will start realizing they need to double Stevie as well, and you will see Lee start catching more Balls. Thats how it works. Teams w/ a good WR corp spread the ball alot because the D doesnt know who to cover. It seems this is happening to the Bills now.


    What we really need is a Big Time TE to compliment them

  10. I still think we should draft a 1st round QB. Im just afraid Fitzy may pull a Derek Anderson on us. Id bet people in Cleveland thought their QB woes were gone a few years back. At the worst, It creates competition, which will improve QB play as a whole. At best, you get the "Franchise" QB we havent had since Jimbo. Fitzy is playing very very well right now, so take out an insurance policy on him. That way the Rook can sit and develop. We are in the best position weve been in in years to draft a 1st rd QB, cause he wont be thrown to the wolves.


    Hopefully we finish 8-8, grab Mallett or Locker, and let him sit behind Fitz. :thumbsup:

  11. While I too am on the Fitzy Bandwagon, I still think we should draft a 1st round QB. Im just afraid he will pull a Derek Anderson on us. Id bet people in Cleveland thought their QB woes were gone a few years back. At the worst, It creates competition, which will improve QB play as a whole. At best, you get the "Franchise" QB we havent had since Jimbo. Remember too that Chan does work miracles w/ his QBs. Not at all saying Fitzy isnt good, but a its much better to have a QB competition Brees/Rivers style than an Edwards/Losman one. Worst that happens w/ drafting one is a good Insurance policy/developmental guy.


    Fitzy is playing like an All-Pro right now. Keep that fire lit by drafting another guy, and give us fans peace of mind for a while regarding the most important position in sports.



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