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Posts posted by bmur66

  1. No weeping here. Bledsoe was the one literally weeping after that game. I think it was the worst game he ever played. If they couldn't beat the Steelers 3rd string then they had no business being in the playoffs anyways. But man, that was a defense. I sure wish they had that defense a few years earlier.

  2. OK... Linebackers are a glaring weakness. However, they are not the biggest single need on defense. If you are running a 3-4 and want one that can't be moved on easily, you MUST have a big fat nasty NT. The Bills don't have one. It's not a knock on Kyle williams... OK he's nasty, but at NT 1 out of three is bad (not big & fat enough). Get a big fat nasty NT and slide Williams over to DE... then he'll be be big and nasty... and you don't want the fat at DE.

    Isn't that what Troup was drafted for? Maybe next year he will grow into the position.
  3. No sour grapes here but I have point out a couple things I noticed. On several pass plays I think the Stealers could have been called for illegal contact for hitting recievers before the ball got there. The dude trying to block Kevin Williams must have post traumatic syndrome today. Did the refs just give up on calling penalties against him. On every play I saw some kind of illegal move. Hands to the face. Tackling by the helmet............

    Anyone concur or not agree?

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